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A member registered Oct 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your feedback! I am glad you enjoyed it :)

That's great to hear, thank you and thanks for playing. I am glad you liked it enough to want more and I plan to make more! I was considering adding levels for myself, but it seems other people would like it too. I'll be separating them into difficulties and expanding the games music too! Just gotta finish this other jam I am doing right now and I'll work on this game again.

Also, just takes practice to be faster ;)

Thank you for playing and for your feedback! I would love to expand it into a few easy-med-hard difficulties in the near future, it seems a lot of people, myself included, want to play more levels :) I think doing it that way, and having a few separate leaderboards, would be the best approach.

Thanks for feedback! I am thrilled you've enjoyed the game that much that you've returned :) I also keep going back to play. It's actually because of you I got my first sub 40 run, I thought it was possible for sure I just had no motivation to try when I was just playing against my own time, so thanks for that as well.

Thanks so much for your feedback, that is all great to hear and super encouraging :)

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I loved this one, thanks for making it. The world building is really nice, I don't need to know what a gunker is or why this guy can fly, it just works. There is definitely a strategy to it, the mechanics are all fleshed out nicely. My time was 17m48s. Fits the theme well and I had a lot of fun playing this one.

Edit: I wanted to mention the animations were awesome, great job on those

Fun game, I love the player character, very cute. I really like the idea that the laser controls the player when you're in zero gravity, it was pretty difficult to get the hang of though. I got a bit dizzy trying to fit through doors and I couldnt get past the 2nd red spiky dude. Great atmosphere and made me want more so good job!

Very fun to play around with and figure out, the art style is really unique and I like the way the automation works. Yes it can be done manually as I saw someone pointed out, but it is much more enjoyable to try and get the level beat by automation. Great work! Thanks for making this one I enjoyed it.

Great game! I really enjoyed this one. It was just frustrating enough to keep me going lol. I had a final time of just over 30 minutes, which is fine by me. I loved the art and sound design as well. Once you get used to the mechanics of controlling the character you really start to progress. I did get knocked back into another room at one point, where I immediately ran into spikes. This caused me to have to restart the previous room, which took a bit of the fun out of it for me. I liked that some of the levels blocked off when you entered a new one which prevented this issue. Awesome job though overall and the "let's gooo" at the end made me laugh, thought I'd mention that lol

I liked the sound design and art a lot, they gave this game great atmospheric qualities. I also really liked that the player was not in control of the change in gravity, that was an interesting and fun take on the prompt. One thing I noticed is that the checkpoints did not always trigger for me, specifically the square platform after the zigzag and 2 narrow vertical platforms. I played the browser version on Firefox. Great stuff, keep making games :)

This was a lot of fun to play, I love the arcade vibe, the "GAME. OVAH" was great lol. I think a subtle line extending from the player, like half transparent and thin, could help with aim a lot. But it really isnt that necessary because the controls dont take too long to get used to. Nice game! Keep making stuff.

Great atmosphere and fun to play, I had a bit of a hard time seeing where to go at first but I feel like I was able to adapt my vision after resetting a few times and it was a lot easier as I kept playing. Love the concept and fits the theme well. Keep it up!

I am using a QWERTY keyboard, the issue only happens when I press CTRL to go down and W to go forward at the same time, it closes my browser lol. But it doesn't happen when I play the downloadable version, I did check that just now.

Thanks for playing, and that's a pretty good time, nice job! 

Thanks for the feedback! I wanted the challenge to be against the leaderboard and yourself, to see how fast it could be done. But I do agree I could add more variety for sure. I didn't want to over scope and end up with a buggy mess, but I had so much fun working on this game I will probably keep developing it now. Thanks again, "elegant" is  great to hear.

Appreciate your feedback, and great time! The short length allowed me to playtest a lot, I've gotten pretty fast but haven't gotten sub 40 yet, so your time is pretty good. Thanks for playing :)

Thank you! Speed and simplicity is what I was going for.

Fun game, I like the little robot it's very cute. Neat idea making both exits work! Just an fyi, it doesn't run very well on Firefox but when I loaded it in Chromium it ran smoothly. Nice work, keep making games!

I like the concept a lot, and the art/music combo works great. I wish the screen scrolled a little bit sooner, I couldnt get the hang of the autodash from flipping gravity enough to be able to control where I was going when I couldn't see it either (the pink area is where I had a lot of trouble). I really liked playing though, it reminds me of a snes game but has that punchy fast sonic vibe.

Fun little game! I really appreciate that the asteroids just slow you down and you can decide when to restart. It gave the game a much nicer atmosphere than "the main mechanic is you die the moment you touch something". The lander/spaceship was also very cute and simply done. Keep making stuff!

This is an awesome concept, I really like the art style too. It was fun and I can really imagine this as a fully fleshed out game. Great job!

I agree that the controls are take some getting used to, but they are pretty fun when you get the hang of it. Nice job, I really liked this game. It's got some really unique and interesting mechanics. I really liked the little fluttering of the bat the most :)

This is a beautiful game, I like it a lot. I am very poor at it, but that didn't affect your rating ;) I did Ctrl+W out of my tab accidentally first time playing but I dont think this would be an issue on the desktop version. Great job! I had a lot of fun

Fun game! Kept me playing for a long time. I liked the fact each planet had its own gravity strength, and the rocket animation was fun. I liked being able to reset quickly although I accidentally hit T on the blue planet and it fully reset me, so I didn't finish.

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The concept is great and I love the music. The character was a bit difficult to control but the Q to quack feature was an excellent addition that made up for that lol. Good job!

Edit to mention I couldn't open the game on Firefox and had to use Chromium, just an FYI, it worked fine on the other browser

I really like the concept you have here, I think some work is needed to smoothen controlling the objects and I think it's a bit buggy I had to keep restarting when the soda just wouldnt dispense, on any gravity level, but the atmosphere fun and silly and i did enjoy it! Good game

Great game! Loved the art style and the music was charming. The gravity mechanic took a little bit to get used to control, I restarted quite a bit. But it was just challenging enough to control to keep me playing.

Very cute, I love the little world you created. The music is a little quiet compared to the sound effects, and I thought I had lost the level at first when I had actually progressed, because you start a new level in the same way you respawn on death. I really liked the idea of the slowly draining light, it gave the game a nice atmosphere. Great job overall, keep it up! :)

When the music started I thought "ah nice vibe, relaxing game incoming". There was not much relaxing happening in this game, it was suddenly very intense - and I loved every second of it! 

Very well done, I wanted to keep playing just to keep looking at all the details. Thank you for making this game. 

I was going to comment the same thing! Its more like 'landing' to try again rather than falling

This was a really interesting take on the limitation and I enjoyed playing! I think it would be interesting to see if you could manually drink another potion, letting the effects stack for a short time where their durations overlap. Great game,  it kept me hitting restart until I got it right!

I enjoyed this one, nice work! Just a tip for pixel art in Unity: setting the filter mode to point when importing your art can fix the blurriness of your sprites.

Great job, it really made me think about strategy and was fun to play :)

Nice sound design, definitely fun to play! My highscore was 128, not sure if that is any good but I couldn't get any higher lol. I think it would be interesting to see how this game would work if the shrinking box coordinated with a higher tempo beat, and you had to hit the keys on beat like a rhythm game. Great work, keep making stuff!

I liked your take on the prompt with the candles only lasting a limited time, and it certainly spooked me when the enemies came flying at me fast. I'd like to suggest that maybe slowing the enemy and player speeds both down would give a little more time to react. It is much more enticing to play when the difficulty comes from lack of skill rather than difficult mechanics, it encourages playing more to get better. I did not know the candles ran out for quite a few tries because the enemies were so quick I died before the candles burnt out. Nice work though, keep it up!

Thank you for the feedback! Our team was multinational and it was our first time working together, we lost a lot of time due to communication and timezone conflicts. Appreciate your time :)

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I enjoyed this one! It's fun and looks great too.  The minimalistic art style is really nice, love the main character.

I also can't run the game, windows user.

Absolutely beautiful game, great work. I did not expect that emotional journey this morning, thanks for making this!