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Moka Doggo

A member registered Jan 15, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much for your kind words :)

We will continue to improve our game!

Thank you for your feedback!

We will balance the game further as you suggested! :)

Thank you very much! <3

WOWW I've never thought of leveling up the first pet so much ahahaha

Thanks for great suggestions!

Yeah I agree! I think having a better pet swapping method and Input/Output visuals would improve the game :3

I appreciate your feedback!

Amazing game!

Well polished and it gets player into the loop pretty quickly.

It's one of the best polished submissions I've seen so far.

For feedback, I wish the item selection arrows were more visible.

I only figured out there were other pages in item selector, very late into the game.

I also wish to see more creativity in monster scaling. Right now, it feels like it's just a bigger/badder version of smaller ones.

Also having more synergies between items/enemies would be a very fun experience.

I'm picky because this game is very well made and has high playability already.

Keep up the great work!

Very fair point!

Another player also mentioned the lack of objective, and I also agree the game needs some player direction.

We will polish the player directive and clearer goal in future iteration.

Thank you for your precious feedback! <3

Thank you for playing our game!

We will add scaling feature / resize in next release! <3

You're right! I also think it needs better communication with the player.

We will put more effort into it and improve some UX/UI and tutorials.

Thank you very much for your thoughtful feedback, it helps us a lot! <3

Love the idea!

I can see some more fun puzzles coming out using this mechanics.

The narrative is very well set and it gives the game it's character.

I would love to see where the potion hits the ground though, it is generally hard to aim and guess at the same time.

Other than that, it's a solid mechanic and pretty well made loop that player can get into quickly!

Keep it up! :3

Thank you very much for your thorough feedback!

Yes, as you mentioned, we agree that some better tutorials and clarity are needed.

Also, thanks for suggesting a way to deepen our mechanics! We will try to create something more engaging :3

Hello Turncoda!

We will polish the game and from your comment, I think giving player direction is one of the crucial improvements to make.

Thank you for your feedback!

Unique concept!

I love seeing some movement based game with this theme,

and general art style is very stylish and casual. With some juicy interaction feedbacks, I can see more people enjoying this game.

As a feedback, I think movements can be a little more generous. It was hard to gain momentum for jump heights, and some coyote time for jump registration would make first-time-players get hooked more easily. (Though I might be skill issueing hard haha.)

Love the game, keep up the great work!

Very cool concept! I love the combination of light colors and defense mechanics!

I think the crystals acting as crystals is cool idea.

Gathering crystals dropped by moths is satisfying and I can see this game developing some good resource management mechanics.

Feed back:

I couldn't figure out how to rotate the tower's aim for the new ones. Some more indications or user manual would be a great help! The moth's path algorithm could see some improvements too.

I love this game. Keep up the good work!

Great concept!

I love your environment building and monster designs!

As a hack-and-slash, I would love to see more responsive attacks and some interesting combos!

And personally, I would see myself using Shift key as dash more often.

It could just be me, but I couldn't figure out crafting T_T maybe some tutorial would be nice.

Conclusion, I think it's a cool game, would love to see you develop more!

I think this is the first game amongst the submissions that had a narrative.

I love your approach in creating games like this!

For a feed back, I would try to polish the game mechanics and try to find something more engaging :3

Love your work, keep at it!

Lovely game!

I really love the vampire survivors type game with this unique theme.

I think balancing it for the starting player would be nice, and player's speed could be faster.

Also maybe click-and-hold might be not necessary for this type of game! As a player, holding down a button is a bit tiring. Aiming would be good enough :3

I see great potential in this game. Keep up the good work!

Very well polished game!

Love the art style and consistency of it!

Mixing drinks is very simple but a fun concept, it made me feel like a bartender.

I would love to see more development, probably some progress system where player gain access to more drinks over the game.

All-in-all, a very solid game with high potential!

I love the openness of the field and bullet hell type game.

It's already fun to play, and with some more polishing, it would be a fantastic game.


I think the player's bullet range could be increased!

Some more polishing and quality improvements (I was able to boundary break pretty easily)

would make this game great.

Keep up the good work!

Genuinely a fun game!

It put me right into the flow state immediately.

With some balancing, I can see a lot of people enjoying this game.

Also, I personally thing the camera was closer to the tower (it's a bit small and hard to see imo)

All in all, you have something fun to develop more on! Keep it up :3

Thank you very much!! Our team really put a lot into music

We'll continue to polish the game, and we plan to release it on Steam!

Thank you for your feedback Ryan!

We will work on a better tutorial to get player into the loop more smoothly! :3

Really love the art style!

Combining turn-based combat and alchemy deck building/collecting is a fresh and fun concept.

Also, the designs of opponents are fun (I really loved worm haha)


I think the first tutorial could be more step-by-step, with actions in-between parts of the tutorial.

(ex: Explain drag & drop element, let player do it, and then explain AP, etc / take damage, and then explain HP etc etc)

Other than that, I think you have a solid game! I'd love to see more of it in the future :3

This is pretty cool!

I love the SCP inspired story telling

Hey I love this game!!

The brewing for stats is a fun concept, and I can see having more fun with this polished.

It's a solid game mechanic, the character is very cute, and ingredients look good too.

I wish the enemies spawned more or have potion last longer, and scaled more generously.

Good game!

If this is your first game, fantastic job!

Keep making cool games.

Though, I personally can't play executable games due to security reasons.

Internet is filled with malicious softwares.

(2 edits)

The characters are so cute omg

I genuinely enjoy the environment and the design of this game. I hope to see more in the future!

For improvement, same feedback as others. Text disappears before I could read, I wish the text stayed before player input

Keep it up!

Great mix of puzzle game and alchemy system! Love the characters too

I also see a lot of potentials for a good story line.

Keep it up!

Great game!

I love the concept of shadows, aesthetically pleasing too


Great game!


It's so cute okdasfkasdlf

Amazing puzzle game which makes player actually think hard

Very artistic as well! I would love to see more of this game in the future

Thank you very much for your feedback! :D

I agree, actions and status should be easier to see. We will improve our UI/UX in near future!

Also, we will start looking into optimization for the game as well.

Thank you!

There is an X button at top right of the computer screen :3

We will improve the UI/UX in near future ☺️

(1 edit)

Lovely music, challenging puzzle!

The weight mechanic is pretty cool


OK This is actually way cooler than what I initially thought


Cool concpet!! I love the artwork too

YOOOO this is a fun game!!

I love the core mechanics and absolutely love the cute character!

I wish to see more creative levels to use shadows :3

skill issue (u are too skilled) :p
