This game is so sick. It feels so good to closely dodge enemies and turn the tide. The power up mechanic is also super cool, being able to take two moves. It gives a lot of flexibility that I really enjoyed. The graphics cooked, the gameplay cooked, this game is CLEAN.
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The amount of content in this game is insane. All the levels are engaging and I love the central mechanics. Parrying feels really fun and maybe it's the Source gamer in me but I would just jump around waving it as I strafed. Felt like an inspect animation. The swinging was also super cool. Please make more, this is sick.
This game gives you an excellent sense of speed, especially when you unlock the D ability. The highlight of the game for me was chaining Ground Pounds into each other to build on speed. The only issue that I ran into (which I think is a bug) is that some of the collisions for platforms are weird and just stop you instantly. Half of the time I went through them and it felt amazing, the other half I would slam into a brick wall and get sad. Overall though the game has a great presentation and feels awesome to play. Nice work!
This is an awesome little game. I really enjoy the presentation as well as how well thought through it is. I immediately got the Leave exit because I was like "Wait let me just like break everything I can at the start" and I got rewarded. The game overall feels super rewarding, it's a lot of fun. Nice Work!
This game was great. Visuals were good, and the movement felt really snappy. My biggest gripe are the controls, but it's a personal thing. I hate jumping with w and it made the wall jumping harder since you would have to input A -> W -> D Super quickly which felt uncomfortable. I think giving the option for the player to use space to jump would help fix this, but it's just a personal gripe. Other than the game is great and I hope you continue to work with it