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Marine P. Le Borgne

A member registered Apr 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for playing!

We’re having a little issue with the leaderboard: you need to be in the top 10 to unlock the next fruits, but that wasn't the original plan.

Thank you so much for playing and for sticking with it!

The game looks beautiful and the concept is great ! it's difficult to see the white cells in advance but you make a great job at balancing the difficulty. Great work !

Thank you for plying our game ! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Since your score is online, it takes a moment for the server to verify if you've unlocked a new fruit. As a result, if the internet connection is not very fast, this may take a little time. Maybe the bug is coming from there.

Very good game with a simple concept. I like it !

This game is really fun ! It's addictive. The difficulty curve could be a bit better balanced, but it’s a great game overall.

Nice little game, original tower defense concept ! The art is very cute I love it.

Nice game ! I find it difficult even in easy mode X) may be I'm just not very good at it. I like the idea of growing our own bacteria army.

A nice game with Overcooked vibes :) I use the mouse to play, the character and its actions were a bit difficult to control. Good work overall !

Really nice and fun game ! I like it.

Nice game. The window size change is very difficult to handle when it happens but fun idea XD

This game is fun and the it's a good idea.

I found the camera way too sensitive, and when you grow, it becomes hard to see what's happening on the screen because the snake takes up so much space. It would have been great to see an evolution in the snake's shape itself, not just its size. Great job overall !

Good game and quite addictive ! I love the idea ! It's just a little bit frustrating to barely see at what level each element is at a glance.

Good idea and nice concept. The bullet are very fast and I was killed very soon X) but I'm not good at all for that kind of games. Great job overall !

Lovely game ! The art style is amazing, I love the cut scene at the beginning !

I did find it difficult to maneuver the robot in the air without knowing what the kaijin was doing. It would have been helpful to have a mini-map showing the opponent's position. But otherwise, great idea—well done!

Thank you very much for playing our game ! Glad you like it :)

Sorry you ran into this bug :/ First time it has been reported to us. I take note of it.

Thank you for your nice comment.
There is in fact between 14k and 3k spheres on each fruits and yes they are rendered independently, it's quite simple : they switch from one material to another when a cell touch them. There is no normal map, the normal of each sphere has been modified to take the normals of the whole fruit (ti's why you see like it's just one object with the shadow). It take us a little bit of time to figure out how to handle all this elements individually. It's a brute force method :) Hope I answer your question.

Thank you !

Thanks for playing our game ! Glad you like it :)

Thank you !

Cute graphics and great idea but moving the blob is tricky and difficult to master. Great work overall !

Cute game with a great art style. Remember me of Superliminal, great work!

Great plateformer game with creative mecanics ! I would love a simple tutorial phase were you learn the scale of the character without falling. Restart could be done directly after falling. Great work, love it !

Nice little game. Would love to see fire propagation on the level, or on the ground ! Great work !

A funny little game, it's satisfying to find the right spot to cut. Great job !

Really satisfying game, I spend a long time on it. The art is great and the levels well balanced. I just found the fact of opening and closing menu quite exhausting : being able to see the craft menu and the shop in parallel would have been better.

Lovely game, good art style and great puzzles. It fit's perfectly the theme ! Great job !

I love this game, I find the map guessing really satisfying and spend quite a lot of time figure out were the element went. Nonetheless I have a really bad score 18/48 XD

Great game with beautiful and colorful art, i spend quite a long time playing this game ! Really great work !

This game is so fun ! Really great idea X)

Thanks so much for playing our game ! Glad you like it :)

I figure out were was the .exe file thanks !

Really great game ! Love the puzzle and the art style. The puzzle idea is great and I find it interesting and fun to play. Great job !

Love the idea of being human-eating demonic plant ! The art style is really nice too. It's just a little bit difficult to aim characters some times. Really great job !

Really cute funny game, love the idea ! Love the puzzles, great job.

Fun game ! I find the squid movement quite difficult to handle but really great job overall !

Really beautiful and fun game, I love it ! Great Job !

I love the art style, the characters are so cute !

I mixed up D and O lettres XD but fun game overall !

Really great idea ! and the puzzles are well done. May be the character movement is a little bit slippy and quite difficult to handle. Great Job overall !

The graphics look nice but I couldn't find the .exe file to play the game. A build problem may be ?

Really nice drawings at the beginning ! It's not my kind of games but I liked it. The part with one hand was a little too long for my taste. Great job !