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A member registered May 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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There was a lot more planned for using dice in the game that we just didn't have time to implement. I hope we get to complete more of it. 

Very neat concept. I loved your twist on rolling dice. The individual party members didn't seem to have many differences from each other but there are a lot of possibilities here.

Really fun concept. I think there was a lot of untapped potential here. The game is fun but a bit to easy to win early on. What some of the options do isn't clear. Just the same I had a good time trying it out!

Interesting concept. Not easy to figure out without instructions--even instructions on the game page would help. Kinda fun to play. Would be interesting if you could reroll your weapon and there were4 different weapons for different situations.

I found this game very puzzling, but that may just be me. I was never sure which buttons would rotate the die which way. This made it very hard to control and thus be successful at the game. Unfortunately, I didn't think the game had enough going on for me to really sit down and master the gameplay. It's an amazing effort and well-presented, just not my kind of game and not the easiest to figure out. A lot of these issues could probably be resolved with a tutorial on how to roll the die and match the upcoming face.

Really fun! The control scheme was a little tricky for me to get the hang of. I would like to see that tweaked to be at least a little more player-input-dependent and a little less physics-based. Rampaging through the arenas was fun. Some of the enemies needed a lot of precision to take down, and I think the game would be more enjoyable with more direct control and/or bigger hitboxes on the enemies. Either way, this is a really fun prototype and definitely something I would play more of.

A cooldown on dice is definitely something for us to consider in upcoming iterations! Thanks for the suggestion.

Well hopefully you'll get to see it as we continue to flesh out our prototype!

Very unfortunate. Luckily many of us are planning on continuing with this project and we'll hopefully get to see it through to the project we envisioned when we first designed it on Friday.

This game is aesthetically and mechanically so much fun! Really awesome for a jam game. I would have liked the gameplay to be a little bit faster paced, but that's more of a personal preference. Really awesome game.

The graphics style, music, and the movement of the dice really make this game work. Sadly the player controls are incredibly tricky to handle which did make the game less fun for me. But honestly this is a really cool start.

The graphics style, music, and the movement of the dice really make this game work. Sadly the player controls are incredibly tricky to handle which did make the game less fun for me. But honestly this is a really cool start.

One hundred percent. Our art team came through big time with this game. I'm hoping we continue building it out into what we all hoped we could do for the jam. Maybe even more. Who knows.

We definitely overreached. There were a lot of assets and fully programmed systems that went unused. But a bunch of us are still wanting to continue work on this game so hopefully we'll see more of the great ideas from our design team, great coding from our programming team, and great assets from our art team realized in the near future. Super proud of what we accomplished. Thanks for reviewing! 

I played through once, and thought, "This is okay." But when I read the message about the gameplay/levels being somewhat randomized, I gave it another go. Really neat twists on a somewhat typical platforming level. Glitches and stuff made it harder to play but it was definitely a good time. Really enjoyable game jam game.

Really neat concept. I couldn't find the goal on the second stage though. I found the indicator for what your roll style was going to be a bit confusing, in that I couldn't easily tell what impact it would have on the roll, and the rolls all felt pretty much the same. I enjoyed what was there and really wonder what could be done with it with more development time.

I see this game as one with a lot of potential. I think with some tweaks and iterations, it could be an awesome and creative combat system for an RPG-style game. Definite potential here and I'd love to see you build it out.

I see this game as one with a lot of potential. I think with some tweaks and iterations, it could be an awesome and creative combat system for an RPG-style game. Definite potential here and I'd love to see you build it out.

Very short! We're talking about expanding it. We had big plans for this game and built a lot of systems and assets that couldn't make it into the game jam product. But a lot of us feel it is definitely worth continuing.

This game was really fun. I love the concept and the execution, and I would love to see how this could be built out even further in the future.

Thanks! We had a great asset team for the scenery and such, and our implementation team did an amazing job with the lighting and effects. Really proud of what we accomplished.

I really enjoyed this game. Both the concept and the way it's handled are a lot of fun. Presentation-wise, a bit more info about the units, maybe on their cards, would've made the mechanics easier. Also, discerning between enemies and allies was difficult. I eventually saw that the bases were different colours, but maybe coloured borders or something around the cards would have helped too. All in all this was a really cool game.

Fun little metroidvania platformer. Theme could have been better integrated but it was fun to play nonetheless. Especially enjoyed the music and sound design.

Game is a pretty fun concept. What others have said about the presentation is true. Would've liked a an actual die rolling scene or something when the character is selected--no actual dice in the game without it.

This game is a hoot! On-screen controls somewhere in the game itself would help immensely.

Your developer series has reignited my interest in Unity, and the fact that you made this prototype is really inspiring. The prototype itself plays really nice. I played with mouse and keyboard and everything just felt so smooth and intuitive. What little tutorial you presented was all I needed to figure out the mechanics.

If I had one issue, it would be that I solved some (but not all) of the puzzles more by just trying a bunch of things until something worked than by getting the "Eureka" moment of seeing the big picture. But obviously that's a very high standard to meet and I think you've done a great job building this game so far!