This is great! I really liked how the difficulty ramped up and the wine bottle occasionally making those slow zones was great. This is also a game that I feel follows the prompt. Great work!
Musik Kombat
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I really like the look of the game! Megaman! The difficulty is a bit wild though. There is a lot to keep track of at once and the mental load can get a little overwhelming especially when you get your buttons down only for the controller to switch. I almost wish I had a buddy to watch the buttons with me. Also certain buttons being the same color adds to the confusion and I quickly could not grasp which buttons were which and where they needed to go in time. It would be nice to have an instant reset button to reset the board when things get too hectic. Solid concept just needs refinement for ease of use.
I really liked the idea of this game! I found it very very challenging but I feel like if someone were to master this game it would look really cool. Also I found a bug! I was mashing the space bar after i died to start a new game and when I started instead of the ball shooting across the field it just teleported between the two points. It fixed itself when I took damage though.
I really liked your game! I love the art style and the music! I especially liked when the sun lit up on the title screen to start the game. I kept breaking my probes while trying to navigate the menu but other than that if the idea gets expanded on this could be a fully released game! Excellent work!
Enjoyable especially if you are a sit down and think about it kind of person! I like that its turn based as well. I can't tell if its a glitch or a feature but before the end of each round I kept accidentally selecting an alien to be in the control group and then I selected them again to be yeeted. in the next round it would show me way more than the single selected body temp, blood pressure, etc selected and it would show me on almost all of the aliens stats. Other than that the game was very chill and enjoyable.
This was fun! There was definitely an overwhelming feeling of only being able to be in one place at at time. I didn't read the instructions at first and thought I was just supposed to avoid all of the red guys and then everyone died and I was like "I won! ......wait a second." Lol overall great job!
I love this game! It took a bit to figure out what to do with islands and how to get energy and I almost gave up but then I captured my first island on accident! Might be able to communicate that better with like a quick splash screen with some instructions but other than that excellent game! Great Job!