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A member registered Aug 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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hell yeah

i just threw a shit ton of knives on the walls for protection

i can finally go to my peaceful slumber and rest


oh and theres a couple of points on the map visually empty but you cant step there, but thatd be nitpicking

great verticality and character upgrade system, also liked the enter the gungeon-type entrance

combat and the dungeon shape could use some polishing, maybe guide the player a bit more using the environment (ngl was getting confused at times but could be just me) but otherwise had nice visuals and was nice overall, good job participating

yeah probably something like an unlocking step-by-step map would be a nice addition

thanks for playing and feedback!

yeah, a minecraft-style crafting system would probably be more intuitive, thanks for the feedback!

thanks for the feedback! honestly the kill thing could also be because monsters actually do a turn when you rotate
basically it was a quick dirty fix to getting softlocked when a monster pushes you into a corner so that you can actually die
i think armor is a nice idea

we though about minecraft-style crafting for a more intuitive approach but didnt have time to implement it
thanks for the feedback!

(3 edits)

we need just a lil guy who can draw some sprites. perhaps make a couple models? were a team of 2 beginners in the gamejam sense. 

you can check out my games at (im gonna be a producer but could do coding for the project as well)

p.s. shoot me a dm on discord - krengdroid

sent a request

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btw, i had a try at a couple of procedural mesh generation projects so it could be an infinite game or something? that could be cool

hey if you guys still have space id like to join

im a producer and a unity dev

discord is krengdroid, like the username here

thankss! i luv enter the gungeon btw


heyy, good job! thoo i think its a lil too stiff rn, you could remove the indication of weaknesses and what the cards target and let the user understand that through text. then, you could make the amount of damage higher so you dont always know exactly what card to play but when you get it right, its a big chunk of health taken

well anyway only redditors would rate this low cuz the storyline is funny af

heey, nice job, like the leaderboard, it could benefit from more sounds, music and a lil better leaderboard ui tho

okiee nice work i like the graphics and the fact that the menu is a lil level itself, sfx are a lil goofy tho still good job

controls are a lil clunky but otherwise its good, especially the sounds

cute graphics, the controls are a lil clunky tho

the story and voice acting are real good, was a lil confused but still real good job yall 

mann im sorry but i gotta be honest its really beginner level

heres a few things you could do:

- create or generate a pallet of colors for the art, then draw using those (theres free generators like

- make all of the textures with the amount of pixels proportionate to the size of the object you have in mind

- look up pixel perfect art in unity (or heres one nice video

- make smoother controls (something like this

from there just watch some tutorials like brackeys and most importantly experiment

good job joining the jam tho, continue working and youll get even better

gotta admit, spend a lil too much time playing it

crazy addictive, the perks make it pop 

thats really good, i spend a lil too long on the fish, the game feels amazing tho good job

this is fkin amazing, the amount of work is insane

its got sum small bugs but i definitely can see why, great job guys

the puzzles go crazy, tho it could benefit from sounds and maybe some better graphics well good job anyway

(unity postprocessing is like really easy and fast to set up try it out)

aesthetic and concept are real good though i think there are some bugs well anyway nice job

hehe thanku ye i have the depth thing which is how many times u find the shrine in a run but counting the rooms cleared could be cool too


wwooooow this is great like everything is satisfying and really flowy and you get the hang of it quick

i really luv it

ohh maan this is crazy satisfying

and i really like the procedural generation im a lil obsessed over randomized things too

(3 edits)

dam thats real cute, but yea a lil too hard got to the 7th wave and got obliterated i still like it a lot tho

maybe sum like a dash mechanic or sum else to complement the first ability would be good

you know its bad when its not winter but your willy is already chilly... but ye seriously the games real cool sad that you got so late

(heres mine btw

thanku!! ye i thought it was kinda difficult but i didnt know whether it is cuz im bad or cuz its too hard

good god this is great bro, the amount of weapons for 3 days is crazyy, real nice job luv it

amazing idea man i like it only thing is difficulty curve got me badd

u could have less monsters but type out words instead of letters and the words get longer over time? well im only giving ideas anyway u do u the game is good

the whole aesthetic is crazy cute my guy, props for the leaderboard too

i guess the ui could be a lil better but still real good job i luv it


oh sorry i aint mean it like that, i just didnt understand what im supposed to do

i tried again and won now, concept is fire, wish you explained it somewhere tho