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Madison H

A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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I love idle games! This was really cute! I like that you can buy upgrades, otherwise it seems pointless to earn money when you wouldn't be able to spend it on anything. I think adding some cosmetic items would be fun for players to spend their money on too! Something to decorate your play space :) Nice job!

This is a very fresh idea for the Nokia game jam! The "help" menu was extremely helpful when figuring out what you could input, but it makes me wonder if using the number pad to pick from a list of numbered options would be a little more user friendly and faster to progress through the game. However, I think the old-school typing is a fun throwback and is a big part of the appeal to your game!

This game was super charming! I love the premise and the graphics. I do agree with some of the other criticisms others have brought up-- particularly about speeding up the death animation. That is just a minor quality of life change, though. Great job!

The way I busted out my drawing tablet for this to boost my dexterity and I still only got a high score of 12. 

Took me a second to figure out the rules of the game-- I was overcomplicating from the jump. Once I had it down, it was just a race for that high score >:) I'd love to see an additional scoring system in place for bonus points. For example, bonus points for even slices and slices that go through multiple die.

I think this was a great interpretation of the theme! Great job!!!

I loved playing this game! The art style was really great, and I loved having a shark companion. I died before I was able to complete the game, but I love the subtle world-building elements you placed in the text here and there.  I had sharky die early on in my game, and it wasn't immediately apparent to me how to revive him. Once I got the reboot drive, I tried using that but that didn't seem to work.  It's rough having only one party member for some of the fights, so my only criticism is having some way or making it more obvious how to revive team members earlier on.

Great job!

I was very attracted to this game by the cover art you made for it! The art style is really lovely, and I think you have some beautiful work here.  I love that you were able to incorporate an interesting story! On the flip side, I felt the conversations were a little on the long side, so I recommend editing them down a bit more. 

Awesome work!

The mechanic in this game is really interesting-- I'd love to see it utilized in a lot of scenarios. I wasn't able to get super far in the game cause the enemies kept killing me, haha.  I think it would be easier to dodge or attack the enemies if they approached slower, or if there was some indicator on the screen showing which way they are coming from.  I did notice the vultures kind of dip down before swooping in for attack, so that was helpful.

That being said, I think your game has a great sense of style, and I'd love to see it developed further!

I love this art style—it reminds me of Tim Burton. Super creepy and unique, which is something I haven't seen much of in this game jam!

I love the idea of a doodle visitor from a doodle world. I was happy to help the little alien fix its ship :) I really enjoyed the puzzle at the end, too! Great job!

I know so many players have said this already, but it's worth repeating: the hand-drawn assets are fantastic. Great job on making this game!

I love escape room puzzle, so this was really fun! The are style was super cute! The EEEEEE was my favorite.

We are so glad you like it! We love hearing feedback about the game while we continue to make it better, so thanks for letting us know about your experience with the painting speed! Thanks for playing :)

Awesome! I'm glad to hear it. I'll be back after ratings are over.

Yes! Sometimes it would let me slide, but occasionally I would start the room not being able to do anything. 

This game is super cute, and the minigames are fun to play. It's fast paced, so I had to keep on my toes a lot! 

I had fun solving the puzzles for this game! I'm happy to say that Gramps will get his phone back. I love that you were able to include such sweet personality from the characters in just a few lines of text. Great job!

I really enjoyed playing this game! I noticed sometimes that you'd end the level with extra mana. It could be fun to keep track of a score or give players a rating for each level depending on how much mana they have left over. I love the sounds, as well. Great work!

As someone who doesn't really love FPS games, I really enjoyed myself playing this game.  The movement has a really nice feel to it, and it felt the perfect amount of challenging.  Great job!

This game was so lovely to play! It was quick to understand, and navigating the ship felt really good. I was terrible at controlling my ship without auto-brakes, but I appreciated the option for extra challenge. Living life in space with your plants, what more can you ask for?

This game reminds me of Stardew Valley's mini-game, Journey of the Prairie King, which I love to play.  I'd have liked to see the difficulty ramp up faster, and some AI included for the enemies to chase/follow the player-- there is nothing stopping me from hiding out in a corner and shooting enemies as they walk past.  I think you have a great start, good work!

This game was super cute! I almost felt bad shining my flashlight at the ghost- he looked so friendly!

It took me a bit to understand what was happening with the bars down below, but once I did, it was fun. I love the expressions the character has in the endings, it matched my expressions perfectly. My only wish is that the level was longer, or there were multiple levels. Great job! 

I agree with what others have been commenting. It seems like a perfect game for the Nokia, and I'm sure multiple friends playing would love to compete and brag about high-scores. Great job!

The story really did pull at my heartstrings! I was afraid something bad would happen in the forest, and that journey into the unknown was suspenseful (in a good way). 

I really liked what I played! 

Unfortunately, In the second level after the tutorial levels, I would either start the area not being able to jump or slide, or I would die in that area and then restart not being able to jump or slide. I had to keep restarting the game to get back to that point, but it kept happening to me.  I really did enjoy controlling the character and navigating the world, and I'll come back to play more.

I really enjoyed the switching mechanic in this game, especially knowing that the health switches back and forth. I did keep dying in the escapable pit after collecting the jump, but I intend to come back to see the rest of the game. Great work!

I really liked this game! Each level had something a little bit new, and the walking had a charming QWOP style feel to it. Great job!