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Lionel Bell

A member registered Sep 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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really nice sound and art design! Liked the effects as you run around. The grab wall mechanic was a little difficult to make work and made some sections more difficult, but good work overall!

by far some of the best sprites/animation and music in this jam! Too bad that each try starts again the music so I didn't get to listen to it much. The idea of trying over and over in short bursts of time looks interesting! Got only stuck at 4th level, but great job overall!

Really liked the idea of playing as a rover, the track prints were a cool additions!

Really cute graphics, the spaceship does give a feel of floating in the sky, maybe a little too much, but nonetheless great job!

This was really cute! It's fun to interact this way with quirky characters and the stuff going on in the screen, dense game environments like this remind me of very old flash games where you had to interact with stuff the right way. this was fun, also like the whimsical art and cute tune!

that's a great idea, liked the funny banter in the map too!

Really like the almost puzzle aspect of the gameplay, never played a game about repairing clocks! The animations and art design were also cool! This would make an interesting game for sure

thank you for playing, glad you enjoyed the game feel! Yeah, some variety is always good!

Nice concept, and the game had a good amount of "juice" to it! I didn't really understand that well the hourglass mechanic, but it was fun organizing the little astronauts in the defense of it

(1 edit)

(I played the Linux build of the game)

I would love to continue playing the game cause it looks great, but unfortunately the control scheme is really making it hard, can't get even out of second room :(
WASD is a good movement choice when you use the mouse to do most of the action, but since most of the action keys are on the left side, together with movement options (like time stopping, and even shooting even though I tried to use the CTRL key on the right for it), it's too difficult for me to coordinate the movements, since I almost need to use only my left hand to play the entire game.

Would love to go back playing this if the movement was also assigned on the arrow keys though, it looks really well made, liking all graphics, animations, and music too, great job!

One of the most enjoyable games to play by far in this jam! It felt extremely nice to go through the puzzles, and the final leaderboard is a really nice addition!

thanks so much for playing and for the feedback! Yeah it's important to parse what's going on the screen, I'll make sure to keep that in mind for next time! And ofc, also give some visual feedback to the hits. Also glad you enjoyed the mechanics, thanks again!

as a big Touhou fan, that was pretty enjoyable! Got some power-ups for the bullets, which is what makes a shooting game enjoyable for sure. would have loved to see more patterns of enemy bullets too, especially colorful and stuff like this! I did find it difficult at first, but the game is lenient enough to give you health packs. I didn't really get to use the time stopping powers, so just moved all the time to make it simpler ahah

that was quite the frenetic game! Didn't know what picking up the elderly people does, and sometimes I was gonna pick the fruit basket but the angel picked up the baby instead. Very cute graphics and the tune was really pretty!

thanks so much for playign and for leaving a feedback and bug report! Glad the experience was smooth, I do also believe it could even be more enjoyable with more variety, thanks again!

thank you so much for playing and leaving a comment, if you got any feedback I would love to hear that! (got some questions in the game description that might be of help)

Would love to! Though currently your game is not playable on site and I got a linux, but as soon as I get to my windows I can check it out yo

That was a pretty nice story! Liked the personality the characters had, and the world was nice to walk around. Quite the ending though! Anyway, great job!

I don't know what to say, just know that I'm extremely impressed.

I was looking around the game jam submissions and clicking randomly to check out what people did. I'm both grateful that I also randomly clicked on your submission, and I also fear that I would have missed this game just as easily by some random fluctuations of the algorithm. Whatever the case, I'm very glad I got to play this!

The visuals were impressive, for example you know for sure how to leave a great first impression with the beginning of the game (and how it cycled back in the ending)! Music also amazing, I do want to listen to more of that, for sure.

As a first game, trust me that this was much more than anyone would expect. As I was playing this, I was overwhelmed by the genuine love you poured in this game, I like to think I could feel it too. I was planning to say that I almost teared up, but some actually came out when I read the ending text so there that goes ahah

Never thought about how in the afterlife I could meet with the various past myselves, that's kind of a sweet thought.

Now, I don't know how the algorithm will serve up this submission. While I hope that as many people as possible will get to play this, I know that it can be random and make people miss up. A word of advice I have is to revisit the game page you got up for it, since the screenshots take the entire page and make it hard to parse it visually. Would be sad to miss playing the game cause the page is confusing to look at!

Whatever the case, just know that - in my opinion - I believe you got something that's worth telling, whether it was with this game, and especially (my hope) with your future games! I'll be glad to see what's going to come next, and see how you're going to improve with these game dev tools.

Best of luck for the future, you got this!

Amazing visuals, the cover art is really cool! I also liked the idea of stopping enemies in their track and line of sight 

Yo space shooter games are always cool to play so nice job! The spaceship felt a little sluggish to move so I didn't really get to use the slow down mechanic that much. Really liked the visuals!

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing and for the feedback, I really appreciate it! Yep, upgrades are always cool, was even thinking of putting other powers but y'know how time limitations are ahah
Yeah, I did all graphics with the help of the Polygon2D node in Godot. Extremely underrated, and also very helpful especially for prototyping

Pretty challenging! Also nice background music, I liked the cuckoo's base in it. I mostly used the slow time feature, didn't really find a use for the speed up. Pretty cute graphics!

That's a really cute stealth game! Pretty creative to use mouth sounds for both music and sfx too! I do like how you can hear the gigglers from far with their mumbling so you can crouch to get closer to them, also nice feel of tension. Great job!

That was pretty cool (and relatable lol)! I really enjoyed the song in the background, I only wished to know what the lyrics were, whether in game description or even as subtitles in game, since English is not my first language, but great idea! Noticing just now from the screenshots that the character is supposed to walk on a road, but on my side it's probably glitched out since I was walking with a black background.
Really liked how the smartphones walked past in perspective as you walk, that was a nice effect! Also nice artstyle!

I really like this kinda games where you gotta think where to build tracks, and this was pretty cool! Only wished there where more maps with different obstacles cause up to now most stages were linear. Music was pretty cool and so were the visuals, also the credits rap song was pretty fun lol

That's a really cool puzzle, liked both how moving changed the time flow and also how the music warped together with it! I also really appreciated how you laid out the controls and new movement options level by level

Really enjoyed this one! Not often I get a piece of paper to help me out in a game, and that's always cool! Nice music and cute aesthetic, I do like some sci-fi settings in game. Certainly creative for a gameplay idea, great job!

Really liked the visuals and the music was pretty enjoyable too! Unfortunately got stuck in the area with the two mushroom jumps, the first one already was difficult (the timing for the air dash felt a little strict) and the characters zooms very fast when walking. Still, I'm very interested in what else this game has to offer considering how interesting the screenshots look, would come back to this later too!

Cute visuals, and liked the robotic voice announcer! A little difficult for me, managed only to get 25 after a good bunch of tries, so I'm not really going to get the cosmetics for the baloon ahah

That was really cute, loved the easter eggs sprinkled around!

Pretty cool game! It was nice to get my hand and rewards bigger and better, despite that I drove myself into a corner until I ran into my demise

Yo for sure! If you need a hand in playtesting tell me, I'd be glad to help!

That was pretty fun, and exactly what I needed to get used to my new keyboard

That was fun! I actually never played plants vs zombies, but I can see the appeal now. 

The chiptune music was also great, very pleasant.  Particularly liked how it went to something that felt more dangerous when zombies approached near.

I also liked the animations and art, they were pretty nice to look at and gave a nice sense of movement.

Pretty good overall, compliments to the team!

Yo, that was pretty cool, hope you're enjoying Godot!

The shooting had a very nice feel, good choice for the sounds too.

Good luck on your next projects!
Lionel Bell

That was really fun! The setting in space is really cool and the backgrounds are very well done, I want more like this!

The sound effects and visual effects are all really well done and very satisfying to hear and see.

Looking forward to this game's updates, you're doing a great job!
Lionel Bell

Played around some of your games and they all got very creative and fun attacks, great work!

Yo, this is very well-polished for being a first attempt, so great work!

Played around and the style and tilemaps are pretty well done, especially the menu interface.

A thing to make it even better would've been to make the main functions of the game easy to understand from the game itself.
At first when I started playing I didn't understand how to suck the dirt, I just thought that walking over it would've been enough but that wasn't it.
I also almost missed that it's possible to get upgrades because there's only a button in lose menu that didn't tell me they were there since it's unlabeled. Good thing I read the game description here!
Good thing you did add them though, I played a little bit more than I thought I would thanks to them.

The music was also pretty pleasant, and the sound effects between gameplay and UI were nicely chosen!

Once again great work, best of luck for the future!
Lionel Bell

Yo, this is getting fun already! Unfortunately got stuck on level 2 multiple times cause I was getting attacked all over the place, but I see some nice potential!

Best of luck,
Lionel Bell