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Lifeless Carrot

A member registered Feb 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was the best jam puzzle game I have ever played, it was challenging but never frustrating. I feel like the only thing holding the project back was the art(And even that was pretty good for a one man team). Playing through it was a blast, great submission!  

The art in the game looks great and leaves nothing to be desired, although I the game felt a little to forgiving, and I found losing to be quite challenging. Other than that,  there is not much else missing. Great submission!

I agree! but I was really digging the font, so I did not really want to change it up, I think I should have made the background a lighter color to make the text easier to read, at the end of the day, we are all here to find and improve on our mistakes. I appreciate the feedback! 

Thanks! I had the same issue when testing, but I couldn't think off a way to fix that, I tried making the shield bigger, but the game quickly got too easy. I think maybe having it as an upgrade might have solved it(Maybe a difficulty slider?), but I already had my hands full with all the other upgrades. Either way I appreciate the feedback and will try to keep that in mind when working on my next game!

Even so, this is a gamejam game, you have to understand that people are not going to invest 10-25 minutes of their time in order to get a grasp of your game. I suggest that next time you make the set rules easier to discover, that way more people can enjoy your game. 

The game was fun and challenging, my only complaint was that the camera was moving to slow, this caused me to die so many times because I simply did not know where to go,  overall a pretty solid game! good job!

I don't see anyone else talking about this, but during my playthrough the last pappus was invincible,  no amount of clicks, birds, or anything caused it to fall off. Putting this aside the gameplay was nice and relaxing! Overall a great submission!

I ran into the same issue as feraswheel, I simply had no idea on what I was doing, spend some time on a tutorial next time!

I appreciate it! 

Awesome entry! Only compliant I have is the lack of a high score system, as without it, I feel like the game lacks replicability. This game has some of the best visuals in all of the jam! good job!

(2 edits)

Try refreshing your browser! I have encountered this issue when building the project but had no time to make a fix,  I found that refreshing your browser allows you to by pass this as it loads you in the menu instead of the tutorial level. this fix was included in the description in bold lettering, i thought it was clear enough to see, but i guess not. I will see what i can do to make it more clear while i wait for the rating period to end!

it could be that, or just an issue in my code, either way I'm sorry to hear that!

The game is pretty fun, but I feel a bit let down with the "Stealing" mechanic in the game, you have it, but you only included it in 1 of 3 levels.

The lack of audio is also kind of a bummer, you have all these punchy effects in the game, but no sounds to back them up.

Even with all of its flaws, the gameplay more than makes up for them, overall a great submission!

Thank you! I appreciate it!

This has to be hands down the best 2d game I have played in my life,   it is  so much fun! Expand on this idea, Make this into a full game!

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And thanks For the bug report! i didn't notice it when testing, ill see what i can do about it after the rating period is over

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the text is solved by going full screen! maybe i should make that more clear? 

The game feels very well made! I honestly had a good time!

The game lacks a tutorial, but despite that was fairly easy to pickup on, i think next game jam you should put some time aside and make one.