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A member registered Jul 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello, sry to hear that you couldnt play it properly. 

The tutorial is restrictect, therefore you cant move the camera in the preparing. 

You can speedrun it by spaming left ctrl (normally you would have to press it 4 times) than right ctrl(normally 3 times) space bar(once is enough but you have to wait for the moment he finishes hes speak) than left ctrl once, shift ctrl once, right ctrl once. 

Try listening to the voice and press the buttons until something happens. 

If it still doesnt work just skip it. To skip you would have to press on load in the menu and than dont press on tutorial but release the keys. Than press left ctrl to load level1 without any restrictions. 

I hope it works now.

Thank you for playing!

I struggled making a good tutorial cause i didnt find the right way to explain the whole game mechanic. 

The Start might be a bit hard, but i hope you still had fun playing.

Thank you for the detailed Feedback.

The problem with the tutorial is, that he says press left ctrl but not how often. I hoped that by testin you could find out that you have to press it 4 times until you get the next step.

Anyway, thank you for playing and i'll try changing it how you suggestet (cause the sphere is a nice idea).

Thank you :)

Nice idea. I liked the music. only missed sound effects. also you missed an print ("h") in the console.

also there was a bug where when you kill the p but die, you respawn but cant move.

So the controls were really hard (but i think that was the goal).

The idea was good but i didn't really understand how to rescue and drop them. 

Nice game!

A nice game!

The mechanic was nice and i loved the music.

But the intro had way to load music that wasn't centered but a bit to the left.

But the intro was nice too, you implemented the jam logo really well.

A nice idea, but iz was confusing how to control (at first) and what the goal was.

This game is amazing! 

sometimes plants spawned in shadows and werent that visible but it made so much fun to play!

I liked how the levels were decorated. The mechanic was also creative, but felt not smooth.

There was sometimes a bit to much friction when dragging objects on the ground and it was hard dragging objects fast.

The music was nice but a bit quit and a few sound effects would've been great.

Overall a great idea!

(1 edit)

I'll update the description for a more detailed description of the controls.

Basically you can only use the mouse and left/right ctrl button (and enter for starting; delete for restart).

with them you spawn thrusters to try to reach the goal.

Did you try the tutorial level? for that in the start menu press a/left arrow and when you see load press left ctrl.

than you see all the possible levels. 

Press a/left arrow  again and press left ctrl when you see tutorial. the rest is explained in it.

edit: I edited the game page witth a detailed control describtion. If I forgot something please ask.

Thank you very much for playing!

What exactly couldn't you understand? The goal or the controls?

Anyway, thx for playing!

Died twice because of it xD

A nice game idea but sadly local multiplayer (a rather bad idea on a jam)

I missed sounds.

The initial start was confusing.

The idea of changing effects was good.

Add some sounds and music and it'll be way better!

Nice Idea!

Nice game idea. I liked the menu and the character creation.

I missed a fight feedback and fighting animation.

Maybe some sound effects?

The stats could go negative and you suddendly lose all stats?

Overall a great idea!

There wasn't really gameplay just destruction (but the destruction was great).

Please add a menu.

Please add music.

Please put the pause button on escape and not on tab.

Please let him spawn with the machingun right away or add the hit mechanic or else it is too confusing.

I liked how everything was destructable (even the background when turning)

The destruction was fun.

First of all, what a nice game.

The idea is great. The músic is good, there were sound effects and a menu.

Now the bugs.

Pls use multiple colors for the tracks(not really a bug) but you couldn't see were to drive sometimes.

2. The last level is hard right? not anymore when you load it from the main menu and you unlock all the controls.

3. The timer, velocity and rotation doesn't really restart when pressing restart. Not to forget the timer that also keeps running.

Overall a great game!

The idea is great!

I really liked how you could undo or redo all you steps.

I found level 3 quit hard though and got stuck :(

The music also just stops after some time.

The sound effects are nice and the puzzles are fun.

This game doesnt need that big of a tutorial but some text would've been nice.

Maybe decorate the levels more?

Also the size of the window was bad. Use resizeable windows or default 1920x1080, everything else looks bad.


How else could i describe it. yeah you can read the controls but what is your character, what is the goal, what about hit feedback like described below, its hard to understand the game.

Add mor sound effect.

By the way, the music just stops (i think when you died and wait a bit)

An interesting? concept but very confusing.

i liked the art though.

It was hard to start (you had to read the description (-)

The screen was really small -

the game was pretty slow -

The art looked great +

I liked the idea of starting the fight by letting them hit others but the ai wasnt that smart. it would've made more fun could they move faster.

Also you could've made it so that you had to dodge their fists so that only than they would accidently hit others instead of just standing behind them.

I liked how the game was designed like the old coin game machines (forgot the name)

nice game!

I was busy with school and the main jam. After 30 jams (now) i'll play some  here!

I think you cant upload, but create a new project and link it in the description. 

Its very impressive work. 

not my genre but was pretty fun.

Was a bit hard.

Disclaimer: No drugs were hurt during the developement!

Hi, it's me, the co-dev!

Nice Game!

I like how the guns rotate and how many guns there are.

The gun rotation was a little slow though.

Nice Game!

Nice Game! 

I like the level system!

Got stock on world 3 level 2 though :(

A bit short but very fun!

A bit slow (that's ok).

Sometimes tiles where water instead of land?!?

Definitly creative!

(1 edit)

It was fun to play, a nice game. The music stopped though. 

The map was a bit empty too (maybe add some stars?)

Was fun to play

edit: I forget to praise the randomness of the rotation! I first thought it would be the same all the time, but it was completly random!

I think it is just the video because theres nothing else right?

The video was pretty impressive. I would like to do that too, but i dont have a motion sensor and i think thats why theres only a video.

Nice work!

I had a few problems starting the game but that doesnt have to be your fault

The Aiming was hard, but doable.  I liked the different kind of enemys you encounter.

two bugs i found: 

the killcount doesnt get reseted when starting a new job,

the start new job screen gets bugged when pressing escape.

I liked the different attacks!

Nice and creative game! 

though i didnt play long because the plattforming without checkpoints got pretty annoying...

I liked the idea of the music!