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A member registered Aug 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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This pretty good article covers this

(in terms of biomes, upgrades, bosses, enemies...)

as he said, his computer isn't that important. It only matters that other people that submit, who are going to rate the games, can play it. lets you upload any files i think, so if you really wanted to support 32bit, nothing stops you from also exporting and uploading that.

In general, in game jams, if you can also do a web export, that tends to mean more people play, just because it's easier and less effort to start the game.

MVM generally having slightly """larger""" games tends to have a lot of games that can only be downloaded, no web. So you shouldnt be at a big disadvantage if you don't have it playable in the browser, i think.

If you do choose to try to export it for the browser - i know Godot says that you should probably use GLES2 instead of GLES3 for compatibility reasons.

Firefox also refuses to play the exported .html directly - but if you upload it to itch it works, and maybe i remember incorrectly but once you set up the html export settings i think a button appears in the top right of Godot to quickly export and run the game? Not sure...

Last thing, AGAIN i don't remember the details because it's been a while since i used Godot but there are some audio formats that have a few issues in the browser, you should search that and avoid them if possible. if you are exporting for web of course.

Good luck with the jam!

I developed it in fullscreen, and originally the camera was more zoomed in by default.
I didn't pay enough attention then... Thanks for the reply

(1 edit)

FIY there is no win condition... i was already well above the time limit

Also, did you see the explanation text placed in the level, and you mean that was not enough, or you just missed it? 
Either way there's something i could have done better there, so i'm interested to know...

Despite the complete randomness, i felt like i had just the right amount of control

Winner as far as i'm concerned, it feels like a small-ish but finished game.

It's an amazing game concept, executed really well.

Are the card choices really random? Or do the enemies know what cards you have? I swear i felt some slight patterns, but i'm probably wrong.

Right now... It doesn't, of course.

The plan might change since now i have time to give it a few iterations and i'm not sure about what works and what doesn't - but the general concept would have been that the robot "does its own thing" and you have some actions you can do to "get his attention" and do one thing in a way that helps you.

Things like throwing sth and he fetches it for you, placing/moving objects in the level to change which behaviour he picks, getting him to collect or interact with things...

There might or might not be enemies at some point, in which case the robot might have the weapon.

I have a few ideas and we'll see what sticks

i dont understand how it fits the theme? other than that, great game

music is a bit painful

I had some trouble missing to click on things, but skill issue. But also some sort of "you clicked outside but the game grabs the closest object anyways" would have been nice.

Fun game, i liked the variety in tools. Holding rightclick is made obsolete by every other option tho

basically you're trying to do something and all of a sudden
"rIgHt AwAy" "hApPy To HeLp"

do you want another rock you little bastard

Just... wow. 3 days for this?

Only feedback i have is some of the HUD is super thick, which is fine, but it should be a bit transparent because it blocks the view a bit too much.

Was that smoothly transitioning adaptive music i just heard? :o

tiny bug... when the robot holds a block, the block has disabled collisions. Which is great in most cases, but... you can give the block to the robot, ask the robot to move to a ceiling, and ask it to drop the block... Now the block is stuck outside the map. Whoops.

sometimes the robot blocks the rock when you're standing close... I mean throwing stones to give orders doesn't make a lot of sense realistically, so maybe an alternative input would work... But i also kinda like the elegance of having a single input so i cant decide... But it is very frustrating

Great game, well polished too

maybe add a tiny feedback (sound or visual) to show that yes, the game saw your input, but you aren't allowed to make that move

A cutscene? In a short jam? Nice... Wish there was a skip button since i had to restart the game:
i got softlocked towards the start, the first time you cut3 turns into a platform. Got both to the other side, then started to jump towards the pit, and cute just dives in. He then respawns to the left, and immediately keeps running straight to the pit repeatedly. Couldn't press the button despite many attempts, is it disabled when he moves? Idk.
there's other cases where you loose progress in general if you don't pay attention to what you're doing

Is there a range check/raycast to allow pressing on Cute? I'd remove that for consistency

CUT3 gets sometimes behind the player, making him more difficult to click, and since CUT3 follows the player... this isn't rare.

Bossfight has issues: 1 out of 2 presses of the button does nothing, and in general you can't tell where the saws appear until you've tried it enough times

Great use of the theme

cute / 10

I assume all the "unresponsive controls" comments are not understanding how the movement is limited? Which btw i think is great once you understand it

The game is definetly cheesable (camp a corner with points, if it comes behind you it has to touch you to get the point, if it comes from the other side of the L, you can turn to the pacman...) but hey who cares

The idea seems obvious in hindsight but it's 10/10

Main menu is a bit weird

(3 edits)

(some of this is review is a bit critical, don't take it personally, it's meant as ideas for what i think would be improvements)
- the first thing i did was trying to drive the car, not knowing that the arrow (i think?) shows where you have to do the delivery; instead of letting the cars do their thing and only intervene when things go wrong. overall, new player experience could be improved

- you get limited situational awareness since the camera has a fixed zoom, is bound to the player, and the player moves so slowly.

- the walking speed is waaay too low to keep up with more than 1-2 cars. increase it, or straight up get rid of the walking mechanic and "observe from above", controlling the cars would be remote control. That would be kind of an RTS where your units can do incorrect things...

- "you got pummeled" is very unforgiving especially since you have to get close to get in a car...
- i think the arrows are actually quite smart and show what you need to know depending on what you're doing, but that wasn't obvious. they would at least need to look different for each purpose.
And since most of what's happening is off screen, you rely on the arrows to tell you what is going on. So when you drive, you suddently become "blind". This has the side effect that "kidnapping" a car to get around the slow walk speed isn't viable

- the cars have different states they can be in: OK and delivering, OK and returning, corrupted, broken (is there hidden HP?), stuck (that one has great feedback with the horn sound)...
I think all of this is useful (essential) information that needs to be conveyed to the player somehow.
Right now you get a message saying something went wrong, then you have to go check out every car, guess which one has the issue based on its behaviour.

- the game mostly plays itself, usually, in general my effect on the game world feels very restricted...
corrupted cars, afaik you have to just wait it out for the antivirus to fix it,
broken cars, a similar situation, only it's a tow truck that comes to fix it, and i couldnt find a way to prevent the damage other than manually driving all the way (impossible because there are multiple cars) or randomly stumbling on one and managing to walk to it in time before it self destructs
The only cases where i almost always fix something by intervening is if the car is stuck / lost

- is there a win condition? if it's just a high score game, why doesn't the death screen show the score?

Other than that, this fits the jam theme incredibly well!

sheesh that's a wall of text

(1 edit)

Definetly a great game!

The "bad":
- i feel like the default unity font text, lack of animations and other "juice", and flat-ish level look don't do the game full justice
- i got stuck for a while on the first level that let me give orders, because i just didnt understand how the mechanic works. "okay" "okay" "okay" then do something! haha. i just wasnt moving and tried the spacebar before giving orders wich resulted in nothing.

and the good!

- amazing theme fit
- actually fun gameplay and well designed puzzles
- game felt like it was the right length, maybe a 30% more could have fit, but for a 3 day jam this is just great
- the changing robot kept the game fresh (and were generally cool moments)

Overall, a solid WWOOOOWIIEEEEEE and a half out of 10

Edit: i forgot to mention, no bugs! and the undo feature was an unecpected incredible thing! without it the game might have felt tedious. great job!

Cooking games are not my thing, but i had to try it because of the interesting artstyle.

I really didn't understand what the "give to robot" step is, i just... hold E on another person and get a new task, the robot is just doing its thing, i can't reach it...

I think the robot can leave debris behind the clipboard, making it impossible to see and maybe remove? I think?

Maybe add some sort of highlighting, or dynamic text message, that lets you know what you're interacting with. With perspective , it's wasnt 100% clear to me where you have to stand to interact with a specific thing. Also the interaction seems to continue after it completes, until you let go of the key

Overall, pretty good!

Yep, the game ends after the boss. Had no time to make a proper screen for it.
I knew of that bug, but thought it had been patched... oh well.
Thanks for all the feedback!

(1 edit)

I don't want to slow down your enthusiasm, and what i'm about to say is based on my guess of your experience level, which i might have wrong... so take this with a grain of salt.
But if you're at the stage where you still need to learn a game engine, i would personally focus on small, but complete projects, instead of a large and complex project like a metroidvania. That's more likely to end successfully.
You can still do whatever you want anyways, if that's more fun for you... just don't feel disappointed if the deadline hits too soon... you will probably learn a lot anyways


I agree that the wall jump is a frustrating, it should allow you to jump a couple of frames after you leave the wall.

As "weird" as the models and aesthetic is, i enjoyed it! It makes it special.

Love the movement speed, and attack combo. Using it midair to move feels NICE. An attack as a mobility tool, super interesting! You can extend your jump distance, correct jumps that were going to miss, reset your vertical momentum, and instantly flip movement direction.

The wall jump being so annoying, and slow to climb, really kills the fluidity of the movement.

Also, more open level designs would allow the fast movement to really shine, instead of what often happens mostly in the first area, where you have tiny platforms close to eachother and then 10 meters of painful upward wallclimb. (Seems like you realized that in the later areas)

Tiny bug, i assume you forgot this in and it was used for debugging, the arrow make your character move, but it seems to completely skip state transitions, like flipping in the direction you're actually moving, or allowing walljumps. Of course, this doesnt impact gameplay

This might be a "me" issue, but at the start of the game, there's an invisible wall that blocks you from going left. I assumed that was just where the world ends. After i got the first seed on the right, i was lost for a second because i didn't realize that. Yep, that's definetly a me issue.

Some thorns collisions felt bigger than what you actually see, some ground collisions had tiny places where you get stuck, you probably already know that

Sometimes, it isn't immediately clear when an enemy is dead. Also, there's no feedback for when you recieve damage, and i still don't know exactly when the bees damage you and when they don't, so i just charged at them and it kinda worked.

Also, i ENTIRELY forgot i had the slide ability. I didn't get stuck anywhere without it anyways. I still don't get where it's useful

The dash... increases the speed of the movement even more, i love it!

It has a bug where you can spam it and gain ludicrous speed, which was fun, but.. clearly unintended. Just be on a flat floor, and spam it. Even though it pushes you up a bit, it's always refreshed.

The bossfight really started to show the potential of the fluid movement...

I had fun. It's unfortunate that the first thing people see is the claustrophobic rooms and the annoying walljump. I hope there aren't people that miss out on the rest.

this is definetly a metroidvania and doesn't look dodgy at all

10 days for a metroidvania, i'm impressed

(3 edits)

VERY nice.

Only thing thats confusing me is, i've gone in the deep a couple times before already and that worked fine, but now the creature is pretty much camping the entrance, and immediately appears 100% of times i go in the deep. Maybe i did something wrong? It feels like a bug.

This is kind of important... because i just cant continue the game like this...

^^ Edit: I just went for it anyways and... it didnt kill me? I guess it just wants to hit you a certain amount? I guess this is normal then?

Another bug i found, that im unsure how i triggered, was that i once got teleported (with my submarine) very far to the left of the deep. I couldnt see myself, i just saw the creature circling around, i held the "move right" key and at some point i was able to see myself again. The creature started attacking me of course (would have been too easy) but i managed to escape just in time to survive

Also the fact that you can just move past the left/right borders of the deep area is just confusing, if there is nothing there, why not add an invisible wall?

Edit 2: finished the game. It was great. The base building was nice, but in hindsight feels a bit excessive for how little you stay there?

Vibe 9/10, soundscape 8/10, visuals 9/10 (both the pixelart and the light effects are really nice... the ending is beautiful too), building 8/10, gameplay... maybe a 7? There isnt a lot, but you dont really know that until you're done, and the (pun not intended) immersiveness and vibe already keep you busy enough to not make the experience feel empty.

More stuff would have been great. (You pretty much just, get the basic materials, get the crafting stuff, optionally customize your house, get the keys, and it's over...)

Would recommend

If I remember correctly there's 7 objectives. They're all the same and you just get a victory screen, so you didn't miss any content.

The "enemies not spawning" thing is a quirk of the spawning logic, sometimes some places will leave no valid spots for spawning to happen (or there are, but it runs out of attempts, so you get less spawns).


predictive slowmo is rad, game was fun.

Only mildly annoying thing was that since mouse controls point you towards you cursor, and the camera isnt locked to the spaceship, pointing in the same place will send you on some "curve" path. The cursor would have to be offset to track the ship's movement, sth like that. 

But it was totally playable, i enjoyed it

For those who dont know the controls:

Mouse to aim, left click to shoot

WASD to move

We should have added a tutorial but... heh, we didnt.

basically, game of the year, 10/10