You game is really fun! The only thing I had some problems with was differentiating the slime/fish from the background. I suggest you brighten the colours of the grass and beach a little bit so the slime stands out more.
Surpisingly difficult, a very neat idea! I already loved the vibe just looking at the menu screen hahah. I got confused a lot due to the controls, but that was part of the fun. Good job!
I couldn't do anything properly, and yet enjoyed just waving the hands and throwing pancakes everywhere. You did such a good job with the audio-visual aspect as well.
I loved the idea, but I think your game would benefit from changing the controls a little bit. Maybe it was just me, but I confused spacebar with jump soo many times.
Very clever idea, and fits the theme well. I must admit, the first levels could be a little bit easier just so the player can get used to the controls.
Your game is so pretty! I really liked the idea, too, unfortunately, I couldn't progress too much because the controls were a bit wonky (and I suck at platformers).
There was not a lot to do while the human was standing (I'd love to see more mechanics, perhaps in the future?), but it's a nice idea, and an adorable one. Good job!
Thank you so much! I don't really like making low-poly stuff, but it was obviously the fastest to make in two days. And thanks for the ideas, we'll think about it!