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A member registered Nov 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your feedback I appreciate it lots! I was originally going to add a reloading system for the syringe but some reason I scrapped that idea because I thought it would be too hard? or time? I found a simple way to do it when actually looking so dang really should of. I also thought about having easy, medium and hard mode but scrapped that idea too…I think I thought it would be too much and overboard, I guess. I also forgot to change the vurnuablity for the player since it takes a bit for damage so yeah, I messed up on that part and need to remember not to next time! I also had an idea to have different type of ghost one with red eyes that’s really fast/ one that makes the player slow down :( I had a lot of these ideas but just didn’t do it so dang. Maybe next time I’ll go overboard a little and there might be a better outcome haha.

thank you again! Im happy the tutorial helped because I learned that last time to improve on that part from my last game jam. This advice will definitely help me with the next one for sure!

I liked this game! The concept is very neat and interesting! Is there a way to play the game? Unfortunately, my game crashed not sure if it was the game itself or my computer but the screen was just frozen in the game ack

Very well put together game! Art was very cool and unique, the audio was great, and it was a tough game to beat! The first time playing it I thought it was super easy because I got to level 5 but then I kept dying over and over so the first time must have just been pure luck lol!

Nice game! Very creative what you did here for the concept!

Oh wow! This game was so much fun to play! I really enjoyed solving the puzzles and loved the one where it said ‘I lied there was none’ was really funny!

Spoiler for the game!​

When I got to the last bit with the letters. I was very stuck and kept wondering what the word was XD I thought maybe AWSD but in some format, but it didn’t make sense. I found out about the ghost eventually and stared thinking ‘Is this morse code’? Im pretty sure I thought that. I kept wondering with the part it said I might need a mouse….I was like A REAL MOUSE? CHEESE? AAAH or the computer mouse!? what word can that be connected to..

Then I paused the game, but I was determined to finish this game. I found out the spoiler here and was like wow! it is morse code…something I never learned but heard a lot about. Decided to look up a small picture of morse code and quickly caught on figuring out the first letter H and then E and then it clicked XD HELP. VERY CLEVER since people were NEEDING help with that one hdbhbffb. I enjoyed this game a lot and its very clever funny ways of solving puzzles and welp NOW I KNOW MORSE CODE! Not by heart but I know a little more about it but even then, I watched shows with them tapping their fingers so I had some previous knowledge, just will never learn the letters by heart hehh.

Spoiler! For the game


Game Walkthrough

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Hello jssjs

  • First item
  • Second item

[Link][1] ⋮ [1]:

Quoted text here Can span multiple lines

dd d


Thank you for checking out my game! I appreciate it a lot! Yeah, the syringe is basically shooting the serum/fluids! I never explained that part heh. Thanks again!

Very nice game! A bit challenging but that's just me haha. The dialogue was really cool and love the graphics! Very nice job! I love how you were able to do so many things like repairing, attack and bringing back the dead

Nice game! Love the concept of bringing someone back from the dead by gathering the parts! I think some of the hearts weren't bringing up my health? Unless if it was very unnoticeable or maybe it's just me :( 

I did the same thing by just avoiding the enemies by running past them instead of fighting after the second round because the first time I didn't have all the parts for mooncer, so I think the idea about keeping track of how many parts you have will help a lot! It either being a small inventory to open up or on the corner/middle down of the screen somewhere! Overall loved the art/animation/audio and concept :3

I really liked this game! I think there was a few small glitches but very unnoticeable and liked how it saved everything when you restarted :3 Nice work on this I loved the visuals a lot! 

The colliders are a bit iffy, I wanted there to be enough space but next time I'll have it make more sense I think heh. I was going for an eerie atmosphere so I'm glad you perceived it like that! Also yeah forgot to add the part in the game where it should have said (hold down) to shoot! Wrote it in the description but need to get better at tutorials hehe. 

Glad you were able to figure out how to escape!!! Makes me really happy and dang that's a lot of souls! 

Thanks for checking out my game it means a lot!

Thank you for checking out my game! I appreciate it!

Thank you for the compliments and checking out my game! I appreciate it lots!

Ahaha! Yeah, if you wander a long time there will be a lot of ghosts :3 Glad you figured out how to beat the game! Thanks for checking out my game, I appreciate it!

Thank you for checking out my game! I appreciate it!

Very Nice! Love the graphics you chosen for the game and placements for the level design! This reminded me of a memory game since you need to remember what the items are! Very neat concept and love how it shows you how many times you've been seen and the extra kills at the end. Also having one of the NPCS telling you "Drop for E" is clever since players might be confused and everyone has a different learning curve.

I also found the quotes changing day to day were entertaining to read but some were a bit too fast Hehe but I'm a slow reader I think so ah.

Loved this game! The concept was very interesting and intriguing, and the graphics are wonderful! The puzzles were fun to solve

Nice Game! Is there a way to win the game? That's all I'm wondering :3 glad you submitted this

Very Unique game! Love the concept, this can definitely branch out into more different types of plants with levels like flowers, bushes etc. Nice job!

Very nice game! Love the art/animations and mechanics! I think the only thing that's missing is a kill count maybe and it getting harder? Not sure if my game was glitched heh. Very impressed by this though! 

Thank you! I tried to keep my scope very small since limited time and graduation for me heh. I would like to add more but just didn't have time! Also, Yes I knew I should of added some instructions in the game but just didn't have time >_< Glad you figured it out though! It means a lot you tried out my game and I can see what needs improvement for my next game jams heh

Thank you! and thank you for the congrats! It means a lot that you tried it out and I hope I do better on game jams in the future :3 Good luck to you as well

Heh Yeah there was a small error having some leftovers >_< You're the first to say anything hehe. Thanks for playing it means a lot!

Thank you! Yes, I know the winning screen is missing I had very limited time sadly since I graduated on Saturday. The music isn't from me sadly got it from opengameart! All art is by me though, very RUSHED. Thank you for trying out my game! It means a lot

Got to wave 12! Very interesting game but wave 12 is where I got mobbed lol. Nice job on this game jam!

This game is very challenging! It's all about staggery which I love I just wish there was a pause button for I can take little breaks :(

Nice game! Very relaxing but the timer definitely adds another level. It be cool if there was a 'peaceful mode' without a timer and a 'Hardcore' mode with the timer :3 But I loved the concept! great job

Very nice work! I kept mistaking spacebar for jump but other than that I loved this game! 

Thank you so much for the feedback! and yes it is missing that win screen! I wanted to add it but was short on time due to graduating on Saturday! Thank you again!

I love the idea about the wolf! maybe! I would need to think about it :3 Thank you for commenting I very much appreciate the feedback!

Thank You for the feedback! I very much appreciate it! Yes, I can see it becoming repetitive! I didn't have a lot of time sadly because I graduated college on Saturday which took up my entire day hehe. Thankyou for the compliment about the characters! 

Very fun to play!