Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad to know that you enjoyed it. I definitely have an issue where I make my games too hard. I playtest them enough when the controls are bad that I tend to underestimate the difficulty when the controls are better, and the amount of time I playtest myself makes me a bad judge of difficulty. Don't feel bad about 2 deliveries though. That's not bad for starting out.
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You should only be able to move within a small range horizontally. Nothing spawns outside of the range you can move. Think of the movement as being more similar to temple run or subway surfers. There is stuff to the side, but it is just decorative.
If I have misinterpreted what you were saying here, please let me know so that I can look into the issue. The range you should be able to move is around the left and right row of houses.
The art is weird in a good way. It has a very unique look, and I think that's what you were trying to get across. My biggest complaint is how slow the gameplay is. Movement is slow, leveling is slow, taking damage is even slow. Moving slightly is an excrutiating task. A more minor issue that I saw is how every enemy is updating their animations at the exact same time. This just bothers me because it looks so uniform. Adding some variation to the start time of the animation would help break things up a bit.
Make those 2 changes, and I think this will be a fun little survivors-like to play.
Really cool and unique game. It works for me, though it seems some other people weren't able to get it working. This would be a great game to make into a puzzle mobile game to play for a few minutes before you have something going on, or to just sit and play when you are bored. My only critique is that there is no sound.
Really cool game. It isn't buggy and it works well. The difficulty ramps up pretty quickly, but so does your bullet count. There could be a bit of an improvement to the learning curve, as it wasn't fully apparent what the auto-fire upgrade did, but it would pretty much amount to having tooltips over the upgrades.
Cool game idea, but once you've played it once, you've played it as much as you need to. The car controller is my favorite part, but it still has some issues. Clipping the wall a little causes you to come to a full stop, and you always go to the exact same place. Some variation in where you go and some randomization of the map would go a long ways to increasing replay value.
With more time invested in development, this could be a pretty fun driving game.
There are a lot of issues here. The instructions are purely audio based, and they have a filter on that makes it very difficult to understand what is being said. I encountered issues with getting it fullscreened as well. Once you are in the game and figured out the instructions, you realize that there was nothing telling you how or where to actually deliver things, just that you should. I could pick up the box and run around, but had no clue where I needed to take it or how to deliver it.
If I am just overlooking something, please let me know and I can go back and try again. Currently, I was unable to figure out what to do.
Definitely a game that wasn't fully finished, as stated on the page. It's a cool idea, but much of the game logic had not been finished. For example, there is not a check for whether or not you should be able to purchase an upgrade, and as such can go into as much debt as necessary, and due to the upgrades, instantly turn a profit. I think this could be a fun idle game given some more development time. The unimplemented eat mechanism seems like it would be an interesting way to gain buffs.
First of all, nice job doing all of the assets yourself. That must have been a huge time sink. The game itself seemed fairly buggy. I ran into several while I was playing. I was sometimes just unable to pick up presents, picking up a present while you were already holding one would vaporize one of the presents, etc. The character controller worked well for what it needed to do. It's a nice little game, but the bugs stand out enough that I was not able to get a run in without them causing issues.
Neat little speedrunning game. It's very similar to bomberman. My main criticism is that it is not very well explained how the game works. I know that your tnt gets bigger, but I don't know what causes it. You also get more sticks, but again, I don't know what causes it. Other than that, it's a fun little game.
Neat little game. I like how you didn't have the standard "press space to jump", and instead had it jump based on how charged it was. The art was also very stylized and consistent. That said, there were a few issues too. Needing to drive from the start to the current level every time you fail gets tedious fast. It would work better if you respawned either at the location of the level in the level select screen, or at the start of the level when you failed. You also need to exit the game through alt+f4, rather than having a button to do so. Overall, really good first game!
This game is amazing. The art is retro in a good way, the controls are intuitive. This seems like a game that would be fun to learn to speedrun, and it really seems like you leaned into that in your mode selection. My only real criticism on the gameplay is that it felt strange to not be able to adjust the angle of drifting, like in mario kart. Great game!
btw, thanks for the native linux build. Finally didn't have to run something through proton.
I'm glad you liked it. I definitely should have looked for sound effects before a couple days before the deadline.
As for the bugs, I just tested them out and everything seems to be working properly on my end. With the shield spells, are you referring to how they float in front of you for a few seconds before disappearing? If so, that is indended as an indicator of how long the blocking effect lasts.
As for the gamer difficulty, that is also intended. It is a difficulty feature included in hard and gamer modes. On hard, you only get to see the current input, rather than the current and the next, so that you have to know the spells a bit better. Gamer mode does not have any indicator to increase the difficulty even further, since it is intended that you should have your selected spell combinations memorized. If this seems like a bad way to increase difficulty, let me know. I can see it causing some confusion.
Thanks for the feedback and checking out the game! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
BTW, I didn't leave a comment on your game, but it is definitely one of the coolest games that was submitted.
Yea, I probably should have started looking at sound effects earlier than before a few days before the deadline. A tutorial was initially planned, but I did not have enough time to implement it. I plan on adding one after the voting period is over though. The water spell is a healing spell, so it would not have done anything to the enemy. Is it possible you were watching for it to deal damage? I just tested it and it seems to be working properly.
Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for the response! Focusing on casting is definitely an issue. Ideally it would be solved by people memorizing their spells, but that takes a bit more time commitment than I expect most people will put in.
The issue of the game getting too easy is a big factor of why I added a difficulty system as well.
I would recommend adding some sort of information about what the spells do. There is no indicator that the enemies might be immune to certain spells until you blast them 50 times and they walk through it. I died several times before noticing the 'immune' text that pops up. The spells also feel quite weak, especially compared to how fast the enemies are.
Fun game! Seems somewhat difficult based on the bit I played. My only real feedback on it would be that due to my hand size, holding two fingers over x and c can get uncomfortable and lead to inaccurate button presses. I tried another pico-8 game and it had the same controls though, so maybe it isn't something that developers can change.