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A member registered Nov 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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(4 edits)

Which shaders and effects did you feel where not cohesive or contributing? There are some interested things going on with the cel-shader I designed, and I created an adjustable vertex wobble shader to recreate some early PlayStation hardware limitations, but those effects where intentionally subtle, and the goal certainly wasn't to create a "tech demo".

Every effect that ended up in the final game was chosen purposefully with the goal of making a stylized and cohesive experience. I'm not exceptionally skilled with environments or character modeling but the visual appearance of the game was one of the few things I thought I'd done well, I invested a lot of time in making sure everything had a uniform Texel densities, similar looking textures, lighting in key areas deliberately tweaked and colored, and that the shader effects did not vary too much between locations (with the exception of the chromatic area) . I'm interested to know which effects felt out of place for you?

I'd also like to know more about how the game has uncertain goals while also being too linear? I've received somewhat similar feedback from someone else but they struggled to elaborate. If anything, I expected to get criticized for the unbeleiviably cliché gameplay loop, exploring a map to find keycards then clearing specfic linear areas is quintessential DOOM. I intended to push the concept a little by making seemingly open areas deceptivly linear by drawing the player towards specfic locations (Like the the red room practically begging to be climbed to find the first keycard) and make linear areas deceptively non-linear (The hidden teleports in the yellow hallway). It's wholly possible that my level design just wasn't good enough to pull this off, At least one person I watched play simply got lost and couldn't find the blue door for over 40 minutes despite my deliberate attempt to encourage the player to jump up there to avoid enemies lol. 

In general, I was actually hoping to make the player feel lost, or at least uncomfortable, without actually getting lost.  I think the part I may have failed was that the discomfort was supposed to come from the environment and space, not from frustration at not knowing where to go. And the strange effects should have been sparing and spread around multiple maps, not crammed into one. Having to scope down to a single map made my design goals really difficult to pull off :/

If I had the time, I would scale down this first map and make it much more "normal", the enemies would be less strange and there would be almost no platforming, giving a much more traditional FPS experience, but then, after stepping through the elevator you are taken to a totally different level, abstract and colorful like the blueroom with platforming, nearly no enemies, and large environmental hazards. Each level after that would seek to build on that back and forth in new ways.

KNOWN BUG: When in the Yellow Hallway area do NOT press yourself up against the walls while walking, there is an uncommon but annoying bug where you will clip outside the map and have to restart

Damn, really good for a first game jam! I liked the sprite selection and UI, I had fun amassing a wolf army lol. Never felt like I had the chance to get very powerful, but I guess then it wouldn't be a very balanced game would it?

I think scaling things up in terms of enemy and army count would be a great progression from here. Getting to the point where you're summoning an endless flood of troops would be immensely satisfying.

Browsing a fabric store is such a specific vibe that I would have never considered making a game about. Well done, I think this was great lol. I liked progressing through the characters career one project at a time. It took a while to realize that I didn't have to select the exact fabric requested and could be a bit creative with it, I liked that. 

Enjoyed this one a lot

This was really fun, I like the presentation a lot. You end up getting pretty powerful once you grind for a little while. I also enjoyed the little sequence at the end once you kill everything.

I think a little more variation in the enemies would be good, and I think the shooting weapons could use a little love, they all felt generally the same and a little underpowered even at max level. Overall one of the better entries I've played, would love to see it developed into a full version.  I've certainly spent far more time playing far inferior games.

(2 edits)

Fun demonstration of transformations, I had to read the comment on the main page to figure out that I was supposed to drag the dots at the bottom, but immediately felt silly when I saw them light up when hovering over them lol.

In it's current state, I wouldn't say it's an exceedingly engaging game, but I think that's alright. I think you could lean into that a little and make it an educational tool.

Admittingly transforms are a bit alien to me, despite loving linear algebra I've avoided learning too much about what engines like Unity and UE mean when they call something a "Transform". I know that they're a powerful way to store positional and rotational information, and can even be used to represent objects with more than 3 dimension, but I don't really know how.

I'd probably pay some money for a tool that educationally explores Transform operations in both 2d and 3d

This was really fun, I enjoyed the box puzzles a lot, I got softlocked on the elevator puzzle but thankfully you had that "restart at checkpoint" option. Good stuff.

This was really fun, I enjoyed the box puzzles a lot, I got softlocked on the elevator puzzle but thankfully you had that "restart at checkpoint" option. Good stuff.

Also only launched in a small window for me unfortunately, I think it's something to do with building Godot because there have been a few Godot games that won't fullscreen for me. 

I had a great time, took me a while to find the code but when I did it was fairly obvious in hindsight. For some reason the light effect was working for me but I didn't get any voice echo, which is fine. I like the visual effect that washes over your vision when things are dark, I didn't put together that it was inspired by radiation until i finished the game lol

I see that some people found the wendigo to be random or unpredictable, but once I realized I could move faster than him and that he only really attacks when you get close, I had no problems just sprinting around the level. Though, I'm not really sure about the times he would randomly attack when nowhere near me? Either way, I' don't think he was too random, or too hard to avoid. being able to see the eyes through the walls was a really interesting touch and also made him easier to keep tabs on.

I think to go much further the enemy AI would have to be more complicated. like interacting with the sound you make, or if it also used echolocation to see. Alien isolation but this setting with the echolocation mechanic could be quite an experience. but of course making a more complicated AI would vastly increase the scope of the game and i think you achieve something a bit above average for or a 2 week jam. 

Really really weird concept but I like it lol. I absolutely could not get past the part where you climb the pipes though, the slapping sound was starting to drive me insane but that might just be because I was holding space for so long. 

Could absolutely see this being a full octo-dad style weird game.

It's a massive X button on the top right when you open the notes, so big my eyes glossed over it at first lol. I still have no idea how to actually play the game however

Agreed, I had no many fun ideas that got cut :(

(1 edit)

Ah okay I see what you're saying, i was sort of relying on the blood splatter and animations to handle that kind of feedback, but I think you're right that they're not really responsive enough. If i continue work on it, I think I'll defiantly spend some time making some visuals for damage, both for the player and enemies. I also think a visual for picking up health/ammo would be nice, I'm thinking of the red flash you get when you pick up health in DOOM.

And thanks! I like yours as well, this was one of the first commissions I ever got, the artist is called @_Konkoo on twitter and has absolutely improved as an artist since I had it done. 

I think this was a fun way to use chromatic aberration as the theme, It took a bit to figure out the concept of lining up the images to create an object, but only because everything seemed quite dark for me and I couldn't tell what the colored holograms where depicting until I accidently made a lever. I made my way through quite a few of the puzzles and had a decent time, a little bit of audio would really elevate the environment I think. 

Overall pretty interesting, would love to see it developed more. 

The art doesn't look rushed at all! Congrats on finishing your first jam, it really can be a challenge to follow all the way through, especially when you start to hit roadblocks or start to realize you're not going to be able to do everything you wanted. 

I thought visually it was above average for this jam, at least from the entries I've played lol. I missed the blurb where it told me how to glide because I picked up the key early, but I was able to make the jump anyways. The character controller is already a step above most people's first 2d platformer. I think with a little work to refine it, maybe some more movement mechanics, it could be a pretty solid experience. 

I wish I could have seen more of the narrative, I'm sure you wrote a lot more than what got into the game, that's always how it goes with gam jams. Hope you're able to keep up the progress and continue developing it.

Man this seemed like a really interesting concept, I've not experienced telepathy before when tripping but I can see where you're coming from with this experiment. I believe the CIA did something similar and actually found decent evidence that some kind of information transfer was happening between subjects.

Afaik there hasn't been any kind of attempt to test this sort of thing in the information age, and certainly not over the internet. Would love to know what you find.

Was it the meatballs that where hard to tell if you killed? If so I agree completely lol I added them on the last day and didn't have time to give them a proper model with things like death animations. They're supposed to fall when they die but sometimes just keep floating for some reason. 

Everything has a unique sound for taking damage and death though, there are gib sounds when you blow off the limbs from the Footless Creatures (the dog/cat enemy), and the meatballs have a special sound for when they notice you for the first time.

The player damage sound is definatly WAY too quiet though, I agree with that. I wanted to have some sort of visual effect on the camera as you take damage but wasn't able to implement it. 

(1 edit)

I think there may be some build errors, the debug window is stuck open when I boot the game. From what I could play of it, I had a hard time. It's difficult to tell if I'm actually shooting the enemies, and a bit frustrating that you can't run really run away from them. I did manage to kill one, but it slid along the floor after finishing it's death animation and killed me anyways. 

I think visually it's pretty decent for a first game, it just needs some work on the gameplay front.

Tried my best to figure this one out, I think a short explanation on the submission page would be really helpful! The manual in-game lists off a lot of stuff you can do, but offers very little as to why or for what purpose. I'm not sure what the objective is.

I also had a lot of crashes, hitting R when you first start the game, trying to place more than 2 of those little colored squares, hitting Z with nothing equipped sometimes, and sometimes just randomly when talking around the track. Am willing to give it another shot if you could explain how to play to me?

Really liked the style, some really interesting mechanics, hard to be unique in this category. Many of the puzzles reminded me of Baba is You, I imagine it was an inspiration? Either way, it was pretty fun and I got stuck playing it for a decent chunk of time.

Shame that the files are missing, would love to give it a shot if you upload a working version somewhere else!

Glad I stuck through it after the first few days, I was struggling to find the robot and the bike but decided to kept going deeper. I wasn't expecting what happened next lol.

The visual style wasn't selling me at first, but it worked a lot better underground than it did above. I think a little bit of sound design would have gone a long way towards a more compelling experience. Some cave sounds, a drone sound that changes when you move direction, ect.

I think the pacing was pretty good, it didn't drag on too long or finish too early, I felt like i got exactly what I was supposed to out of it. 

Glad I stuck through it after the first few days, I was struggling to find the robot and the bike but decided to kept going deeper. I wasn't expecting what happened next lol.

The visual style wasn't selling me at first, but it worked a lot better underground than it did above. I think a little bit of sound design would have gone a long way towards a more compelling experience. Some cave sounds, a drone sound that changes when you move direction, ect.

I think the pacing was pretty good, it didn't drag on too long or finish too early, I felt like i got exactly what I was supposed to out of it. 

(3 edits)

I've seen you post this on more than one person's submission, and while I agree that it's important to label your downloads, also I feel like it's not very kind to drop a flaccid criticism on a submission with no other comments.

If you're going to comment on someone's submission, at least be considerate enough to actually play it and give some real feedback as well. This makes it seem like the only reason you stopped by was to correct something pedantic, which I'm sure isn't what you intended. 

Congrats on finishing your first game! I'd agree that this is a pretty good framework, the gameplay and story where pretty simple, but I got the impression that they where executed as envisioned so that's a win.

My only real critique is that the dialog is SUPER fast, I'm a pretty fast reader but I struggled to keep up with it lol. Overall I'd say it's a pretty solid entry. 

(2 edits)

Hello! I was able to get the game to run, but only after installing the specific version you suggested (17.0.10+7). I devlop in java and have been using newer versions like 18 but it seems that the game relies on some libraries that have either moved or changed in some way between 17 and 18, Java 17 is LTS so I wouldn't say you did anything wrong.

I'm not a super experienced Java dev, but my advice would be to keep keep multiple versions of the JDK installed so you can try to build and run on them throughout development. Best case, the changes needed to make it compatible across multiple versions are trivial, worst case you have an objective list of supported and unsupported versions that will help people troubleshoot.

As for the game, It took a moment to start to understand, but I eventually got the game loop. Seems like it could be a pretty solid strategy game, there are a few things I couldn't quite figure out though. I know that selecting specific objects will generate a specific resource, but I couldn't quite tell what was causing the passive income of other resources?

I think the amount of instruction you gave is fine though, it was enough to start playing and letting players discover the strategy and nuance for themselves is fun. I think starting the player with a small pool of every resource would have helped a lot though, it would give the freedom to discover which orbits and enemies are associated with each resource without the risk of immediately dying. 

Overall I think it's a pretty decent framework and an interesting concept. I could easily see it developing into a larger strategy game or even a more roguelike experience. 

(1 edit)

Heya, gave this a play last night! 

The guide would not display on the terminal for me and I struggled to figure out how to go about repairing memories. I really like the visual style and it seems like a lot of work went into it. I'd love to give it another shot before reviewing it, could you share a text version of the guide or a brief explanation on how to play? 

Had the same issue at first, your mouse is still there, just invisible 

(3 edits)

I had a blast with this, I think I spent well over an hour messing around with your camera lol. Super cool and can't even start to guess what went into creating the shader system. it's not quite a game, more of a tech demo, a very very cool tech demo that I just spent an hour or so "playing" and would love to play again.

I wish there was more things to photograph, and maybe somewhere to store or display the one's Ive taken? If this was on a larger more detailed map like an active city with a park and you could just keep taking pictures, It would make an amazing zen game, or narrative would make it really great. I would 100% pay for that experience right now, Never realized how badly I needed a realistic photography game

The painting mechanic was indeed very fun, I kept expecting something to jump out at me during the creepy sections. Wish there was more, was hoping that the story would develop and I'd end up exploring or something, overall looks great!

Really interesting concept, took me a little while to figure out that I was supposed to bap the side of the TV with the red squares. Lasted quite a while but then mr government came to get me :(

(1 edit)

Hell yeah, really fun game lol. If I found this on a flash games site back in grade school, it would easily become the only thing we did during computer period for at least a couple weeks. My fastest time was 61.02

I did indeed save the world!

Really wild one, really enjoyed the rat chucker lol. Was a great way to mix up clearing the rooms of enemies.

I sadly had a slight sample rate issue with the audio, not sure what caused it but there was some crackling throughout the soundtrack, didn't distract from the experience too much though.

Bro, dragons really can't drive?

that or maybe just I can't because I cannot figure out how to accelerate lol

(2 edits)

Wow this was a really interesting concept. I was really surprised when it opened 3 different windows but I quickly got into the concept. It kinda broke the 4th wall and seemingly turned my whole PC into the workstation I was using for this new job, made it surprisingly immersive despite the simple visual style. 

I would really like to see this concept developed more, turning the players desktop environment into the game is a novel idea, along with the mechanics being closely related to real work you might be doing. I'm imagining windows that look like real applications,  a more in-depth "wiki" window that lets you search, has interactive elements like links, ect, and a more detailed "viewer" window that lets you pan the camera around, adjust the contrast to see things better, ect.

If you've not seen it already, "Daryl Talks Games" has a video where he explores a concept called "The Magic Circle". I think this game really plays with that concept and has the bones for a very compelling narrative experience.