the jumping and hand slapping is very satisfying!! bit frustrating having to jump offscreen and have no clue if i'll make the broomstick jump, but the idea was fun and the mechanic of slappin ur wizard around is a unique twist!!
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thanks so much, we all worked our butts off!! the music was incredible i agree, we were so impressed with what ryan gave us and it fits the game perfectly and adds so much charm to the overall feeling. i'm glad you enjoyed the art and characters, i wish i could have made more assets!! we're very proud of what we made, i'm glad it shows as a good entry ^_^
love the concept and the little angel and devil sprites are very cute!! as the game goes on it feels like the pacing speeds up which is obviously a subjective gripe, as my brain doesnt like having to work quickly on top of having to work harder than usual pahaha, but it kept me locked in for a good while with the puzzle design so awesome work!! ^_^ xox
what a lovely comment!! thank you so much i'm glad you liked it, we all worked really hard. we hear what you mean about the slowness, other people have commented similarly, the general consensus seems to be that the biggest flaw is movement speed, which is understandable and something i didnt really pick up on while we play tested. My partner, who programmed, said it had crossed his mind a few times, but there wasnt quite time to implement everything in the levels to a decently polished degree AND add some kind of movement buff or run button by the end, it's a great idea though, thank you for the great feedback!! ^_^ xox
my favourite entry so far!! really nice simple graphics add to the comedy of the game as well as the office feeling, the concept is great and the dialogue is very reminiscent of "Going Under" very fun and charming!! loved the sound design, the level song however was slightly too repetitive. level design was intuitive and made sense, i immediately started recycling my cans as soon as i got control of the hand before using the door haha
one small critique, using the doors was a little tricky to get right, and usually resulted in a small fight with them every time to get it to swing where i wanted it :') awesome job, awesome game, loved it!!!
title screen art is super cute, the 3d models are all really cool looking and the particle effects are nice!! that being said, i'm not sure what i did wrong but theres a lot of technical issues that mean the game is kind of not working for me i think. the art is solid and the concept very cute, so i'm looking forward to you guys maybe uploading a fixed build soon so i can experience the game properly!! kudos to the visual effects and 3d artists though!! xox
Very cute little puzzler platformer!! Love the little golem and his floating fists, and the colour palette is very pretty. The mechanic of calling and punching is very fun, especially in the last level, which i wont spoil for others but i liked the way it made me need to have a little think!! very minimal sound design but very effective and satisfying!! the only thing that i had any gripes with is the camera when you entered a new area, felt quite jarring and didnt draw your eye to where you'd expect for where your character is on screen. enjoyable little adventure though, nice work man!! xox
a valiant attempt at a totally solo entry, i appreciate the concept and the art work is very cute and fun!! as stated by others its almost unplayable, i used the menu safemode but once in the game it wasn't clear what the clicking i was doing, did. but you should still feel proud that you submitted something with really cute hand drawn graphics, and you crunched it solo. bugs are just a pain in everyones' ass right? xox
just got home from work and played our submission to find a game breaker!!! what a treat haha. Known bug: Level 4, upon death if you hit retry it may crash the game, just refresh the page and it will let you select the level from the "levels" button to try again!! (the game saves your progress and you'll keep the stars you've earned so far)
apologies for the inconvenience xox
i love that you can make your own LE MONKE MAN vehicle to tear up the desert in, and am pleased to say i am a monke bike pro using my patent pending JELLYBIKE tm B) quite addictive to try to reach the end since i always get super hype trying to go as fast as possible and end up knocking out my monke :'( u both did a great job bringing this game entry together in such a short time, the controls are solid for something made so quickly, and i love the lil monke end screen arts!! hope u like the photo of my high tech JELLYBIKE tm cheering this game on cuz its very fun (it was hard to screen snip and keep his arms up))!!!!!!!<33
Edit to say that if you try to delete the seat it doesnt work so if you wanna do an elaborate build maybe position the seat first :)
i love that you can make your own LE MONKE MAN vehicle to tear up the desert in, and am pleased to say i am a monke bike pro using my patent pending JELLYBIKE tm B) quite addictive to try to reach the end since i always get super hype trying to go as fast as possible and end up knocking out my monke :'( u both did a great job bringing this game entry together in such a short time, the controls are solid for something made so quickly, and i love the lil monke end screen arts!! hope u like the photo of my high tech JELLYBIKE tm cheering this game on cuz its very fun (it was hard to screen snip and keep his arms up))!!!!!!!<33
Edit to say that if you try to delete the seat it doesnt work so if you wanna do an elaborate build maybe position the seat first :) gg wp <333
I had such problems with the music you would not believe (I have no prior knowledge or experience in making music for games, I'm planning on taking some basic music theory courses soon to remedy that hehe) so I'm glad it doesn't grate your ears off!! Thank you very much for the kind words about the art, my hope was that it would help us stand out if I sacrificed my arms to the lords of game jam in the last 24 hours of the deadline :') a lot of people have mentioned the difficulty which we didn't expect, but did play a lot of the game before we submitted it so of course we knew it pretty well by then. Though rolling around a lot seems to be the strat!! Thank you so much for such in depth and complimentary feedback my guy!! xox
I love that it's one of those easy to learn hard to master games in your opinion!! "Tricks you into thinking it'll be easy" is the kind of deception we can be proud of :') I agree with the skip button, but time prevented it from being a priority I'm afraid, hope my intercom voice doesn't get too old for ya ;) thanks for the feedback dude xox
Thanks very much! Means a lot that you liked the art style, I'm so glad it's gone down so well!!! We've had a general consensus of "slightly too difficult" I think, though I think most people have tried again with increased use of the dodge roll and had a better time... Of course we played it to death so maybe that's why we didn't think it was too tricky!! I agree with the skip button too, but that was a skipped feature due to time :') thanks for your feedback my man xox
I love the artwork for this one so much, the colors you used really compliment eachother it looks so fuckin nice man!! I love how responsive the attack feels, it's extremely satisfying to slash the little bugs, the voids either side of the screen look really sick, and the broom mechanic helped so much on the final wave where the bugs just spill out in a long line, i just hovered and slashed the heck outta them it felt so good!! Very fun game, the only small thing is i found i sort of ignored the gravity mechanic as hovering and jumping felt like good enough mechanics by themselves, but i appreciate the way you stuck to your theme and i think its very cool how the enemies change their gravity, that spices it up a lot, i just didnt find myself feeling inclined to switch from whichever surface i started on. I also almost missed ending the game because i didnt realise the big blob monster had spawned on the other side :') Overall though, probably my favourite game of the jam so far xox
The art is very cute and well done, and i like the fallout 1&2 style turn based movement!! the only thing is that sometimes when tiles were green, i would left click and my cat wouldnt move... and i think the other lil cats should have some way to attack as for me, they didnt? but i would love to see this game more fleshed out, it's very cute, very satisfying to murder the rats, and i love the setting too, the ship looks really good!! sick job my man xox
The pixel art looks very nice, the colours used all work very well and the lighting really brings it all together!! The game play itself was slightly frustrating at first, getting back up onto the rock after falling took a second, and I wasnt sure what the aim was, but as a proof of concept this game is pretty great!! Awesome work my man xox
I really enjoyed the way the character moves, like his walk cycle is very endearing, and I don't know if it was intentional but I love how once you disarm the enemies they become like little non-hostile disciples and follow you round the map :') the only small things are, the sound was a little hard on the ears, and it crashed after an explosion was triggered. Overall a pretty solid game tho!
Thank you so much for saying such lovely things about the art; was ready to snap my own hands off after crunching to finish it all last night/this morning!!! I'm super pleased you liked it so much. Like Cal said, we're glad you picked up on the luggage idea, he really liked the idea of it, but it was just a function we didn't quite have time for :') cheers dude!!! Xox
Thank you so much for taking the time to play and leave a comment, and for the kind words!! By ending position do you mean his napping sprite at the end of the wave? Or do you mean where you end up after you've dashed? That's useful info to know either way, hadn't considered it! The hamburgers are a little janked we agree, this was Cals first time making any kind of enemy AI and while it is very temperamental, the fact it works was enough for us :') though we do agree with the above, we also advise you do in fact also git gud too ;) thank you man xox