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A member registered Dec 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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An interesting game and a promising concept. Gameplay feedback got in the way of the experience, though. Had fun playing regardless.

Nice work!

Died on layer 8, those spiky guys can be tough! Had a lot of fun, really liked the interest mechanic. Good stuff

Impressed this was made using scratch, I didn't even know you could embed scratch games on itch! It's a cool simple game, runs & works well, and it accomplishes was it was designed to achieve. Nice work

A neat aesthetic & vibe, but there isn't much to do, though

The lighting effect is neat and the usage of pixel characters as sprites is a cool design choice, and I like the idea of indirectly attacking enemies and luring them to their demise.

For such simple visuals and simple game mechanics, I can see a lot of way this game can be expanded. I am looking forward to what you have in store for your actively developed version. Nice work.

Cute puzzle game. The challenge of properly orienting the train is a cool concept and it's done well. The visuals go together well, the train and the expressive particles look crisp. Overall good experience.

This twist on Tetris is done well, I had fun playing it.

The aesthetic and the topic is nice, but gameplay could use work. With enemies being so fast, shooting them and being able to kill them is pretty difficult and time consuming.

This is  truly da best battle simulator

Managed to get to wave 14 on my second try, had a lot of fun. From something so simple you're able to pull a lot of strategy out of it. Nice work.

Cool game, had fun

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Found this as the top rated entry, and it's easy to see why. Detailed, immersive, great looking world. Music and sfx fit right in with the theme and the art style. Great stuff overall.

My only gripe is not being able to move mid jump, made some actions a lot more tedious

Great game! Gameplay was fun, however the keyboard controls were a little annoying and took some getting used to. I liked the art, still being able to convey information at that low a resolution, and it still looking good.

Nice work

Favourite was the bullet cannon, and the animations for the projectiles and the enemy deaths were really crisp and good looking.

cool game (lol). Cute overall.

(1 edit)

I love how this is a mini-game engine that can make fun little minigames. And all you need to do is make a .png with the correct colours in the image, and it becomes a functional, playable minigame. That's pretty cool.

Typically I don't revisit game jam entries, but this I will play around with this for a few of days, just to test things out. This is something I personally haven't encountered in a game jam before (even if there are other like it, this is the first one I've seen). Regardless of the gameplay lacking a bit, I give double props to the underlying concept. 

Nice work!

Good stuff, the using the gun's knockback to clear obstacles is a fun mechanic

Soldier tf2

I kicked that slime's ass, he didn't stand a chance lol

Also obligatory tf2 reference

Shame, there isn't much of a game to even download. Might wanna fix that

Incredible, incredible. Art is awesome, and it's a chill enjoyable game. One of the best entries here, no doubt

Great game! The result of using low-res art in a tower defence worked better than I expected.

Took a few attempts to get the hang of the controls and a few more to get a hang of the mechanics, but I managed to win.

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Fun game, but I encountered major bugs regarding the collisions with a wall and the hole. Must be a Firefox issue, because I saw a couple Firefox users have the same trouble. I switched over to chrome and things worked fine over there, so no big loss

Audio and graphics are nice, and the concept is executed well, and the intractable objects were cool.

Damn, shame that was all there was, because the controls and attacks were smooth, and  the expression in the animations are crisp and fluid. I was looking forward to helping out lowrez princess leia. Cutting up the two squares was really enjoyable tho! lol.

If you end up expanding on this, I'd genuinely play it.

Also, I loved the toast joke lmao

This was a cool arcade game, I had fun playing this. Blocks falling on top of you show no mercy, which was annoying. But I managed to get a good score a few times. Could have benefited from some sfx or music, though.

I did in fact use Firefox, so that would explain it.

The lot-res low-bit art style is really nice, I liked that. Game was fun, control and the shooting takes a while getting used to,but that is easy enough to do.

The art is cute and music & sfx were nice. Cool game concept and smooth execution, but the difficulty of seeing what's fully going on in the world takes a bit away from the gameplay.

The lore/story you've incorporated with this game is pretty cool! I like that.


It's a cool concept, and a solid puzzle game. I enjoyed it.

Wish controlling the tank and moving the objects were a bit less of a hassle though, found the control inputs rather finicky at times.

Graphics are neat, concept is funny. I like it

Visuals were nice and I really liked the music. 

Couldn't beat the boos though, hitboxes and how the boss behaves meant I couldn't get close enough for a just regular attack without running into the boss or getting hit with a fireball.

Otherwise, solid game

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Great game. I like the visual style a lot, and audio was nice. Puzzles were fun to play

This was really fun, great game! Rotating around the planet was a cool quirk.

This gameplay is a fun twist on the "Clicker" types of games, which I enjoyed a lot. Chaining together loops of pixels is a great idea on allowing auto-clickers without just handing them to the player, cool concept!

The dramatic prices increases along with the tedious nature of placing single pixels was a little annoying though. I also wasn't sure when victory would've been declared, but it would've taken a long time if it was the whole screen. Being able to remove pixels would've saved me a lot of trouble not being able to understand setting up a loop the first time.

Regardless, good concept, executed well, no major bugs, and I had fun.