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A member registered Apr 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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It's great that there is another game with darker theme on the jam. It was also really fun.

This was an interesting twist on tower defense games. At first I didn't know how to give the cards to the bot, I tried dragging them, some highlighting would work. For some reason the bot kept putting towers on the right side almost ignoring the left one, I almost lost and I needed to use all the lights to place some towers there. The last wowie sound effect was perfect.

The game and the concept are interesting. Boxes often fall leaving small holes, so from some directions you can't walk on them.

There could be some ingame instruction about the controls and objectives, but once I figured out what to do it was great.

The game was really fun and reminded me of Carcassonne. The AI seems to place tiles completely randomly. It would be much better if it would at least follow some pattern, like it would be greedy going for the most possible taxes with one move, but not thinking ahead, or any goofy pattern, just something somewhat predictable.

The concept of playing a cat and destroying thing is amazing. It looks great. I failed to get to some high places, but it was still fun.

The game was great overall. My only problem is that slimes are really annoying. I get it that they should be easy since they don't hunt the player, but it's really hard to shoot them. Instead of random movement, they could follow some predefined pattern, like going in circle or along a line.

I really liked the art style, those octopuses are cute. It was hard to read the text. The game window kept resizing.

I was surprised too when at the end I exported the text to a Word document to check the spelling and it was 6 pages with default character size. Anyway, it was meant to be mostly text-based.

The game and the main mechanic was really well done. It was a bit hard for me, I could only finish the first two levels. The web version didn't have sound, the download version didn't like my screen resolution, so I played the web version then listened to the cool music a bit.

That was a really cool way to implement the theme! As an ability with cooldown, I expected the AI to be a bit stronger, I still used it when I could. It was a bit buggy though, I got stuck at the laser gates and similar.

The characters looked really cute. The control info at the beginning was more confusing than helpful. Since jumping wasn't listed, I thought for a while that I can only rely on levitation.

Really cool game. I don't think I have seen any 3D coding games until this.

This has a good base idea, and looks good for a game jam, but I wish it was a bit more focused with a smaller map. Five towers was too much, especially since they looked the same. I couldn't observe my AI friend because it was at a completely different place. Zombies could run in packs, it was hard to hit them one by one.

This was a fast and simple game. The killer was a bit strange, not really evil and surprisingly cooperative.

Cute and chill game. I wish there was a counter about how much fish I have, I like watching numbers getting big.

The herding idea is really unique. However, it's not very intuitive, I had to read the description, for the first three round I though the drones move just randomly and I killed the slimes myself.

The game is cool, it's unfortunate you had problems uploading. Sometimes I couldn't see stuff at the edges of the screen.

It is amazing that it was done in 15 hours. But what the robots do with the ice cream? Do they eat it somehow themselves? Do they give it to humans? To duck? Do they use them to torture diabetic people? There is a massive plot hole there.

It was a cute game, especially the music. Unfortunately, I couldn't see the results in full, the game didn't like my screen resolution.

I informed the wife that her husband is dead, she replied "No...", I replied "Yes", she no longer answered me, one of the best games I played during the jam so far. The characters vocabulary was a bit lacking, but I could still get almost everything out of them.

I really like the concept of the game. However, I couldn't get very far, because the bot seems to often ignore the box and even push it away.

That nitpicking person will be me if you comment here or bellow my game. I would highly appreciate if you would rate mine too.

(Don't worry, I just try to give polite constructive criticism.)


It has a cool and interesting concept. I sometimes considered not picking up skulls because I liked the current ability and didn't want to switch.

Here is mine, I checked out yours. https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-4/rate/1661725

I enjoyed it overall, but I am not sure how it fits the theme.

Simple and fun game! The bot navigating part was a bit hard though.

The music was really nice (while I needed to turn the volume all the way up to hear it).

I feel like the gunners are overpowered. It doesn't worth it to use attacker and exploders, especially together.

This is mine, have fun https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-4/rate/1661725

It was really fun.  The story in the description was hilarious, but I almost didn't find it, because it's not in the game itself. Unfortunately, you forgot to include the .pck file or I messed up something and the executable didn't run, so I could only play by downloading the source and running it with Godot.

It was a bit too slow for me. The little wait time when picking up the sword was really annoying. I think instead of punishing the player for not directly catching it, it would be cooler to reward them for catching it, like with a power up on the next throw or something.

I am already working on game, but I got another idea. Basically a point and click adventure, but the player can't click directly on the items. The main character would turn to the screen and ask "Do you see X somewhere?" (similarly to Dora the Explorer). The player would need to shout "X is on your left!" or similar. In reality it wouldn't have a voice recognition, it would only check the loudness. If the player isn't enough loud, the main character would say "I can't hear you!", otherwise it would point to another location and ask "Here?" and the player is expected to shout "No, there!". The player would need to repeat 2 or 3 times, until he finally finds the item and can move on.