I am really excited about this one, and I am working on it expand the game... Hopefully, it will turn out ok....
new Vector2
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Yes you are absolutely correct, I am thinking of creating a prototype to test that out and most definitely I want to give a mechanic to get more life while the game is running and also a buff debuff system ( timed and run bassed), I created a buff debuff system for another game jam last year I'll borrow that I guess 😂 ("Ronins Dilemma"- you can check it out from my profile)
Thank you so much for trying my game 😁
The issue you encountered is a known bug, will fix that after the results.
Your input is very helpful and I'll test the zero knockback out. This mainly was a quick prototype and I really love how it turned out. I am absolutely hoping to continue the development on this.
I would love get your opinion on game structure/loop which would work better here: levels like it is currently or a rouge like dungeon like how 'Binding of Isac' works.
Thanks for trying it out.... There are like 1.8k submissions, so I am not surprised that no one found my game yet...
I really had a lot of fun making the game and hoping to continue working on it.. I would love get your opinion on this game, do you think the game structure would work better as levels like it is currently or a rouge like dungeon like how 'Binding of Isac' works...
Thanks for taking the time to play my game, :)
I am absolutely thinking of continuing this project, I like how this turned out given the time restrictions. The level scaling is a big issue I am working on, I have already added (on my local dev build) the ability to save up gold to buy costlier upgrades and a few minor adjustments to the metadata. I really appreciate your feedback and I would try to incorporate those!
PS. I completely forgot about sound till the last minute and it was too late by then.
Overall nice game! Good application of the theme I would say. I can definitely see this going forward as a mobile game, though the controls could be junky as you are not using strict lane movement, just guessing though have to try it out.
In terms of feedback -
1. More music variation with collision sound effects is required. Maybe it is already there but I did not notice.
2. You are spawning islands in 5 lanes if I am correct. Maybe have a couple of big islands to replace 2/3/4 consecutive islands. Hope that makes sense. And in some cases, you don't have to block 4 lanes, which will bring variations in obstacles.
3. Adding a cloud/fog effect will enhance the look of the game (In my opinion). Maybe add thick fog on the side screen so you cannot see islands that are far away (on L and R sides).
4. And last but not least - !!!!POWERUPS!!!!
Quick tutorial guide XD
- The player/players you control have "<space>" in them when they spawn.
- As you go through the levels it is going to pick up the letters from the "Letter Points".
- Picking up a letter will shift the position of the existing letters in the player by 1. Which in turn will cause the last letter in the player to be dropped in the "Letter Point". And add the picked up letter on the front. -> player("123_") -> Lpoint("4") -> player("4123") + Lpoint("_")
- The arrangement of the letters in the player is shown in this image. ( https://lospec.com/i/pejd ). The goal is to "Make Love", where "1234" in the image will spell "LOVE".
- Pressing Q will reverse the position of the letters. -> player("1234") -> Q -> player("4321")
- Pressing E will shift the position of the letters by 1. -> player("1234") -> E -> player("4123")
I hope this helps. :)