Yea unfortunately I was not able to implement the minigame in time due to being sick & missing the first few days :( However there should have been a message that explained that in game? It does sound like some issues with interface, sorry to hear but also glad you liked what you saw!
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I really really love this! the art & the music combine soo well! Like how the jail are crabs and the music sounds like crabs snapping, it's really awesome!
Only problem I had was that there was only things to do at the boat and the junk trader? Not sure if there was supposed to be things to do at the Jail, Courthouse, Lighthouse, etc?
Regardless, really awesome!
Thoroughly enjoyed this! as I mentioned in discord it really brings me back to a similar web browser I used to play with my brother as kids! Brings back great memories. My only critique is the theme, I'm not sure how it ties into the game but otherwise really awesome attention to details like the 2D lighting, Physics and map (which I presume to be generated?)
Really awesome work!
Thanks for the detailed review! I did the development in Unity and it was pretty tough getting 2 games done along with all the functionality of things you don't think about until they're necessary (menus & player QOL). All of us in the team really did put in a lot of effort, so glad that it paid off!
As for the 2D game bounds, there was a bug with the edge colliders seemingly working sometimes on some angles and because of lack of time + the crab game being my first ever 2D game I wasn't able to find a good solution.
There's definitely a ton we would still like to polish and add but for the time frame we're all pretty proud of what we got done and I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it! Cheers!