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A member registered Apr 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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The art and sounds create a stunning atmosphere. It looks absolutely perfect. The gameplay was not really intuitive for me to figure out, but I guess this is a given in these types of games. I couldn't get all the endings.

Cool game, and super well done on the art.

Fun game! I managed to get all the way to stage 11.

The upgrade system is cool, and I like that you need to decide if you want to keep shooting or taking the currency.

The enemies feel really fast and unpredictable, sometimes I felt like I got hit unfairly.

The pixel art is cute, but at the late stages I had trouble distinguishing between my minions and the enemies- a good way to solve this problem is to make all the types of enemies around the same color, and all the allies a different one.

Overall I liked the game, good job. 

The game feels polished and fully complete. The story is funny and I enjoyed playing it.

The art looks really good - love the body part and background art especially. Its really impressive to pack so many different mechanics into the game in such a short amount of time. Maybe there is a bug in the audio? did not hear sounds in the webGL version.

This is so creative and funny and weird, felt like something from the "all tomorrows" book. 

Really fun, polished game. The art style feels good. It really is like slay the spire, but the ability to summon skeletons was a cool unique twist. Super well done.

Game is good, juicy and fun. The voodoo mechanic is really creative. I also enjoyed the opening cutscene.

You can move faster when moving diagonally. If this is not intended, you can fix it by normalizing the players movement vector.

Really fun game. Killing enemies feels fun satisfying and the skills feel creative and meaningful. Played for a long time. 

Hoo, I get it. cool actually. you can add the space bar to the controls section on your game page. Finding time for polish really is hard, but its good that you thought about it and even added a little. Good job!

The game was really really fun, the shooting and movement felt really good and I enjoyed playing it. 

I would really appreciate more checkpoints or a way to heal, right now if I made a mistake at the start of the level my health is gone which feels really punishing. sometimes when enemies get close you can not shoot them, this is especially annoying with the tiny enemies. Also you can add even more juice - particles, screen shake. 

The game is actually amazingly fun, good job to all of you.

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I like the game esthetic, it feels good and cohesive. The puzzle mechanics feel cool and original. The controls can feel weird sometimes, like when pulling a box when standing too closely to it.

Overall cool game, nice job.

Nice game, I liked the core gameplay, dodging and hitting enemies feels nice. 

You can spawn enemies by pressing space bar, is that intended?

The lag when getting hurt by enemies feels a little jarring, also, I recommend adding more juice - things like particle effects, sounds and screen shake can really go a long way.

Well done overall.

Barely managed to get the game to run on the web version, but the frame rate was slow and full of lags. from what I can see the art looks nice, and the game looks very big for such a short time frame.

I applaud your ambition and maybe I will try the windows build later.

Nice game, the puzzles were well designed and made me feel clever and the writing was funny.  I was confused about the last puzzle, then I saw it was in morse code, I do not understand morse code, so I could not beat it.

if you want to keep working on the game after the jam, I will recommend making the art style more consistent, maybe use only one asset pack or try on your own, right now the style of the different assets clashes and looks a little weird.

I enjoyed playing the game, good job!

Nice! great job.

haha, thank you.

Really appreciate it, thank you!

Loved the game. The art is super cute and I enjoyed the contrast between the dark themes and light hearted artstyle.

 Main thing to improve is the controls: because attacking and moving both use the same key, I Found myself clicking on the ground near enemies and running towards them accidentally when trying to attack them.

 Also the enemies AI sometimes gets distracted when attacking you and start attacking Graves instead, which breaks the connection to them and feels weird.

 I loved how at the start you introduce the games mechanics in a safe environment, it taught me the mechanics and made it easy to jump in to the full game.

Good game, well done.


Hint - check the walls

No need to compare yourself! Isn't this your first game? This is a really good and creative first game. I am sure you learned a lot developing this and you will improve as you continue making more.


Cool game! everything works and feels good. The color switching mechanic is fun and creates cool decisions. boss fight was also good, tested all the mechanics you learned throughout the game. 

to improve it, look for ways of adding even more juice, to make the main loop feel even better. 

 I had fun! Gj! 

will do!

ho I understand. I will play again.

Loved the art. The game idea is cool and the music is good. the main mechanic feels weird and needs more work. 

Wow this was great! really enjoyed this. the game feels super polished, and is fun and relaxing. The instructions were funny and lighthearted, and operating was satisfying and cool.

 As of right now I got 3rd place on the leaderboard🥳 I honestly don't have a lot to say, just good job!

I like it a lot! The art is cute, and movement feels fluid. 

The throwing mechanic feels sometimes inconsistent and slow compared to the rest of the game. The combination of punishing deaths and the1 hit kill mechanic made the game really difficult for me, and I did not manage to finish it.

overall the game is fun to play and I enjoyed it.

The art style looks good! the character is charming. hitting the nail felt really fun, I loved the sound and the impact.

A common problem I faced was that the game spawns the nail sometimes in an impossible to reach area like this:

 and then I have to restart and lose a life for something out of my control. another issue is that the first hammer hit every stage goes through the block without propelling you upwards, which can feel frustrating.

I love the idea, and when the stars align and the generation creates an interesting level it really shines.

I love the art, the character animations feel smooth and the opening cutscene is really cool.

 The character controls are floaty and strange. But main issue is that I found myself starting scenes and getting guns I could not use, and then having to die again and again in order to pass level, this felt weird and like I missed something. 

Looks like the game has a lot to offer, and by tweaking the mechanics a little it could be really fun.

I love the art style, the characters are distinct and cool.

 The game is simple and fun. 

Main issue I had was with the pacing. the game started out slow, but then at one moment it got really fast really quickly. I got spammed and died instantly almost. I feel like the difficulty should scale more gradually. 

cool game, had fun!

The shooting mechanic felt fun, It was a little strange to control but worked well. level designs were cool. 

Main thing to improve is to choose colors that work well and compliment each other- you can use a color palette from a website, from a picture you like or to make your own. will Instantly improve how the game looks. 

Had fun! good job! 

Ho, Then I suggest giving the player a little more control. It feels frustrating to lose and feel like you did not deserve it.

Give shiroze a deserved pat on the back, they did a great job.

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I liked this! 

The movement is smooth, The umbrella feels fun and the level design is surprisingly elegant.  The music is really good, fun to listen to and sets the vibe really well.

There is not a lot here, but the things that are work great.

The art looks professional and great. I love the character designs, background and fluid animations. 

I did not understand how to heal the golem in the third stage, it looked really inconsistent weather my sword healed or not. It was also annoying that every time I lost I got kicked back to the main menu and had to replay the entire game again.

Loved the Idea, art and animations. mechanics need a bit more work.

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the controls are fun, love how the hamster rolls inside its wheel.

 the most effective strategy I found was to camp at the corner and throw the hamster ball to only one direction, and I almost did not end up moving at all, which is sad cuz moving is fun. Also my most common cause of death was when an enemy spawned on top of me, It felt annoying, like I had no control and it came down to luck. could also be a skill issue.

Edit: ho and I think there is a bug that causes sound to not play, because I did not hear anything.

 Also hamster is cute.

The game is super funny, I love the quips sprinkled on the walls and I laughed out loud a few times. the sound effects were also charming. 

Some mechanics felt a little junky, especially the throw felt really inconsistent. Giving the game a little more time and polish can really improve it. 

overall the game is great, funny and original, Good job!

I really love the art style, the opening cutcsene was charming and the background art is wonderful. the mechnics were cool and innovative, karl's sign had me laughing out loud. 

had fun. main thing to change is to add more feedback when the player dies, a lot of times I died without understanding what happened. cool Idea and fun game.

rock and stone!

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