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A member registered May 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Nice Score!! I agree it could use more variation, I was thinking of adding different enemies that take more clicks to kill yet are slower :|

I also might add more decoration like rocks and cacti to make it look better.

Nice score! Though my highscore is 255 >:3 (May or may not have taken me like 50 tries to get there XD). I would love to try and make it a mobile game, I just have to find a way to do it...

Wow this is super impressive! For the limiting time this is awesome! The atmosphere feels great and consistent. the movement feels great for a spaceship and destroying enemies also feels super satisfying. The variations in enemies are awesome and the different planet types are cool. If you ever plan on continuing development on the game having some upgrades (even if small) to manage would be fun! Also, while I am still trying I never got to the second ship yet :(.

One way to maybe fix the getting hit on the planet issue is maybe make it so any ship that spawns with a planet has to be defeated before it can be entered. idk if that would feel right though

Im glad you liked it!

Its hard to notice but they do speed up how often they spawn, I do need to make it take less time to take affect though :\

Fun concept! It needs some indicators on what exactly is going on though.

I love the water physics! Could use a tutorial and a simple menu, it took a while to figure out what to do.

Thanks! Believe it or not I used Bfxr to make the current effects! I forgot to list it and I'm not that good with using it though.

I'm also looking into Bosca Ceoil for music but haven't gotten far.

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Hmm... maybe have small events that happen periodically to shake up things up? Like and earthquake that shakes the screen for snowballs from the sky (these are just examples and might not fit the theme you are going for), the events should probably happen more often the further you go.

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Overall not bad! Gets repetitive fast though, once Ive gotten the same 3 structures in a row.

Doesnt seem to much difficulty scaling (Except the speed up in the post-jam version), in fact, the more upgrades you get the easier it gets, but other than trying to see how many coins you can get it can get meh once you upgrade a bit. I would recommend 'sets' of structures that scale in difficulty that slowly appear the farther you progress. Though the art style is awesome and I love sliding into cops and watching them fall XD

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Thanks for the feedback! I was thinking of doing randomly generated things but I wanted to try something different than what I would normally do! I did this game to practice level design for it's one of my first projects with levels. I do agree the levels are a little short and if I plan on updating this I'll probably add an endless mode and bigger levels.

Btw the cat faces are more like collectibles as if you get each one in each level something happens (nothing to interesting, I added them mostly for fun)

Thank you! There is a slight control bug that happens rarely (idk if anyone has had it, basically you dont jump when you should) but im glad everything else feels good!

Thanks! I was a little worried that the cats may have been a little to hard but im glad they were good! :D

I have no words for this masterpiece of a game. 10/10 would play again

I like it! Storys funny. Controls do feel unresponsive and weird but I assume that the point? Super fun though!

Thanks! I need to give him a tail later though :|

Like it!  Graphics could use work but sacrifices needed to be made. Game play feels nice and fleshed out. Not much to criticize except the lack of art XD

Love the puzzles! few bugs, such as picking up 2 rocks at once (can be fixed with a good ol instance_nearest() to get the nearest rock) The sounds are satisfying and the arts pretty cool.

Reminds me of binding of Issac a bit! Love the splatters and shooting!

Love the rhythm! Keys feel weird but thats part of the jam XD 

Super fun! Could use a tutorial. Fun to play with 2 people :D

Super fun! Good tutorial and game play. Really awesome mechanics! Restart was hard to do though :/

Pretty fun, I love the theme! Wish there was more of a 'how to play' though

Interesting concept! I do wish there was more a a tutorial on what to do and what things do. Zombies also move a little fast. I love the music!

It was the right side, I hit my head eventually but I skipped a good part, I went back and did it legit later though.

Thanks! I'm glad you like the art/level design :D

 I'm planning on possibly adding more levels/mechanics after jam.

Thanks! The character is my favorite part of it so I'm glad you like it. I had some people test the difficulty so I could tweak it so I'm glad it worked!

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Thank you! I tried to focus on keeping a theme when it came to art and I'm glad it turned out well!

Pretty fun! Played for a good 20 minutes. The air movement feels weird but it works well and I got used to it.

The atmosphere feels good and anytime I see that lava I have a mini heart attack XD

Was fun to both help and hinder the climbers movement. (Though I know you don't want them to win)

Gameplay got a little repetitive with the attacks and such, I ended just seeing what mountains I could generate. Great game. Feels well made :D

I liked the game! As said by Bunnywabbit13 the purpose could have been more clearly defined. Either way I made it to the top by sticking the Spears into the invisible side barrier :D

I like it! I love the player feel. Though it could use some more environment to make it feel a bit less static, and  maybe a score. But the base gameplay feels good!