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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for playing!

Really liked this one! The only negative I can think of was the pick up key not being very intuitive to use.

I loved the concept! As I kept going further and further into smaller rooms,  I was thinking to myself why would I ever change from a big sword to a small one? Right after, I walk out of a smaller room into a bigger room and the sword changed size and I was like "Ohhh now I get it!".

PS: Throwing back the projectiles at the enemies felt very nice!

Hey! Thanks so much for playing! It appears that a bug is present where the attack indicator is not always triggered, and since I was in a rush to finish the game art, I completely forgot to draw some kind of indicator on the sprite itself :(

Regarding the restart, pressing the "R" key should work. I checked with a friend and from what I saw, it can happen that the focus on the game window is lost and so the action doesn't trigger.
Thanks again for playing, really appreciate it :)

Really enjoyed the game and loved the art! Wish it was a bit harder.

Fun little experience nonetheless!

Hey there, thanks for playing! Honestly I'm really proud of the art I was able to do as it was done a couple of hours before the deadline -_-' Yet I think it came out pretty alright.

I'll make sure to have a look at your game. Your frogs have picked my interest for sure!

Thank you for playing! Totally agree, with you as well haha

I've already taken some notes for the next jam. I' m hopping whatever it is I end up making will be a lot more polished!

Thanks for the feedback!

hahaha yes! You won! I only realized I did not code any real winning conditions after the jam was over! Could have done something like the gameover screen and it would have been fine. Oh well...

Thanks for playing!

hey thanks for playing the game! Regarding the attack visual, the enemies should be flashing red for a bit after you hit them. but perhaps there is a bug that prevents this from happening.

Indeed, the idea was that as you get bigger I would need to zoom out the camera so that you could still see the player character. But the implementation wasn't the best I admit!

Again thanks for the feedback!