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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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aww thank you so much!! your game is super cute too so that means a lot 💛

cute and fun game!! i liked the inclusion of the enemies that swoop in from the side so you need to move up and down as well as left to right. i wish the collisions were a little bit more forgiving, especially when you hit an obstacle from the side rather than head-on. overall a fun experience and i like the art & music too!

thank you so much! we're so glad you liked the puzzles and colors :D 

love love love love the art!! the color palette was sooo gorgeous i love this general aesthetic so much and it fit the lofi theme and the music well! it was really nice just flying around, the animation was super satisfying. the music was lovely and i like how it faded in more as you collected more of the cassettes :] i do feel like it wasn't that visually clear that the map was underwater, so the buoyancy thing took me a while to get the hang of, but once i did i thought it was a pretty creative interpretation of the theme :] 

simple and oddly satisfying! i agree with some other commenters that the running water could've had a bit of animation (maybe even as a subtle cue for which type of fill curve you're getting?) but i enjoyed the cohesive aesthetic!

omg THE glim music! watching you play on stream was so fun, i'll definitely be tuning into more of your streams in the future! thank you for the kind words and i hope you'll stay tuned for what else we've got in store for this game :D

Thank you so much!! So glad the vibes got across - I’m happy you enjoyed it! :D 

thank you for playing!! yeah, it can be tricky to iron out all of the bugs before the jam deadline, so thank you for sticking with it :) love your game and would love to play an updated version of it in the future! hope you'll keep an eye out for our updates too :D thanks again! 

thank you so much!! super glad to hear that :D

it is so so impressive how much content you guys packed into this small game! the overall aesthetic is gorgeous -- i love the environment art especially; it's really well polished! the puzzle platforming mechanic was fun and really well integrated into the theme! the art for the different modes the player character has is all so so cute <3 the only thing for me was that it was kind of hard to remember which objects/sprites corresponded to which mode since they didn't visually look alike - could be a skill issue but it definitely took me some time to get used to,  but the level design was very clever and made figuring it out fun! overall, super cute game that was a lot of fun to play :D 

i love this concept! it's very touching and the eerie music was an excellent touch. it took me a while to understand the controls, but once i did it was a very peaceful and somber experience! good work team :) 

Thank you! Our goal was to create a brain teaser type puzzle that would require players to plan strategically :D super glad you liked it!! 

Oops, our bad - that seems to be a bug with the scene loading in the HTML build in certain browsers that didn't appear in the Unity editor. Thanks for catching that, and we'll release a fixed version as soon as the voting period for the Pixel Game Jam ends tomorrow. I'll let you know when it's up! 

Thank you so much! Designing the ingredients and dishes was definitely the most fun part :D 

(3 edits)

really fun game with a simple concept and an excellent execution! the music was lovely -- so on theme, and the transition from the chill beginning phase to the hardcore lava music was really fun. also, the tactile feeling of dragging the money onto the board was such a nice touch - felt like a board game, which i loved! idk if it's just because i've played this genre of game before, but i actually think the game's mechanics were really self-explanatory, and i really like how simple it was, so i'd actually disagree with some of the other commenters and say i don't necessarily think a tutorial is needed. plus, i like how the lava doesn't start until you've built one of each thing so you get a chance to orient yourself a bit the first time you play. maybe just a few instructions here and there on the screen could help, especially if you plan on adding more features in the future. in its current state it is a bit unbalanced and cheesable (i basically put two houses on the corners of the map and they never got destroyed and i just won lol) but i know it's just a prototype, and i can't wait to see it with more balances and more features in the future!! also the graphics are really fun (the way the blueprint pops up into the actual house with the little guys running around it is sooooo good), and the lava being able to destroy the coins off the map is a fun touch! >:D

(1 edit)

cute game with cute art!! i really like the concept, though it took me a little while to get the hang of how the little guy moves (btw it's so cute to watch them go... run stone run so true!!). but once i got the hang of it the strategy was really fun. i kind of wish the little stone jumped up in place (?) bc i would get stuck sometimes but maybe that was part of the design? really cute presentation and i love the animations!!

(1 edit)

really like the concept of this game! the idea of the egg floating up with the lava that also kills you was fun, and i liked how it made you puzzle-solve under time pressure. i do agree with other commenters that the controls were a bit finicky. it took a while for me to figure out how to get the egg to go where i wanted it to, and sometimes it seemed to drop on its own. but really lovely concept and i'd love to see a full game w/ some bug fixes and more levels someday!! :D

I just did! Nice game :D

nice game!! i do agree with what some others have said about the collisions feeling a little off. there were definitely times when it looked like i jumped over an obstacle but still collided with it. the left and right controls also felt just a little bit sensitive to me (like i would unintentionally move two lanes instead of just one). i also agree with others that some powerups and other features would help make the game more engaging! the leaderboard was a nice touch :D

P.S. just wanted to say thank you for your feedback — we just pushed an update that made the controls more responsive and the lava collision more forgiving, so we’d love to see what you think! You can also now zoom in to make the game window larger :D We really appreciate the feedback! 

Thank you so much! We did receive some feedback about the controls being difficult, and we just pushed a change that should hopefully make the controls feel more responsive and easy to play. If you get a chance to try it again, we’d love to know what you think! 

The fullscreen issue appears to be with the Unity WebGL build in Itch, and we’re still working on that. For now, you can zoom in more on your browser to make the game window larger! Thanks for the feedback 🙏

Thanks for your feedback! We took that into account and changed the controls to be more responsive when changing directions :) If you would consider giving it another try, we’d love to see what you think of the updated controls! 

immaculate vibes. loved the sheep noises and watching the sheep get thrown onto the ship!! 

really satisfying to play!! i'd love this as like a mobile game i could just endlessly play on the train or something (in a good way) 

Is the issue related to the play button on the menu screen, or does the game itself simply not load? And if you don't mind us asking, what browser and system are you playing on? The game seems to be working for most players, so we'll definitely look into what might be causing that!

Of course we did. How else will you know he's a chef?! 

Real talk, thank you so much, this is super sweet <3 

cute game, i really like the procedural generation and feeling of exploration!! i do wish there were more obvious goals/powerups to make it more engaging -- like maybe if the mobs dropped something b/c otherwise i feel like it's sometimes easier to just avoid rather than kill them. it was also a teensy bit buggy (i think others have mentioned the mobs sticking to you) but really enjoyable nonetheless!! 

Thank you so much -- we're so glad you loved the style! And we'll definitely work on improving the controls in the future. Did you have trouble with the movement, keybinds, or something else specifically? We really appreciate the feedback :D 

i really liked the concept of a time-is-limited metroidvania where you gotta go fast :D i think you did a really excellent job of capturing the metroidvania feel in such a small game, it felt so satisfying to grab a powerup right before the timer ran out and have that for the next run. it was really fun to unlock new parts of the map too!! overall i echo what others said about this game being really polished and feeling very complete and self-contained for such a short jam!!

so cute...!! the baby slimes were so adorable, my heart couldn't stand to leave a single one behind. i did feel like the pathfinding was sometimes a bit weird/they would get stuck behind stuff but they were so cute i always went back for them <3 i really like how heat/water acted as both hp and ammo, it kept things simple while also making it feel like i had to think strategically about my shots which was a lot of fun! i wished there was a way to continue the maze after hitting the end, because sometimes i accidentally walked onto the end spot before saving all the lil babies, and the only options were to go to the next level or restart completely :c but yeah loved the game all around, really polished and the controls are v satisfying! 

(2 edits)

love love loved the use of the 'time is limited' theme, the idea of time as currency and selling it away was really smart!! i actually really loved the soul rotation it was my favorite part of the game and sooo satisfying to get right :D i like the little tidbits of lore about each of the NPCs that come into the shop as well, the worldbuilding is fascinating and i would've loved to have seen more of that if possible! my only critique would be that i don't think the lava theme felt too well integrated to me -- i feel like if the 'igneous' concept was more expanded upon then it would've felt more cohesive! 

Thank you! Yeah, it was kind of tricky to do the map collisions because of the jagged map layout and player perspective. We used a grid-based movement system which made it hard to precisely tune the collision detection as well. We’ll definitely work on improving that though! 

Thank you! We did get some feedback about the controls being difficult — was there something specifically hard about the arrow key movement? We’d love to keep updating the game, so we appreciate any feedback! 🙏

Thank you so much! The dog loves you too <3 

Thank you so much! The art and story were really fun to make so I’m super happy you liked it. 

Re: the controls, we really appreciate the feedback — we didn’t have much time to playtest before the jam deadline — but we just pushed a new update that should make the dash more consistent and allow you to drop accidental pick-ups. I think you should be able to play full-screen now too! We’ll keep working on balancing the difficulty, so thank you for the feedback :D

Thank you so much for waiting and checking out the game! I’m so glad you liked it :D

(1 edit)

I just uploaded an updated version -- let me know if it works or not! Thanks!! 

(Some of the UI elements might still scale a little weirdly on your screen size -- I'll look into fixing that -- but hopefully you should be able to play the game now!) 

Thanks for letting us know! It seems to be an issue with detecting clicks when the game is displayed on certain screen sizes. We're working on it now, and I'll let you know when it's fixed! 

thank you so much!! so happy to hear you enjoyed it :]