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A member registered Apr 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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This was awesome. Honestly I just finished ghosts of tsushima and i'm really into the samurai vibe right now, so maybe it's just me, but I 100% enjoyed everything about this title, save for the fact that I wish it was longer!

I loved the black/white pallete contrasted heavily with the blood, that was a really smart choice, adds so much to the game in my opinion.

Defeating an enemy too has that super satisfying blood hiss. You kinda almost have a bit of a rythm game on your hands, between reflect, slice slice slice, hiss, its like

"thing, fwip fwip fwip hisssssssss"

and you get into a flow-state from that, that part of your game, if you ever decide to do more with it, I feel like that's a really hard thing to get right, and you allready have a really really good foundation for it.

If there was one thing I would change, is just dial up the "juice" of killing an enemy to 10, really really dig into making that kill as satisfyingly as possible.

Well done, very well done, very impressed here, thank you for uploading this hidden gem!

I saw you play my game on stream allready, so i wont ask you review mine! Just hope this feedback is helpful to you in anyway

(1 edit)

Very well done! Typically what i've been doing is trying to give people as much constructive feedback as i can, but all i can really say here is that I came out of this game extremelly happy, I had a very good time playing this game, I don't have any thing to add other then I spent almost an hour playing your game, where as others in the jam I've played through in 5-10 minutes, so very very good job, I'm very impressed and can only say positives about my expereince with your title.

If you have time, although at this point i'm almost embarassed to ask, please take a moment to play my game too.

thank you.

Hello, Thanks for submitting your game, i had a good time playing it.

I really appreciate all the hard work that must have gone into the art here, there's commercial products on my phone that look far worse, I'm extremely impressed by even the animation here. The art is fantastic nearly in every facet. 

I love the little jingle you put together, there's a lot of charm to it, it fits perfectly with the cartoony asethtic you have going, and really adds to the over all game. The sound effects are perfect too and help bring every all together.

Some of the technical aspects of the game aren't for me. The jump isn't really all that tight and feels a little floaty going up, and really heavy going down. But maybe if i had more time to get used to it i wouldn't notice it so much.

All in all, a lovely product, really well done, thank you!

If you have time, please try out my submission too!

Loved the vibe, very fun to play. Really enjoyed all of it. 

There was a really immediate sense of knowing what I was supposed to do for every puzzle that was presented, which makes me feel like the game is really well designed.

I like the ending where you can get up from your chair and explore your little room! Technically i was in one room the whole time! who knew?! :D

I feel like the game could really use a retro-synthwave, or cyberpunk kinda heavy drum and base sound track to help complete it.

Thank you for submitting this, and if you have time, please give my game a go too!

Thank you so much for Playing the game on stream. I watched it while you played it. The complexity of levels was something i was very much aware of, Originally I had 10 levels planned instead of the 8 i shipped, I was trying to make the last two more complex and satisfying including a water mechanic along with the blocks/fire, but unfortunately I was in a brainfog by the end of the jam and couldn't quite make it in time, so I was missing a few things I wanted to do.

Again, Thank you for playing my game i made on stream, that was quite a trip to watch, and I loved that! That alone has made my experience in this jam worth it.

First of course, thank you for your submission, it was a pleasure to be able to play your game!

I played this game for about 20 minutes, It had a lot of ups and downs. I found it very difficult much of the time to pull certain objects. For instance: one of my targest was milk, but the milk was in the fridge, so i pull the door open, but the milk is behind another object and on the bottom level beneath a grate. Unfortunately I couldn't pull the other object to the side in order to get the milk out, so I couldn't pack it away. I don't know what the solution is here on a design level, maybe something like when you grapple an object that you are actively hunting, the hit box is shrunk to make it easier for the player to grab it, that way it's harder for things to get stuck? that may break your intended design.

I well say, I was really impressed to be playing a 3d game for this game jam, I really like the voxel-like 3d art, very well done from an art stand point. It must have been a lot of work to get this all going so i'm really impressed on the assets made here.

There is sooooooo much content here for a game jam game, incredible. I'm really really impressed with all the modes you've put into the game.

The music has a nice little charm to it too.

If you have time, please play and rate my submission too!

thank you!

Very fun game, I really liked what i played. I ran into quite a few bugs, but I'll provide feedback on the game based on what I feel is the intended gameplay experience.

As a concept, this is very interesting, I've never played anything like this before, which really blows me away, Game jams typically breed this kind of creativity, and your game is one of the reasons I like participating in these, so thank you for your submission!

I really dig the little music you have going on here. It's catchy and not annoying, which for this little arcade experience is perfect.

The pallete you chose is very appealing, and the sprite work is well done. It's abundantly clear where enemies are, where i am, and where i'm about to place a tetris piece, my reload time,  and where current tetris pieces are. The height of the pieces placed is pretty spot on too, there isn't anything in the art department i would really change, so superb job there!

Placing tetriminos is satsifying, the nice "chunk" sound when you put them down is really great.

This concept is fantastic, An arena shooter, where your gun is placing tetris pieces down on top of enemies, which in turn makes the arena smaller, so you have to be super smart about your placement, kiting enemies, and all the regular stuff, It's really great, I really really like the idea you have here.

I think if you just iron out the technical side of things, You have something really special on your hands. Well done!

And of course if you can take a moment to play my submission too, I would greatly appreciate it.

Just finished the game, Pretty fun, there are a few things I might do a little different but over all I had a good time, Thank you for posting this submission.

I really liked the devil's dialogue, i'm sure many people will say the same thing, It's just enough charm and wit to be funny without being cringe or annoying. Well done for sure on the dialogue! 

The controls were good. The walk speed felt just perfect, and having to swing around my light to find the door while avoiding the minions was in all honesty, pretty tense, which i assume is what you were going for. Well done with that, I think if you trippled down on that tension building you might have a good little horror experience if you wanted that.

Perfect length for the game jam too. I wouldn't want any more or less here. Again, well done!

There's probably three things i might do a little different....

     One: It's sort of unclear if the minions were spotting you, or you had to collide, i did both durring the game, maybe a sort of "Metal gear solid !" could clear it up before they send you right back to the start? Just a liiiiiiiiiiitle confused on that mechanic

     Two:  The long room at the end, Was there a checkpoint at all in there? I got caught twice and almost gave up because of getting sent all the way to the start again. I would definitely have appreciated a half way point.

   Three: Since the game has wit, humour, and charm, it woulda been fun to have alternate endings or maybe that's too meta, but when the devil is telling you what not to do, I tried to listen to him, it would have been a cool easter egg, maybe this is too much for a 3 day jam haha, but it woulda been fun to see some alternate ending if you followed his orders at the start.

All in all, wonderful submission! Please if you can take some time to play my game, i would appreciate it.

thank you.

(1 edit)

Finished the game, Nice little Gem. Very well made!

The music was good, nice, and not annoying like some other game jams game (maybe mine included haha)

The pacing of difficulty was spot on, I really liked the level design here as it slowly ramped up and felt really rewarding near the end, that last little segment where you are dodging the downard blasts, while breaking the walls for the slow projectile was perfectly made, It was challenging without being frustrating, and instantly recognizable what i needed to do to complete it.

A little more visual acuity on the platforms would have been nice. It was a little tricky sometimes to recognize if i was jumping over wall dressing in the background or a platform was about to spawn beneath me.

The art style was great, i really liked all the assets you built, very well done.

Also the little story you had here, was a really nice touch, i liked that a lot.

all in all, very impressed! And of course if you have the time to play and rate my submission, i would appreciate that too!

"since they're solid I could also use them as platforms to get to some places."

Hey thanks for playing. I will say that this was 100% intended! I believe strongly in a multi purpose design philosophy so not only can you use arrows to kill enemies but also as you say platforms to get to certain places.

thanks for the reply! You can press down to get past the dialogue boxes, I need to make that more explicit however as I can totally see why you experienced what you did there. I tried to make those room transitions flawless but clearly I missed some!

Thank you so much for playing! I wish i had more time to playtest to iron all these out! embarassing haha.

There is some really good game design here. Right from the start, showing the player the crystal they have to hit to unlock the door, but not being able too, then having the big loop around the first level to get to the staff, that shoots the crystal, and you end up right back to where you started, that was really clever design. well done! The music is good, and the art/Game boy aesthetic is awesome.

I wish the game wasn't so punishing. The two times i died, getting sent back to square one was really brutal!!

The Audio is fantastic! I really enjoy each song in the game. I thought it was really cool giving the player the open ocean so quickly, and there is some clever design tricks in here to let you know that "hey, you aren't able to go to this island yet" which is nice. Great project!

Concept is very good, with some polish and a little more time, you could have something close to xeodrifter on your hands. Very well done!

Here i thought the game i was able to cobble together in a month was acceptable, but this really puts me to shame! Very well done. I don't have any words of wisdom or complaints here, this is just a solid all around product and what i suspect will be the winner of the jam!