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A member registered Feb 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much for the video! Your reactions to the light was what I was going for :)

Also, that end was a bug I've never got myself xD You did finish the game as it is! It's just supposed to give you a different screen instead. I'll look into it. Thank you again!

Hello hi yes you're much welcome! Thank you!

Thank you for the video :)

It's Halloween, and something stalks you in your apartment. Peeking from behind furniture, corners, crevices...
Ignore it. Do not look.
This is a short 3D game that explores the fear of behind stared at, with some lore added to it. Explore the house in search of candy, but be careful where you look. 

I hope you enjoy!

Welcome Home by Ninfar (

Pretty fun!

Thank you! True, the catapulting needs work and better levels designed around it, which I'll work on after the jam :)

I was dancing on my third playthrough (bad move, my score got worse but I regret nothing). Man, I love this, and this is so well made for a 1 week jam! Congrats to the team :D

Highest I got was 77k 

Very cool concept! I felt like a master of deception rigging the dugeons with bullet traps, then luring the monsters into a corner to activate them (although half of the time I would set a trap on myself cause I'm trash). It was fun, great job on the graphics too! I hope you plan on expanding this :D

Very fun! The overall visual appearance of the game looks polished and I like the industrial color palette you chose. The audio fits nicely and adds to the industrial feel.

The hammer is kind of awkward to use imo, but this may be intentional to make the player rely mostly on the turrets.

This is a fun game! I hope you keep working on it :)

The controls are near perfect, great job! I was stuck on the first monster and switch bit though, I tried to use Q and R to align it with the switch but I didn't manage to make it work :(

Also, the little pause he does after a long fall is pretty cool and adds to the weight, but I found that it is a big disadvantage while near enemies and I end up taking damage for not being able to move.

The game also has a lot of speedrun potential with the wall jump and roll mechanics, however when going up some stairs the character tends to stick to the steps which I found unecessary (but maybe it's useful and I just can't see it cause I suck)

Overall you made this game to be really fun to play, and it has a lot potential, keep it up! :)

Very creative take on the theme. It didn't take me long to understand the mechanics, and the confusion it creates is of the good kind. One thing though, I didn't really get why I couldn't jump on the white squares while I'm pushing them in the white time dimension. Is it intentional? I may have missed some details about the mechanic.

Overall this was one of the most relaxing and creative puzzle games I've played in this jam :)

Thank you for the feedback! Yes, I imagine it would be harder with a trackpad, but your suggestions are still valid. I did ponder on slowing down the bullets a few times, but I'm not sure if I'll go through with it yet as it may make zooming through the levels not as exciting, but I'll give it a go. I also thought of making the bullet freeze for longer in the air before rewinding giving more time for the player to react. Those are all things I'm going to experiment around, thanks for pointing them out :)

Glad you liked the music! It was a bit rushed and I will eventually rework them. Same for the sprites.

Yup, the background is very confusing at times, someone else has mentioned he fish bones as well. I'll do my best to blend them in.

Thanks for your helpful feedback! :D

Thank you! I also had a lot of fun with your game :)

Thank you so much, that's good to hear :). And yes, there are collision detection problems between the bullets and the player, as well as with the win condition. Those will be fixed after the jam. I'll be sure to make speedrunning as satisfying as possible in the final release as well as expanding the game beyond a single level. Thank you again for the feedback :D

Clever idea, it's a lot of fun!  I love the contrast between the two consoles and the VHS ASMR is oddly satisfying.

Some things I took note:

- As some have mentioned, it would be useful to know which tapes you've rewound

- This may be intentional, but I felt the area was too cramped and later on it became nearly impossible to manage and pick up the tapes on the ground (although this may be avoidable if I didn't suck so much :()

- The gardening mini-game is one of my favorites, but imo the two harvesting tools are too similar to one another and hard to distinguish when in a rush (not a big problem though, as there's no real punishment for using the wrong one, so it's ok)

Overall this was such an original concept for a game and one of my favorite takes on the theme! Please keep this one up :D

Love the mechanics, the audio and the graphics, this is a near perfect submission!

Thank you! I'm glad you like it, I intend on improving the pixel art with parallax backgrounds and such after the jam :)

I played and and rated your game, it's pretty fun, I hope you keep on expanding it!

Nice concept! Took me a while to get used to the controls, but once I did it was exciting! Keep it up

The giant bee swarm was pretty amuzing :D. I like the idea, and the music is groovy and fits nicely. A tutorial on the Z/X mechanics would help as I got stuck on those for a long time

Thank you! I had speedrunning in mind so I'm glad to know :).  I'll be further developing this after the jam

Good implementation of the rewind mechanic, it makes the otherwise unfair platforming fun! Also, nice puzzles and level design

Very fun! I tried shooting at the wall and luring the monster to the rewinded bullets but I don't know if there's an advantage to doing so instead of just shooting it (which is also one of the issues my game has). Overall this is a very fun game with a lot of potential! Keep it up

I love the plot idea for this and the twist ending, I'm glad you plan on expanding it

Very creepy, I love the dreadful silence as you're patroling the forest. The creepiest moment was when I saw it walking through the woods in the far distance. I'll play this again another time and try to beat it

Amazing game, one of the best! Very creative in every way. I laughed at the horse and dragon movie. I couldn't get past the king kong, tried for like 25 takes but couldn't find a way to make him let go of the princess. Someone below mentioned the box, maybe that's it

Thanks! Glad you liked them! True, they will be added after the jam :)

This is a very cool concept! The environment reminds me of a micro machines game which is nostalgic. I can picture some kind of toy car cranking race spawning from this :D

At first when I didn't know that there was no objective, I went straight to the UFO xD. I should have guessed by the the fact that it was slowly, menacingly approaching me

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Thank you for the helful reply! 

-The menu is strange indeed, I'll be sure to make it more menu-like.

-Yeah, I tried to hide it but apparently it wasn't enough xD

- lol I had a feeling that fish would confuse people, I too got fooled by it when I was sleepy thinking "wth is this item again" xD. I need to find a way to blend it with the background. Nice catch

- True, it is unnecessarily hard, even for me. That was a mechanic I made up in the last few hours of the jam (bad idea), before that you would have limited bullets and would have to catch them without knockback. I need to re-design the game to fit that mechanic better (and fix a bug regarding it)

- Very good point, I intend on making it so some enemies have a hard shell that can only be broken with the rewinded bullets (cuz at the moment you can easly beat the game without them)

- Indeed, and sometimes the enemy kill count fails and the end comes sooner (and other times never does)

- Another good point, the goal was just my excuse for an end. I just played the game again to see if it is possible to climb back up. It's not xD

There were also supposed to be trees that produce "rewind bullet juice" which would limit your rewinds but I didn't have time to implement that.

Thanks again for the reply, you've helped a ton :)

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Thanks you, that means a lot! I'm planning on reworking the background after the jam as I found they don't blend very well with the environment, but I'm glad you liked the art :)

Very nice, I love the sound design, it's relaxing. I'd like if the screen showed more of the level at once though, but maybe it's just my subpar reaction time :p. Overall this was an enjoyable game, good job!

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Pretty clever twist, I like it. Reminds me of SCP

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Yeah, I scope too big as well (I wanted to add multiple weapons with upgrades for my second game jam as a solo developer lol), I think plannig the levels and the mechanics and drawing them on paper would help with this, as it would be easier to understand the project and the size of the scope ahead of time

Beat it, pretty fun puzzle game and nice graphics, congrats!

Pretty cool concept, I'd like to see it expanded upon after the jam!

The best I've played so far, I'd love to see this further developed after the jam's done! Gongratulations to the team

This is great! One of my favorites from the jam and the most polished I've come across so far. Great job!