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A member registered Dec 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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Modern Masterpiece tbh

sovlful + kino

my only two mayor complaints are:

- you should be able to control the camera all the time, not only with the roaming option. something the enviroment of the characters themselves get in the way and I wish I could move around so I could better angle of the area

-doors are weird to open, since you need to click the floor around them, but it doesn't work if you directly click the door

since you are doing critters are the general theme, can you add bats and lizards? no real reason, I just want more derpy creatures to play as

Wonderful art, it has soul, sadly I got stuck in the second combat encounter.

I feel like the UI and gameplay need some polish before I can see the vision properly presented, but the aesthetic got me

Pure Sovl, but ladders are the bane of my existence.

I like concept of the gameplay, but the controls could probably be simplified. Having to press "S" to read, them "R" to close the books feels odd, why can't I press "S" a second time to close it?

Neat demo!
I see the basics of a more complex game here and I dig it, my one complaint is the controls, can't say I know what you have in mind for the future, but I feel like having 4 keys for each direction to interact with the enviroment is a bit overkill.

yeah, the game froze and none of the keys would do anything

(1 edit)

Got stuck on the intro cutscene when the game asks me to jump after :(

thank you very much!

Thanks, next DD should have a beefier version

I'll do my best not to disappoint


Thanks, hopefully next version will be much better

Thank you, I need to work harder to work around the quirks of the engine

Love all these ideas, I can probably implement them easily. 

Innecesary options that lead to weird outcomes is a must!

Thanks for playing

Engine can't export to Linux, millions must cry

Need to add a proper tutorial in the future


I think widescreen can be easily done, I just haven't touched the default settings too much.
I did experiment with first person perspective early on, I might give it a second try and see how it goes. It would make it so the whole game is first person, which might be more immersive.

Thanks for playing!

Will do!
Thanks for playing

Duke decides to bully the local goblin population: The game

Had fun with it. I'm a bit out of the loop with the project, but from the oher comments I saw that you switched to Godot. So far so good!
The runescape-ish aesthetic has a softspot in my heart, and more orblikes are always welcome.

I vibe with the cape physics, it's the little things that make games soulful

Some suggestions/problems:

- The game freezes for a couple seconds when using fireball for the first time

- Enemy AI takes a bit to react to the player when they enter the room

- Could be cool if fireball had a bigger splash damage range, even if it was more expensive for it

- Shadows on the cape were a bit glitchy

- Enemy placement was a bit weird (6 goblins on a perfect square position), but I imagine is just placeholder

Keep it up!

A lot of stuff was made, but not implemented. There's technically a couple spells already, but they didn't made it into this demo, sorry.

Hopefully on next version I'll be able to expand much much MUCH more, because I am a bit ashamed of how short it is.


Thanks a lot, I'm glad to know that there's an appeal to the current version as it is :)

it's a neat concept, but you really need to be extra specific with where you click, otherwise nothing works. got stuck clicking around, trying to find how to insert the ram stick. It needs to be more obvious what parts you are supposed to click to make them work.

also, the drawers need a button that is always visible, took my low IQ brain a minute to find it.

could be a solid chill game with more polish and content, do you have plans on having a story line besides gameplay?

god this is so hard, but so well polished.

It's not my cup of tea, but I recognise gold when I see it.

good! just that, I don't much feedback. Had a jolly old time while playing it.

I need to fix that input lag, sorry about it.

Thanks for playing anyways!

I think I can fix the lag issue. and thanks for playing, next demo should be meatier.

I want to love this game, the aesthetic and idea speaks to me in a deeper level, but man I have some issues and it might just be me being bad at games:

- I hate parrying, don't ask for precise inputs in a game where half of the screen is full of either bullets of gore bits

-you are asking too precise platforming skills on a game where the player is intentionally(I assume) hard to control

- W(to grab ledges) and SPACE (to jump) could be binded to the same key

-turrets are unsatifying to kill, they take too many shoots and as said before, parrying doesn't feel like a viable option. bullet sponges that look like they should die in 3 hits

-because you are hard to control and some parts need precise platforming, you can fall down often and lose progress, then have to do the same precise plaforming again(and fall again).

-boxes with HP should be both more obvious and more easy to break. a lot is happening on screen and I always ignore/miss them.

-turret energy bullets blocking your own bullets is bs


-Aesthetics, I don't know with what devil you made a deal to have your art skills, but I want in

-the bullet casings staking is an amazing idea on itself, but how they affect the plaforming is cool af

-being push around by your own bullets: it just feels right to play around with the physics of your infinite ammo machine gun, I wish the levels were more horizontal to take more advantage of the speedboost it gives you when shooting at the opposite side you are moving

-boss battles are great, they have a good feeling to them.

-just all the animations of your character blasting away.

my recommendations would be:

- focus on letting the player have fun shooting things, platforming should not be the focus. You have a game were shooting is cool, let me shoot stuff.

-if an enemy can take a lot of shots(like the turrets) make their design look bulkier/armored.

-make destructable structures a bit more fragile, so it's obvious that you can destroy them

Whatever you make, you got me hooked.

I think it's very healthy behaviour and you should pursue the advice of such voices.

Please polish and expand it into a full release, this was fun as hell.

Nice little game, all the character portraits look great, I dig the vibes, but the gameplay has some problems:

-I find the aesthetic pleasing, my only complaint on that is that the water needs some work, it looks noisy as of now.

-Movement feels weird, my brain keeps assuming it's grid based, but it doesn't work that way. It always feels like the character moves either too much of too little.

-Are the bicycles ramdonly generated? their position and movement feels inconsistent, so it's hard to properly plan how to avoid them. It's very luck based.

She returns on next DD

yeah, that would be better

I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for the feedback, now I will dev until my eyes melt away from my skull.

Thanks a lot for playing!

I guess saving anytime is easier, I got caught with the idea of making it "cooler"

Unrelated: Dreams of Joy is cool af, you have a great sense of aesthetic :)

Mushroom removed, I disliked them too.

I need to work on making status effects more obvious, it seems I made a pretty bad job and implementing them.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks a lot!

And yes, boss was rushed for Demo Day, sorry for that, he needs lots of improvements.

Taking notes on everything, all should be easy fixes. 

Thanks a lot for the feedback, will do my best to improve.

Sorry for that :(

Based nose enjoyer

Wonderful aesthetic. Getting a good atmosphere is hard, and you did great on that department. While I have yet to finish the second act, I still want to come and leave a review.

Probably the only real complains I have are:

-sometimes it's not clear what tiles are you can walk through. I often get stuck in the enviroment

-during the dialogues, you could add more obvious clues to show who is currently talking, since both portraits are shown at once. (maybe something like someone's portrait darker when they are not talking).

on a sidenote, I love your enemy designs, good stuff.