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Habib Yahya

A member registered May 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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thank you so much for your comment!

yes there are many things that can be improved or revealed more in the story. maybe in the future (?)

glad you enjoy our game!

thank you for your comments!

for the animation part it's just a thing that we sacrifice in this 48 hours jam, can be better for the next time.

thank you for your opinion. in our head VN is we choose the character action, while in this game we only interpret what is currently happening in the story, if you feel that way maybe because our skill in writing is not that good. we will try to improve.


thanks mate!

Even before level 10, I've already been thinking "wow, there's a lot of content here" Amazing entry!

My brain shut down seeing level 5, but it was enjoyable nonetheless

Thank you! 

and Congratulations! ... But we all know they're probably going back down soon, let's be honest.

Appreciate the kind comment! That was definitely the vibe we were going for. Glad it worked for you

ah hah. more like the details are kept vague because none of us really draw and it already takes us a long time to draw in this simple style lol. 

But we're extremely pleased it turned out just well enough for you to think that. Thank you for the nice comment!

Thank you for the kind words!

Thank you very much! Of course, we think it's high praise, coming from you. And We're surprised that it took this long for someone to mention Mutazione because let's be honest, the art style probably reminded you quite a bit of it. But yeah we both aren't artist and don't  really draw at all, so we had to find a simple art style that we can attempt to replicate. But we're really glad to see that a lot of people seem to like it. 

And yeah, it's a real bummer for us too. But it takes a long time for us to draw the assets (hey, what do you know, drawing ain't easy!). And by early day 2, we knew that we weren't gonna be able to finish our story outline. But instead of rewriting to reduce the scale, we decided to just go as far as we could.

Regardless, glad you liked it and thanks for playing!

Clever idea! Definitely a concept that can be expanded on in many ways

Everyone's already saying it, but the art is immensely good! Also the amount of writing this must've needed within 48 hours... amazing

Very fun!

thank you mate, glad you enjoyed it

great concept! nice idea of the zombie moving mechanic

Oh heyy same idea same title lol. Love the art, the environment, the composition, the post-processing, everything. Love it. Also you have  a great voice!

Really enjoyed the mechanic of having to keep the speed up!

Cool idea! Really smooth UI and animations. Also maybe it's just me but I'd consider it's a win making the user touch grass 

Very fun! I'd definitely hate playing me as the boss

We had very similar idea but had to commend you because we have nowhere near the amount of content you created

Really love the art in this. We had similar idea of playing as the narrator but very different approaches. Very interesting. 

We had similar initial ideas but ended up on wildly different results. Very Interesting. Also the dance move choice is hillarious

We had similar ideas but different approaches. Very interesting

Heey... similar idea!

Heey we had the same idea of becoming the narrator but took wildly different approaches. great fun!

You definitely win the best pun of the jam. Also great idea and presentation!

great concept and implementation! Soo many more mechanics that you can subvert. Definitely interested if you guys are gonna develop it further

great presentation! cute art and nice polish

Great presentation! Also love the title

Insanely good presentation! Love the attention to detail as well. The little animations, the music speed up, etc. Love it

Oh snap! most of the enemy-instead-of-heroes game has mostly been about killing the hero. Really love the idea of trying to make it be balanced. Even though right now there isn't really a reason for us to just slow feed the enemy to be safe, I'm sure you already have ideas to mitigate that. Very clever indeed! 

amazing presentation! don't know why but I particularly enjoyed the little bump on the vehicles stack and smooth acceleration

very creative and funny way to explore the theme! love every bit of the game types

great idea! would be a great "action" puzzle game! but rn the wind can complete every level by making the player just stops for a few seconds

holy! loving the art! and the production value of this game is that of a released game! nice

holy, nice take on the theme and great work creating 3 different games mate!

loved it!

nice idea! i love the little things you put like the face cam, nice little details.

it's hard for a single dog to take care of two humans.

but love the game!

nice idea! when I played it, I thought that what if it becomes vampire survivor style so one time you become the player, sometimes you need to kill the player.

some things I can say is that because the player get blocked by the enemy it makes me stuck in hordes of enemy and can't move. 

it is really refreshing where the majority of the game is only me becoming the "demon lord" in this jam, while you made it that we keep switching. great work!