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A member registered May 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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A proposta é incrível. Um projeto que pode ser expandido para além da ortografia e alcançar outros patamares dos estudos de linguagens. Parabéns pela gamificação! Sua equipe é ótima.

achei desafiador. gráficos muito bonitos. a música bem legal. o sistema de pulo parece dar umas travadas, mas eu culpo mais meu dedo nervoso mesmo. 

great game!

Congratulations to everyone. I had an awesome experience. C ya next time. 

Thank you, Erin. I will fix those dark moments and the texts (my mistake and a very rude one :/ ). THe tiles are awesome, they almost map by themselves. :D

Thanks again.

Thank you, Cafe. As you say in Brazil: "eita". That means "nice", right?  ❤

its not bad, its nice to see you send me your opinion. I appreciate your time to write all the topics. Thank you, Indrah. 

Thank you, OZ.

I liked the battles and the art. The music is really amusing.  The sound effect and animations of the skills are satisfying (I felt the hits... oh gawd!).

Congrats :D

Thank you, Codapill. 


Well, pixels never lie. Hahahaa

Glad you liked. Thank you.

Hi, Hi.

I loved the idea of your game.

I found some passabilities problems and I believe a font problem, because the dialogues of the children and some of the witch do not appear as words, but symbols.

Anyway, Dovinhah was a good cat afterall!

Thank you for the words

Thank you, GingerSun.

Hahahahah You like to kill everybody! Hakuen is an angel :D

Thanks, Eli.

I loved the art. The battle was really nice. I got some trouble like Starmage did: just a black room, with doors and chests in the first map, but I thought it was a "blind limbo map". One of the enemies used lullaby on my forever and I felt sleepy IRL. LOL!

Congratulations on your game, Seraph. For not giving up! You are amazing.

C ya.

I loved the game. I finished. The ABS system is very satisfatory! Very good, mano! :D

it is beautiful, it is well done, it is amazing! congratulations!

LOL thank you.  So, you are guilty, huh? Haha thanks for playing.

Thank you, Emanu.

The mapping and the sprites of this game, the characters..! Really well done!

I loved the concept. This game put a smile here with the intro. Nice idea!

This game is a must-play. The mechanic to project out the spirit is awesome. Really inspiring!

I loved how you managed the idle mechanics. I was happy clicking it all game long.

Its really nice character. Congrats! 

I loved the art and the story about humans and phoenix. Congrats, Emanu. Your concept and ambience composition are great. 

YES, it opened! Let me play a little bit to see if there is not something wrong. It is working, OOOsandan. :D

in the rpg maker discord (the official one), there is a "japanese side".  Maybe they can help with this font error.

i will chek it later. But, maybe, its my computer. Any other english enviroment peolle tried it?  Go to discord and ask someone to try it or ask any help. Or the rpg maker web forum. I am curious a out the pink hair girl story. 😁 I hope you can fix it. I will check if later, ok?

Now it took a long "Now Loading..." and then the error.

Web browser. I clicked on the link and it did the download.

This happens when I open the game.

Congratulation from a Non-Harold! LOL.

I really enjoyed the experience. Congratulations.

I've found a bug too. I downloaded the zip english version and a lot of errors appeared (scenes and plugins). :(

This game took my attettion as the first one I tried on the IGMC 2022. A great use of theme and your map skills are awesome!

This is a very nice way to explore the theme. Congratulations. The intro got me by the context and music. You knew how to use it very well.

Jus watched your scene and it is fantastic! Congratulations!

To be a game. This has material!

"I am being personally attacked here"

"it Is in your mail box"

I would like to know more about the heroines and their adventure. You have a nice plot seed here. Congratualtions!