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What's The Deal With Airline Food?View game page

It seems to have gotten a little bitey recently...
Submitted by BorroTheLeader, oafhat — 25 minutes, 33 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 25 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

What prompts did you work with for the theme?
Hack + Slash, Size, Airport, FastFood

Did you make all the art yourself?

CC0United Kingdom

Did you make all the music yourself?

CC0United Kingdom

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The opening cutscene was great! This game had a lot of character to it, and I'm always a sucker for hand-drawn art in games.

Reading the comments here, it seems a lot of people found it a bit difficult. I too am one of them, and think that there a couple of small things that could dramatically increase the readability of combat to make it easier without actually decreasing the challenge:

- have some visual effects on the dog's bark so the player can tell where the hitbox is on their attack, and be able to coordinate their attacks better

- give the burger's attack a little bit of visual warmup (i.e. preparing to jump), as then the players can read the burger's attacks better rather then mostly attack-and-dodge-away, and this will make the action more engaging

Also think the game would have benefitted from having more than one enemy type, but overall this game is a great entry with a lot of charm, I loved it!


It's a little difficult, but other than that it's very fun, and I really like the cute artstyle. It would be nice to be able to skip the intro though, as you have to watch it again every time you die.


Thanks very much! Means a lot that you liked the art style, I'm so glad it's gone down so well!!! We've had a general consensus of "slightly too difficult" I think, though I think most people have tried again with increased use of the dodge roll and had a better time... Of course we played it to death so maybe that's why we didn't think it was too tricky!! I agree with the skip button too, but that was a skipped feature due to time :') thanks for your feedback my man xox


Is easy to learn, hard to master. I didn't give up until I finished the game. After you lost it would be nice if you would restart the level instead of going to main menu. Also a skip button for cutscene would be nice.


I love that it's one of those easy to learn hard to master games in your opinion!! "Tricks you into thinking it'll be easy" is the kind of deception we can be proud of :') I agree with the skip button, but time prevented it from being a priority I'm afraid, hope my intercom voice doesn't get too old for ya ;) thanks for the feedback dude xox


Cute game!


thank you sir!! Xox


The music is great, I love the sound effects, and I absolutely adore the art. The story and endings also add another level of depth and comedy that really elevates the game. I love the tiny footprints and the abandoned airport setting, all the tiny details collectively add so much to the experience. Everything works beautifully together to create an amazing experience. Honestly, I have no complaints besides the difficulty. But maybe I'm just bad at eating burgers.


I take back my comment about the difficulty. I finally defeated the hamburger overlords after I figured out a strategy: Dash a bunch. They can't hit what they can't touch >:D


I had such problems with the music you would not believe (I have no prior knowledge or experience in making music for games, I'm planning on taking some basic music theory courses soon to remedy that hehe) so I'm glad it doesn't grate your ears off!! Thank you very much for the kind words about the art, my hope was that it would help us stand out if I sacrificed my arms to the lords of game jam in the last 24 hours of the deadline :') a lot of people have mentioned the difficulty which we didn't expect, but did play a lot of the game before we submitted it so of course we knew it pretty well by then. Though rolling around a lot seems to be the strat!! Thank you so much for such in depth and complimentary feedback my guy!! xox


i love the art man, cute game 


thank you so much!! :D xox


good game a little hard but the story is funny good job


I'm glad the story tickled you, thanks so much!!! xox


Love the art! The cutscene was super cute! The gameplay felt super smooth and good to play, I'd love to see it expanded on!


Thank you so much!! Very glad you enjoyed the art, the cutscene was great fun, if a little overwhelming to complete hours before deadline :') xox


thanks!! We were actually debating whether we should expand the gameplay or not so that's good to hear


Lovely art, I mean, who doesn't like a walking hamburger? :D The dodge is a cool mechanic too


thank you so much!! can confirm i have no more arms after crunching them off for 24 hours on the art xox


Ah mate, tell me about it XD I went with no sleep the last day just so I could finish level design haha


That is exactly what we did too :') 


Cute game. I love the dodge sound.


Thank you kind stranger!! The dodge sound is courtesy of Calvin's mouth hole xox


I love the art!   The game is very enjoyable and easy to play. Just to be a bit picky... dash movement is too long to take advantage of the ending position, and the attacking patterns of the hamburgers seems to be random. That feels unfair for me (maybe, I need to git gud  ;) ). Overall: Damn good entry! Good work!


Thank you so much for taking the time to play and leave a comment, and for the kind words!! By ending position do you mean his napping sprite at the end of the wave? Or do you mean where you end up after you've dashed? That's useful info to know either way, hadn't considered it! The hamburgers are a little janked we agree, this was Cals first time making any kind of enemy AI and while it is very temperamental, the fact it works was enough for us :') though we do agree with the above, we also advise you do in fact also git gud too ;) thank you man xox


My comment was about the ending position after the lovely dog has dashed ;)


Ah I seeeee, yeah that does make sense!! Your criticism was so constructive and useful, thank you very much!! We'll have to check out your game in a jiffyyyyy <3


The meta is to dash, attack right before you come into contact with the enemy, and immediately dash away. I got hit only once or twice for the entreaty of the 3 wave.


Nice intro cinematic XD Main character is adorable! Love how he naps after each round :) Even the burgers were well done 8) Great job on the tutorial it felt seamless you just get right into things. Once I realized you can play the game with WASD + left/right mouse button the controls felt good! Once you get the timing down can really kit the enemies like a souls game or something :D How do you use the luggage btw? Was thinking maybe you'd be able to knock them into the burgers or somethin. Good job on the UI, too :)


Thanks for playing!! Were really happy you enjoyed the game!! We really wanted to add a feature where you could launch the luggage into the burgers to damage the, but unfortunately we ran out of time haha


Thank you so much for saying such lovely things about the art; was ready to snap my own hands off after crunching to finish it all last night/this morning!!! I'm super pleased you liked it so much. Like Cal said, we're glad you picked up on the luggage idea, he really liked the idea of it, but it was just a function we didn't quite have time for :') cheers dude!!! Xox