Mark Viola
Creator of
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Cool game! Tried to get to the end but ended up getting stuck in level 4 or 5, can't remember. There were 2 layers of blocks (top ones we 2 hit, and bottom ones we 1 hit). I thought you were supposed to only destroy the top layer, but it would always do damage to the bottom layer ones so the bottom layer would be destroyed before the top.
Not sure if this is it or not, but there is an animation that plays when switching weapons and you'll only be able to shoot after the animation is completed. I added some text under your character saying "Drawing weapon..." to make it more obvious, but if the weapon UI didnt change when swapping weapon then I gotta look into that since the weapons didnt actually change then. Or maybe just remove the weapon drawing part entirely since it slows things down too much lol
Thanks for playing my game :D
Agreed on the hard to control aspect, didn't want to make it a fully top down shooter, but wanted all the aiming to be on the same level so it can get a bet sketchy. Tried to compensate by making larger hitboxes though. With the enemy patterns, the system to generate easy, medium, hard configurations was implemented but only made one of each difficulty (stats changes not positioning). Had about an hour left and decided it was more important to make sure I had a working build haha. Might try cleaning this up a bit after the jam ends, hmmmmm
Got a bit confused at what I was supposed to do since you're kinda just dropped into the world with a hammer in front of you lol. But in your description you mentioned that this is your first 3D game, and that's pretty sick that you got destructible environments going on! Played it on the browser, but I was just moving my mouse around like crazy to try and break the wall, not sure if there's supposed to be a better way :p
Hey everyone,
I've been working on this game in my spare time for about 1.5 years, and now I've released a demo! It's a post-apocalyptic tactical JRPG, so think Fallout + Final Fantasy + Xcom. It's an indie game, so it's not at the level of quality as those games, but I've tried my best to create the best game I could.
Link to game page:
If you try it out, let me know what you think about it. You can be as honest as you want, I can handle you roasting my game ;)
Here are some gifs of the game in action:

Awesome! Thanks so much for playing my game :D
It's so much different seeing someone actually play your game, compared to reading what people have to say about it. Your video was really insightful, like I really should've just called them "checkpoints" instead of "spawner", that probably confused a couple people too :p
Haha, thanks! :D
- This is the first platformer I've created so didn't know about getting rid of friction so that the interaction with the platform edge wouldn't be so sticky. I checked it out and it was a quick fix, so really appreciate that!
- If you mean a hold down to just continuously shoot a stream of bullets, then it shouldn't be too hard to implement actually and I can check out how that feels. But if you mean one bullet spreads out, then that could be a little tricky and getting that to feel good might be hard since it's a bit of multitasking for the player
I tried to tutorialize the color usage by putting some text on the ground like "Use [2] for jump", "Use [3] for speed", but with the other things you said, there was definitely things I couldve done to make the game better especially game design-wise since the puzzles were extremely basic. It was basically a minute long tutorial haha. It was my first game jam so hopefully I can use this experience to do better things for the next one I join. Thanks for the feedback! :)
This game is so nicely made! For some reason that move animation feels so smooth to me, i dunno lol. I really like using the abilities, but it seemed like the key ability seemed like it was the only one I used in a lot of the levels. Def one of the top games I've played so far this jam, good job! :D