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A member registered Mar 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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Finally made it playable on web :P

Not yet, sorry 😅 working on other projects

Thanks?? 😆 All made in Unity ;)

I think I left WASD for movement!





Thanks!! It's the most "old school" game I've done😅🤣

The project is paused at this time, sorry 😅.

That's the secret power of a Time Agent ;)

I'll try!

Very interesting game!! The moment you get it, you are painting and surfing through different timelines. Very good work!

(2 edits)

I enjoyed the game, but I think the rewind mechanic has no enough effect on gameplay. It only serves as another try. Maybe, making obstacles not rewind could improve gameplay, as you may destroy a cube after hitting it, and you rewind, you wouldn't hit the cube now, because you already destroyed it. Something like Tenet.

Besides that, I loved the gameplay, the graphics and the music. Good work!

Nice game! I enjoyed playing. I like the particle effects and the music.

I didn't like so much that power-ups are not very useful. For example, the rewind power-up should not rewind the player, too. That would make it more strategic.

But overall, good first game!! Keep that good work!

Thanks a lot!! Glad you like it!! I'll have to tweak the shake effect, yeah, it's too much after some plays.

Buen concepto!! Te diría que los pasillos, si fueran un poquito más anchos, harían que saltar fuera mucho más satisfactorio. Me ha gustado el concepto de tener que correr todo el rato para buscar la próxima puerta. Buen trabajo!

Muchas gracias! Me alegro de que te haya gustado!! :)

I've only seen the trailer and you have made me go back when I was a child. Wow.

A beautiful platformer with its own personality.

I enjoyed it! Well done!

I will take a look at it! Thanks!!🙌🙌

Nice trick with the rewinding effect! Just with that and the sound effect it seems you rewinded, when you only moved things. Nice trick!

Good idea to mantain simple graphics and a color palette. Good work!

I liked the idea, but not really a fan of memory games😅.

I think if you let players move their ball juuuust a little more outside of the path the game would be more enjoyable. Most of time I was losing due to moving just a little bit too much to a side.

Good work!

Wow I love this game! Thanks for letting me see the stars through your game 😊

I got stuck at the house and tree level, I tried to make a figure with the sticks, but nothing.

Very good job!!

We have a good platformer here, but not quite fitting the theme so much.

I like the concept, don't get me wrong! Good work! (Includes a level editor too!! wow)

A color-themed metroidvania idea for a game came to me in dreams, and I wrote it down time ago. But you won't believe me 🤣

I liked the game, but I had problems after activating the first switch. I rewinded to get out and change color again, but nothing changed in the level and I couldn't reach the next segment after the walljump (I couldn't walljump to up). 

Good work!

Oh my friend, brake button was pedal to the metal 🤣🤣🤣 But I had a fun time!

Thank you very much for your feedback!! you are right, the game is bugged if you play it with mouse. If you can, try it with a gamepad, you'll enjoy it more!

I didn't think of activating the screen effect after holding shoot some time, and now it seems so obvious🤦‍♂️🤣

I enjoy so much you liked it! If you can, try it with a gamepad! It's not bugged and you'll enjoy it even more!

Yeah I would loved to playtest more, and the game needs its final polishment. (see at what time I submitted 🤣🤣)

Yeah! I found it up and reached level 2, after that I died and I discovered that there are no checkpoints 🤣

It's challenging, but when you get it, you fly in the air shooting the next trap and you feel like Neo.

Good submission!

(1 edit)

Simple and fun. Challenging as you progress. Good submission!!

Maybe some power ups that make your ball bigger, or bombs in the level that explode nearby enemies would be nice for the player. Scored 312 in my first play.

Exactly the same score here 🤣

Interesting idea. I would liked a tutorial to understand what's happening, and some checkpoints would be nice. It's fun to play (and die). Good job for 2 days.

I like the idea, but I'd liked even more some more control over the ball. I know it's a speedrunning game, but I felt like a pinball ball 😅 Good job on submitting 💪💪

Here is mine! I'll check yours too!

(1 edit)

Simple. Write down your game or one of another dev that you liked and I will play. I think this way is easier to find good games.

Meanwhile, this is my game in my first Jam alone :

Rewind - A Time-Bending Shooter

I will play some (if not all) of the games posted here now! Meanwhile, this is my game, I hope you enjoy it!

Shooting makes enemies rewind in time, and freezes your bullets until you stop shooting. It's funny, I promise.

"Rewind - A Time-Bending Shooter"

Thanks in advance!

I just realized what happens: try to hold the shooting button being not too close to the yellow button; this way you can spawn projectiles that are frozen in time. Hold until you empty the whole energy ring and you will explode the button. Other items don’t cooldown when you are rewinding, now I realize buttons have this bug. 

yeah you are doing right. Try to shoot/charge even more bullets with one “launch”. It works like bombs, with the same shots I think.

I couldn't complete the first level playing on the browser. The camera is too close to read the instructions of the level and I didn't know what to do😓. I also have read the instructions; a good concept, but I couldn't play it.

I really liked it, although I would liked theme was a mechanic that I'd use, not a consequence. But a fun game to play. Those are realtime animations?

Good job!!

Maybe a playable tutorial would help, but interesting game. Congrats on submitting.