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L Yao

A member registered Jan 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much we're honored you included us!!

I don't know if there was a confirmed number by the dev team on what the minimum number was lol. We made a design decision that the two branched islands would be completable in any order as we felt that part of the joy of the game was being able to just have the freedom that came with a large stack, and we also didn't want to force linearity or 100% raccoon finding so sequence breaking is definitely allowed haha. Thanks so much for your comment!

those dang earthbenders are at it again

I genuinely loved being a rat scaling a skyscraper so much. Clever use of the theme ("scales also being climbing was something we tried to take advantage of as well lol) and I couldn't stop smiling as I became a fatter or skinnier rat with time still scurrying to the top.

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was not part of the aforementioned staccoons dev race at first BUT I WON IT ANYWAY (for now) SUB 20 GANG

This game is the definition of simple yet effective. Movement mechanically is very intuitive and easy to understand but you've done so much with it in your array of super unique and interesting puzzle style levels. Kudos for the music as well. Really enjoyed it :)

Loved the voice acting and thought the style was super cool. It's a little difficult to tell where to go and what lights you can extinguish without dying, but the game gets an A in atmosphere!

Liked the music and the art and VERY interesting use of the theme. I think people generally interpreted scale as the player or player's ability, but the environment itself scaling and you having to figure out how to adapt was a little more unique at least out of the different things I've seen so far. That being said I do wish the totem usage was a little more refined, I tried to switch between ones to shrink but ended up having to bomb myself first (not sure if I was just pressing the wrong key) and not sure what the Eat was supposed to do. Regardless, still thought it was interesting enough to play to the end and Nunu is adorable :D

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Help this game is so hard. Or my aim is just garbage lol.

This is really cool! Gameplay is fluid and I really enjoyed the concept. Having a limited time slowdown feature was also super cool. Thoroughly enjoyed! And of course I love the fact you're called Tiny Capybara Games :P

Very creative concept! Albeit short and there are probably more different types of obstacles you could've made to take advantage of a really solid base, this was still really intriguing and impressive that this was done solo. When my team was brainstorming I initially suggested a different idea about time where maybe you changed the timescale of specific objects lol (Ie growing a tree super fast to use it as a platform), I definitely wouldn't have expected a puzzle like the ending though. Reversing yourself back up the slope to insert the key- that was a super sick feeling. And the platforming itself felt good as well so good work!!

Very challenging but I loved it nonetheless. Really great use of the theme, I love the idea of splitting a master mushroom up into smaller versions of itself for a mushroom tower defense, especially since you do also have to rely on your own skill with shooting as well. Loved the soundtrack, the art, the mushroom getting smaller and projectiles getting weaker, this was just great.

thanks so much! as for your questions, the theme was composed by both me and flooferdoodle (Felix), our artist/animator was Aidan (Aidanpkln) :)

Really loved how nice it felt mechanically, was a joy to just swing around with the grappling hook and go ham. Couldn't help being reminded of the Hades conversation cut-ins whenever the knight started talking which I was a big fan of and this was definitely a unique take on the theme. Only thing was I wish there had been more of (aside from the game itself) was an explanation on how the Q and E abilities worked before I used them? And they didn't seem to do enough damage to be worth the health using them? But yeah this is great and big kudos for soundtrack and SFX!!

Very cool! Genuinely felt good to play I loved using the grappling hook and was definitely a unique take on the theme! Wild this was the first jam for so many of you
