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A member registered Apr 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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Yea unfortunately I was not able to implement the minigame in time due to being sick & missing the first few days :( However there should have been a message that explained that in game? It does sound like some issues with interface, sorry to hear but also glad you liked what you saw!

Thank you! Yes there was a lot of issues with the 3D art in general as I didn’t have a lot of experience with blender + was sick + our animator was away for the last 3-4 days 😅 But I did learn a lot so that next project will be better in those aspects 

Really nicely done! Honestly the dialogue was great and really got me into the game! Nice work on the art as well! 

Short but immersive and fun! Nice work on the little minigames and the animations!

Fun game! Got called a dumb gooner, 10/10

Wow feels like a complete story which is impressive given the time! Nicely done I really enjoyed it. Also made me look up the word smerd lol. Really great experience overall! :D

Cool game! I like the managing of the hypnosis v arousal and the music was very chill. Nicely done! 

Hey! sorry, wdym add normal screenshots? Like non-gif screenshots?

Really solid foundation! unfortunate that there isnt more content at this time as I could really get into this story! Still though, nice and interesting mechanic with the touching, well done! :)

Short, concise, very lewd and nails all themes! (except maybe nonhuman but since it is elves, I'll give it a pass :p) Also cool that it keeps looping if you want to revisit scenes. Nicely done! :D

Not sure what I was doing but I didnt mind it :P My rating is: jigglephysics/10 

Amazing work! I didn't quite understand the system fully but i felt I got a sort of intuitive sense to it after a while? Idk but I definitely enjoyed it + the visuals are sooooo good with the FX and character art. Amazing work! :D

Wow, I could probably play this for a few hours despite the low number of monsters (which btw, they're both sooo good :)) Honestly a great game and the NSFW content is extremely good too + the art is really great quality, just overall such a great game! Nice work!

Hey getting an error when trying to access, says I do not have permission? Most likely you need to make the game public. Not sure though. Will edit this comment once I can play the game

Wow honestly such a good core game and the NSFW on top really adds to it. My favorite entry so far! Great work! :D

Definitely bizarre but fun and also great animations. Nicely done! :)

It would be really cool to see this expanded into a full story! Maybe next time with more time it will be possible for you. Great work regardless! :D

Nice work :)

Short and sweet + cool animations and character model! Nicely done :D

Hey! Thanks for giving our game a try, unfortunately it seems our latest build with all the bug fixes was not submitted so the current build on itch is buggy :(

it was 3 am for the deadline for us so it was hard to get it through

I really really love this! the art & the music combine soo well! Like how the jail are crabs and the music sounds like crabs snapping, it's really awesome!

Only problem I had was that there was only things to do at the boat and the junk trader? Not sure if there was supposed to be things to do at the Jail, Courthouse, Lighthouse, etc?

Regardless, really awesome!

Awesome work! I really enjoyed this. I did not realize that swimming under water was causing me to rust haha so I ended up rusting away on day 30-ish. Really cool work!

Wow! very touching story I honestly did not see (or want) that ending coming. Really great work and nice job on the graphics it really does feel like a story. 

Thank you! We actually already have the full script & voices for Days 2 & 3, it was just that I was moving during the jam period so I fell behind on the Dev side of things :')

We do look forward to getting those days done though!

Thoroughly enjoyed this! as I mentioned in discord it really brings me back to a similar web browser I used to play with my brother as kids! Brings back great memories. My only critique is the theme, I'm not sure how it ties into the game but otherwise really awesome attention to details like the 2D lighting, Physics and map (which I presume to be generated?)

Really awesome work!

Really enjoyed it! Well done!

Thanks for the detailed review! I did the development in Unity and it was pretty tough getting 2 games done along with all the functionality of things you don't think about until they're necessary (menus & player QOL). All of us in the team really did put in a lot of effort, so glad that it paid off!

As for the 2D game bounds, there was a bug with the edge colliders seemingly working sometimes on some angles and because of lack of time + the crab game being my first ever 2D game I wasn't able to find a good solution.

There's definitely a ton we would still like to polish and add but for the time frame we're all pretty proud of what we got done and I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it! Cheers!

Really well done! I really enjoyed it. Could not get past lvl 5 (maybe 6?) it was a bit difficult. My time was 5:13 :)

Wow even has an intro cinematic and dont even get me started on the aesthetics! Very cool and nice work!

Something weird was going on with the camera resetting but otherwise I enjoyed it :) Some neat VFX as well and the theme of 2 dimensions was implemented nicely. Nice work!

It was a bit difficult to figure out the parry timings and sometimes a single swing would hit twice but for 5 days its really great! + I am a sucker for any melee combat game ;) Well done!

Really enjoyed the music and even voice acting! very nice. The controls took a little getting used to but probably because I don't play many 2D games haha. Fits nicely with the theme and has a neat story, well done!

ah maybe the canvas scaling of the video is off. If you hold space bar for 5+ seconds it should close the tutorial video and show you the menu

Hey thanks! just left you a rating :)

Enjoyed the game although a bit difficult, I really like the the squishy death sound lol awesome work!

Really enjoyed this! tried to get past lvl 5 twice but couldnt find much fertilizer :( was a lot of fun though!

Really like how it fits into the theme and although the movement is a bit odd once you get used to it its fun nice work!

The theme is very well done! Nice work on adding some tutorial info as well

Enjoyed the game and the flavor text! well done 
