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A member registered Feb 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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An okay "tower defense" game, would've been better if players could zoom or move the camera for more cinematic views, cause the top-down view was really zoomed out for me.

Also some progression mechanics are sorely needed. Otherwise, a pretty solid entry for a first completed project, hope to see more from you.

Nice Mad Max-esque vehicle driving game, though it didn't seem like there is an end. I outran the storm at first, and came to the map border at the top, but then the storm caught up and the map spawned in.

Didn't find the "calm stage", so not really sure if that's implemented, also getting health pickups didn't seem to actually repair the health.

Getting out of the vehicle is a nice function too, but didn't seem there was any point to do so since the debris isn't interactable. Would be nice mechanic to chance getting out to grab something or search for loot, before enemies or the storm catches up.

Would be nice to have a goal to drive to where you can repair, fix up and upgrade the  vehicle, and would be great if there's a mounted weapon the player can shoot too, besides the AI teammate taking potshots.

There's a pretty fun framework for a great game, hope you guys continue developing this!

Very nice game, a mix of Darkest Dungeon/Dont' Starve aesthetic, and 60 Seconds gameplay mechanics.

Feels very polished, some suggestions for improvement is giving a description or flavour text on what the items actually are.

If this is expanded to a full game, would be nice to have the "events" system be used for characters on expeditions, and the main camp survival gameplay follow Don't Starve's survival system.

Nice, polished wave survival game, though not much strategy is involved as the player is limited to a very small area, and winning often comes down to luck in the later levels.

With some balance work and maybe bigger playable area, and more visual representation of how big a threat different enemies are, this could be a solid game.

Nice card game, was fun figuring out how to get all the resources at first, then later getting higher scores from trading with the caravan.

I think it'd be a really great system for an expanded game, where you don't just prepare for the storm, but can also be  expanded to a settlement management game as the framework is already there.

Nice artstyle, though the battle map background gets visually fatiguing after awhile.
The mechanics are good, though weapon balance could use tweaking as it becomes very easy to win fights after getting some high damage items.

The game jumped back to the "Looping" right back to the start tutorial for some reason when I got back to the old man, which I think should not be part of the game, or a bug but it ended my run before I got to the endgame.

Camera was weird, felt like I was often just fighting the camera as it was half mouse control and half scene control.
Also crashed when I right clicked.

Other than that, it feels like a pretty well thought out and implemented game, just iron out the bugs and you've a solid little game that people would probably pay money for.

Nice game, fits the theme well and mechanics are implemented well.
It would've been nice for the camera to be free to rotate to survey the landscape instead of fixed to the facing of the truck, and maybe some survivor mechanics like morale, kind of like Frostpunk, where you have to balance people you save in the truck, VS supplies.
Hiding should also have some mechanics to do while waiting out the storm, so you aren't just staring at the screen doing nothing.
Maybe events like "found extra food" while doing inventory, or missing food and you have to find the culprit before the storm ends, or spending resources to fix a failing heater.

All in all a promising concept, would be really nice to see it expanded to a full game.

Unique take on wave based survival with a meta progression system. Nice graphics, solid mechanics, feels like a complete commercial game, great job.

A visual novel with some light puzzle and interactions. Storyboarding was a bit chaotic initially, and the slow fading in and out between scenes feels too slow.

Other than that, very thematic and nice story, would be great for it to be snappier in the scene transitions, have some simple animated elements and interactive stuff in the panels to hook the player's interest longer.

A strange but interesting concept, would've been better if the main character is a human though IMO.

I had a hard time tracking enemies, only found them from the gunfire so some kind of indicator would've been great.

Also the health seems to be broken as I never took any damage, and the wave counter is stuck at 1.

Regardless I liked the gun "wings", would be right at home with some kind of over-the-top action shooter like MG: Revengeance or something like that.

Has a lot of potential for a Papers Please style game, as counterintelligence instead of immigration.

I couldn't figure out how to send the checked documents, even after filling it out, putting the documents in the tray and clicking Send, nothing happened. Some guidance for the player on what is missing would be great.

Other than that, I think you have a solid foundation to make a more complete game, there's a real market for good Papers Please-esque games that is still not very well represented.

Nice game, graphics are consistent and cute, and the storm makes things more intense.

I'd give an option to switch to tank controls though, cause it threw me off when navigating quite often with the up/down/left/right scheme.

There's also hidden colliders which made it annoying to navigate, and taking damage for no reason was frustrating.

Not sure if its the storm "bumping" your ship, but it should be visualized with waves VFX, that visually moves toward your ship so you can avoid it with some skill.

I'd suggest making the cargo pickups automatic as the player gets close instead of having to keep pressing E.

A timer for the storm would also be good, and a compass showing the direction to the other harbor so players can focus on collecting the boxes.

Other than that, with some polish it could be a really nice game.

I love mechs, and this game didn't disappoint. A vampire survivors wave survival game but as a big stompy mech, the low speed does feel appropriate here.

The small round "training remote" enemies are really annoying though, they should be slower, and the constant barrage of shots flying in off-screen should be limited to  big, slow moving enemies, as it just becomes a focus on dodging shots instead of destroying enemies.
That becomes moot though as the volume of enemy fire becomes so high and the player's movement remains slow, so that you cannot help but take damage.

I'd add some terrain features like destroyed cities, vehicles/clutter you can stomp on, roads you walk on faster and swamps that slow you and the enemy down etc.

Regardless I think there's promise for this, with balance polish, more enemies, upgrades etc. it has potential to become a solid commercial game.

The map, driving system, car model is from PROMETEO: Car Controller asset.

Car handling should be more snappy, also the people should all get out at the same time in the extraction circle, instead of slowly one by one.

Other than that there's a good basis for a fun game.

Basically a visual novel but very well written, hence my high scoring. UI is perfectly functional and looks good too, dialogue gives a real sense of what is happening.

I'd love to see this expanded into a full game, as its a similar vein to Not For Broadcast.

Short, sweet and funny visual novel, enjoyed it quite a bit! Would've been great if it had been more involved, but its good as is.

A nice asteroid defence game, I really liked the space skybox, minimap was a nice touch too.
It was a bit difficult figuring out the coverage for the turrets though, in the end I just slapped them down whereever.

Interesting idea, but I was really thrown off by the floaty mouse controls. The cars being thrown out of the sky and falling buildings are cool. The sound was much too loud I think, some audio balancing would've made it a better experience.

Pretty nice tower defense game, fits the theme and didn't encounter bugs on my playthrough. Graphics are decent, but what really stood out to me is the VFX, well done!

Would need some balancing to really become an engaging game, but the framework is there.

Accurate to what my 3 cats do T_T

Feels like the beginnings of an RTS colony builder, like Surviving Mars. Though pretty rough, I can see what you were going for.
Everything's functional as far as I noticed, so good job.

Music on the first level felt a bit out of place, but the second level was pretty good. Overall pretty impressive for what's mostly a one-man game!

Please rate our game too!

Neat game, sounds, music and graphics go well together.

The game is pretty difficult though, longest run was 40 secs cause I often got trapped by dead ends. Maybe make it a bit faster paced would improve the experience as I felt the move delay was breaking the flow, so to speak.

Has potential though, keep it up!

Please give us a visit too!

Interesting game, reminds me of a game where you unpack a person's things as they grow up and move on in life, though this is more of a puzzle game I feel.

Only thing is the door sounds are really jarring and too loud, breaking the mood of the game.

Still, good job overall!

Would also appreciate it if you please rate our game as well:

(1 edit)

Nice game with good graphics, but it was very laggy from playing in the browser.

Also I didn't know there was a jump, which made the part with the long vertical path really annoying, so maybe adding a hint screen like the 'E' at the beginning would help.

Overall though feels like this has potential to be expanded into a full game, good work!

Please rate our game too!:

Thank you for playing and rating our game, and thank you for constructive comments and the tips for audio files!
I played and rated your game too, a nice way to encourage healthy eating habits! xD

Nice graphics and audio, found the game mechanics a bit strange (why would people steal from other people's cart? Why does the groceries change on the display after picking them up?) But overall it was a nice and complete game, the music speeding up as the timer counted down was a nice touch!

Thank you for checking out our game!

Thank you for rating our game, liked your dungeon crawler with the procedurally generated levels!

Nice mechanics, it sort of feels like a game called Overlord, where you have a bunch of minions. I'd improve the conversion by making it an area around the character instead of enemies who are hit, cause of the awkwardness with the control scheme, but other than that its pretty fun!

Thank you for checking out our game, enjoyed your entry too!

Nice game, took some doing to figure out some of the puzzles, really like the cute characters!

Thank you very much!

Thank you for the kind comments!

Thank you for your input, though maybe it isn't apparent right away, however the mechanics that your past selves help your current/future selves ties it into the theme.

As a 3d artist, its absolutely doable under a week.
My team had alot of assets to make for our game, and I was able to make 10 main PBR assets with subdiv models for the normals.

Graphics are nice, maybe a tad *too* blue and foggy. Nice interface too,  sound for the footsteps is good, the bear and other stuff is just serviceable.

I had some mouse sensitivity issues, and wish there was more to do/see, would've been nice to read a bit of the other exhibits even if they didn't throw you back in time.

The setting is quite strange, a small, wooden natural history museum in the middle of a forest?
Overall though its nice, maybe development could become a sort of Firewatch-sh game.

Conceptually its good, execution, especially the controls could use polish and improvement. The whole building system is unnecessarily clunky, why need to right click and left click just to place buildings?

Just left click to select what to build, click and hold to choose direction and release the left mouse button to confirm, or right click to cancel. Its a time tested, intuitive and proven control scheme done by countless RTS/defense games.
Also, middle click to rotate the camera.

Other quality of life things, like tooltips and a direction of where a wave is coming from are necessary, especially when there is not set path or direction for enemies to come from.

Overall I can appreciate the vision, just needs to iron out some things to make it fun to play,

Nice art, very Minecrafty, I do wish I could zoom in too though, felt very static and far away with the fixed overview camera.
Music and sounds are okay, and the tower defense is nice but sort of feels the hits lack a sense of impact. Being able to reposition the towers at any time also sort of makes the game too easy, but nice work overall.

quite a unique theme of ancient greece where you're the storm that sinks Xerxes fleet, however the flight controls doesn't feel very player friendly.
The graphics is alright, however the lack of any audio hurts this I think.

The graphics, especially the shader effects are quite nice, however the movement is aggravating because of the player bouncing off everything.
Coupled with the fact that some guards cannot be sneaked past makes you feel like a ball in a pinball machine. My feedback, either reducing or removing the bounce, or let players sneak past guards to make it a more enjoyable game.