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Jakub Slezáček

A member registered Feb 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Great! It's easy to understand and it's fun. If I should pinpoint the one thing, that bothered me the most, it is the way of restarting the level. The gameplay is super fast. Make also the restarting fast.


I liked the most the Gift rain mode. The gameplay is fast and it is clear what and where to deliver and the timing of packages is well-balanced. I really enjoyed it!

I did not enjoy the other two modes as much. As the whole map is not visible, you don't know, where to deliver packages, or even where are some packages. Also, the time to deliver is quite short. I think, there are two different solutions. In one, the player doesn't have to remember anything. In this case, show the player directions to packages and to receivers (e.g. arrows on the screen borders). Another option is to not show the directions. In this case, the player must have enough time to memorize (ideally one color at a time) the locations of animals.


I must say that the graphics and the audio go really well together. I tried to replay the game several times, but did not figure out, what is the correct passport code.


Yeh, the static map makes the game a little bit boring. I hope to introduce changing map for endless mode and a challenge mode with predefined waves and map layout. I also want to try an option, where the player would throw obstacles behind him and the obstacles would break after being hit by a snake.

Hello, thanks for the feedback! Yes, the jump is usually your best friend. Even though the controls are very simple and in my opinion intuitive, I should introduce them better, when the player plays the game for the first time... About the sounds - I agree :D When I was playtesting the game for the last time, I swap the sounds from even more "offensive" sound, so I thought it was OK. But now I see, that it is still too much.

Hello, thanks for feedback! I hope to add more leveles or one level with changing layout in the future. Or maybe both :) 


cool idea. I would add more rounds to the game - you would probably need to strategize more and at least for me, it would be more fun.


what a game. I really like the idea, mechanics, and visuals. The idea of cards is really cool. I was actually playing it for quite a long time and I enjoyed it, although I was not able to completely finish it.

A few things, that would make the game even more enjoyable for me:

  • It takes a lot of time to understand the mechanics. Even with the tutorial, it took me several runs to fully understand, what is going on. Especially with fighting. The fighting mechanic is very interesting, but it took me a long time to figure out, what is going on and what each number means. I think, that the best way would be a step-by-step fighting tutorial at the beginning of the game (e.g. the player collects things from the trees, always gets something useful for fighting, and is forced to fight with one easy zombie).
  • There are a lot of things inside the inventory, but the order of some items looks quite random to me. 1. is there really a need for so many different items? (I guess, it makes the game more interesting) 2. If so, why not show only items, that are inside the inventory?
  • When I have the inventory open and I click inside the map, I would expect the inventory to close.
  • I had a hard time figuring out, which key to press to move in some cases (usually the diagonals).

One last question - do the explore and map buttons do anything?

I hope to get back to this game when I have more time :)

Hi, this is very nice and interesting game. I really like the mechanics. Also the amount and quality of puzzles is great. 

I found some puzzles really hard and I was not able to solve some of them. I would consider this as positive aspect in later levels, but this should not happen, when the new mechanic is introduced. These first levels should be as simple and as straight forward as possible.

Also adding some "picture tutorial" for individual mechanics would help to get going faster. I was sometimes confused at the beginnig, how the mechanics work or what am I able or not able to do.

Nice looking and fun! I like the tutorial at the begining. 

Is the game suposed to be unplayable from the day three or is that a  difficulty curve bug?

Nice game, but how does the game aply to the three button limitation? 

This is fun! I think, if you extended the game (eg. some other map), this could be nice mobile game.

The only think is, that I could not get from the death screen. I tried to press many different buttons, but only the selection moved up and down, so I had to reload the page to play again... 

Super nice! The game is nice to play, and the graphics and music fits together with the game play perfectly.

I would maybe move the stats (how many of each items have you collected) to the left above the buttons to press, so I can watch both how much I have and what do I need to press.

Wow, these are some inovative controls. It's interesting and fun to play with :)

It's a pitty, that your only goal is to reach the sun. I think, that with this clever control system, you could make twisty track, and maybe collect some points or something like that. I imagine something like Subway Surfers, but with much more interesting controls.

Good! It's fun to play. It's greate, that you can choose different settings and different modes. Only thing I am missing is progressive difficulty. For example, the cookies could go faster and faster as you play :)

Nice! The idea of cyclcling actions on each button is interesting mechanic and has potential to add more different attacks and movements.

I would maybe mix some inputs from firts and second iteration, as I found sometimes imposible to escape enemies with the move controls, while I got stuck in the corner with the attack controls.  

Nice game. I like the idea of the "attack strength" cycle and how wrong attacks change enemies into different ones. I guess if you gradually introduced individual attacks and enemies to the player, you could add more types of enemies and combinations. It would be then like these "combine elements and get new" games, but with attacking :D

I was always confused with the controls. I wanted to join two attacks, but I turned or vice versa. I think splitting turning controls from attack controls would help a lot, but that was not possible in the jam...

Nice, addictive game. I played it for nearly three quarters of an hour :D 

Thank you for your feedback! 

Rocks in the river are one of the rushed features. I wanted to add a reset button combination, so a player can unstuck themselves but I forgot about it completly... I hope this does not happen often.

Nice game! I wonder where you got the idea for it :D Also great use of theme :)

The only thing is that I find the game too easy. Yes, it starts as relaxing, but after some time, it becomes boring. I guess that might be because I spent too much time playing Kerbal Space Program, and the controls are easy for me.

Oh, now I was able to clear few lines :)

I want to experiment with this a little bit more. Using silhouettes is good idea and should help at least a little bit :) 

Thanks for your feedback and idea. 

Wow, super fun. Sounds and music and visuals fit together very well. I had to try again and again until I got 50.

I think fullscreen should work. Or just use WSAD instead of arrows. This should also fix the problem :)

I admire your choice of tools. Not the easiest way. But that is unfortunately not rated. The game itself is quite unplayable, because it is very hard to see, where you are putting the blocks and how are rotated. I thing that moving the camera would help a lot.

I like like the gameplay. I can imagine myself playing this game for several hours :D I hope to see more levels.  Also like the graphics, but I would add something to indicate open door. Appearing doors in the second anchor part were confusing at first.  

And the menu - I was trying to click the playbutton with the mouse. I thought that you can't play the game at all.

Nice little game. 

I like the controls - maybe a little bit challanging, but make the game fun.

I had a problem with controlling the game though. Arrows also scroll the page up and down, so I had to scroll back to see the game. 

Thanks for your feedback!

...the screen becomes a bit messy in later levels...

I totaly agreewith that. Unfortunetly this problem become apparent to late to fix.

...you need a way to show level progression...

Good point, I didn't think about that.

Hey, nice prototype :) 

I like the idea and  the fish on the legs is so funny. It's unfortunate, that you didn't have more time.

I think that this game could become a fun little game.

Some suggestions, if you want to finish the game:

  • Color of the fish  is quite similar to some parts of the water. I would make the fish more visible.
  • I would place the controls at one place.
  • You should somehow  higlilght, that player is running out of time. Add flashing or change of color or something like that for last few seconds.
  • Add sounds - both for your fish and for you timer. It might not look like that important, but it makes a big difference at the end.

I hope, you'll finish the game :)

Wow, this reminds me of one very old game called Vlak (Train). I have no idea, if it's known outside of the Czech Republic. The gameplay is essentially the same but you control the train. :) 

Good game, but the levels were to easy for me. Adding more challanging levels would be cool.

I am adding link to the web port of the mentioned game. The web is in the czech, but you will figure out what to do :) https://www.retrogames.cz/play_487-DOS.php

Nice art :) Other then that, there is nothing special. I think, you could made much more interesting levels with there and back theme. Also it would be nice, if I could get back to menu from the level :D

Unfortunately I don't have anyone to play with me right now, but I will come back as soon as I have somebody. This looks like great fun :)

It took a bit of time to find out you have to press enter to start. Better would be if you could start by pressing arrows keys immediately.  Also it would be cool if you would not have to press enter key every time, only when you want to end turn before using all your moves.

Really? There should be always at least three places with them. I have to do more testing to balance the numbers. One week is not enough time for such a game :(

(2 edits)

Well, I haven't seen anything like that yet. I think this could become a good mobile game if you improve some things :)

Few notes:

  • It would be cool, if the camera zoomed out and back  depending on your distance to the middle.
  • The timer should tick down and not up so the player knows, how much time he has.
  • It looks like coins spawn on predefined locations - I had the coin 4 times at the same location - make it random.
  • The music gets annoying very quickly :p 
  • I would add some line, that would indicate, how high is the coin, it can be quite tricky to judge, how high should you go (something like in the picture) :)

Wow, nice game :) I think if you were able to control the Robitin also during the time magnet is on, it would open some interesting level posibilities. For example you would have to use the magnet to get somewhere by utilizating it's power :) 

You wouldn't be sad if you were cloused in hag's hut and you had to collect flowers for her everyday? :D 

Interesting movement mechanics :) I think they could be utilized more - some places where it's harder to get and you have to know how to move... Also I would rather see some goal to the game. I din't find collecting all the stars entertaining for a long time...

Well, a very short game :D Try to add different levels or some other  game mechanics - maybe you could then play golf with collected balls or something like that ;)

This looks like great idea, but there is something missing to make the game interesting.  It's easy to get a lot of parts at the start and then you have a car that can get easylli to the end. Also there is something wrong with the blue wheel - physics went quite crazy :D 

And the problem with the game not loading up in the browser - go to project settings -> player -> in the WebGL settings find publish settings tab - the last one - and you have to switch compression format to disabled. I had the same problem...

(2 edits)

Great idea! But I would make the game more chalanging. It's very easy to collect 15 apples and it became boring soon.  It would be cool if you saw how many aples are there based on the sprite instead of writing it down. 

Also the problem with the jittery movement - I think you change position but you should change velocity of the rigid body instead and unity will figure out what to do :)