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A member registered Jun 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah I agree, I'll probably do a post-jam update to fix the difficulty. Also the health bar is represented by the hearts around the edge of the clock, I'll  explain this somewhere in the update. Thanks for playing!

This game was really well done. I'm still gonna nitpick though just because I want to help improve this game.  I just have 2 things I'd adjust slightly (my opinion): 

I think the parallax effect of the background in the first few levels (the grassy over-world levels) is a bit too fast. Makes it stand out a bit too much in my opinion and would be better to make it a bit slower, it also makes you fell like you're going really fast, meanwhile you're just normally walking around.

I think the rope rewinding should be a bit faster. There were times when the time it took to pull a wooden block towards myself felt too long and was a break in the flow of the game.

I would just like to say again that these are just nitpicks and I think the game is amazing.

Wow this is a great idea! The mechanics feel really good, very nice game.

Nice game. Even though it's pretty hard at first, I started to get better once I got used to the rewind mechanic


Thanks! I have rated yours as well

Fun game, had to click the play button a couple times sometimes though to get it to work

Here's my game, I'll go rate yours (Thanks for using a web build btw)

Glad I could help!

Really solid game. Even though the graphics are quite simple they fit very well. The rewind mechanic is fun to play around with and the levels build off of each other really well. The only thing I would critique is the fact that the music is a bit repetitive, I think the music is good btw, I just think it would add a lot to the game if the song was a bit longer before it looped. 

Here's mine: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-4/rate/724094, I shall rate yours rn

I beat all 3 levels. I really enjoyed playing this game, I know other people have mentioned it already but the box collider on the cacti should be adjusted. If you're using unity or if other game engines have the capability I would recommend either making the box collider smaller or using a polygon collider to fit the shape of the cactus. I liked the way the enemies turned around (reminded me of paper mario). I also discovered a way to get past the cacti, If you spam the shoot button and jump forwards you can use the bullet's colliders to stay in the air longer and go higher. If that's something you'd like to remove you can do so by making separate layers for your player and bullets and go to project settings > Physics/Physics2D and unticking the boxes from the matrix at the bottom that connect the player and bullet layers. (If you're using Unity ofc, not sure how to do it in other game engines). Even with it's flaws I thought this game was fun.

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I normally just rate webGL games but I shall play and rate your game. If you can rate mine back it would be very appreciated.

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Nice simple yet fun game. I like the way you visualized the place you would rewind to and showed the path it would follow. My only complaint is that the first level the golden push-block is introduced, it is at the very end so you get through the rest of the level and then something that you don't know what it does soft-locks you and you have to reset. I would recommend doing something with the gold push block at the start of the level when introducing it, like it is used in the next level with the double locked door. Really enjoyed the game regardless though!

Ah true I did not think of that, thanks for the tip

Yeah the music was a bit rushed and yeah I think I made it a bit too hard. Probably should have explained this somewhere but you can tell your health based on the 12 hearts that are on the tower, they disappear as you take damage.


Agreed, I think if you fix the unreactable death in the first green room and make the player collider smaller so its easier to fit in hallways and go around walls it would greatly improve this game. The audio was great.

Game looks great. However you should add a ground check to make the player not be able to infinitely jump over everything.

Great game! I feel like the other guns are probably too expensive to keep players engaged long enough to get them though. But I liked the atmosphere and action of the game.


Really enjoyed this game! Was very fun to play imo

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nvm, I think it's intended since cards are starting to change after you go over them, and the cards ahead are getting stronger (ah I see what the food does now)

Great game! btw while playing I believe I've found an exploit:

The space I'm on rn is a steak so I can just keep going back to the tentacle eyes man and getting infinite healing mana and money. (On level 8)

The graphics are amazing! I really enjoyed this game (the platforming was a bit too challenging  though in my opinion). btw, at the start of the first level you can see outside of the game if you look to the left.

Really nice endless runner, especially for being made in 24hrs

Very unique concept, I like that there's variety to the music in the different levels. The art looks great and really fits in with the music and theme

Nice game! btw the guard in the 3rd scene can walk off screen and not come back. But it was a lovely experience playing your game.

Thanks for the feedback, I definitely should have gotten people to play-test my game to get a better sense of the difficulty. I got a lot of time to improve at it while making the mechanics.

Thanks, yeah I think I got too good at my game while making it that I didn't lower the difficulty enough

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Great flappybird-like game that is quite difficult. Nice graphics and atmosphere. The rewind feature is also well implemented

Really nice game, I got stuck on level 8 for awhile though cause the box would fall off the elevator or get stuck in it when the clone put it there, even though it worked when I put it there. But regardless it was a fun puzzle game

Really nice game, I got stuck on level 8 for awhile though cause the box would fall off the elevator or get stuck in it when the clone put it there, even though it worked when I put it there. But regardless it was a fun puzzle game

Great game! I love the atmosphere the art style and music create. The only suggestions I have are to have the option to also use the left mouse button to use the hourglass cause using the hourglass while moving around was a bit awkward at times. Also the part where there is a ball rolling down a hill of spikes, it can get stuck at the bottom. Overall though its a great game.

My jam game is submitted! This is my first game jam and I would greatly appreciate all types of feedback. This is the link to it: https://notandor.itch.io/time-keeper

Thanks for the feedback! I'll make sure to give them a faint button outline or something

Last level stumped me, but I really enjoyed this game!

You should try to add a trigger of the sides that kills the player, cause i was able to avoid playing the game and still win by running off the sides. You could also just add walls on the side