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Olly Ludovino

A member registered Feb 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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Just had a peek, that’s pretty clear now. I’m going to give your game another play through after work!

Lovely polished game!

The aesthetic for this game is fantastic! it’s a struggle judging the perspective with the constantly shifting scale though, which is frustrating. I didn’t understand the name until I built a banana!

Another top quality jam game, really well designed puzzles, very satisfying!

Thanks, likewise for cutout studio! You guys smashed it!

A great take on a classic! Both my runs I died by eating my own babies 😅 it’s a rough world out there post-apocalypse!

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what a charming game! The music was lovely, suited the chill gameplay well!

impressive work! a tough game though. does the computer always play the most optimal moves? because I for sure didnt!

Who knew all you needed to get ripped was jump up and down and eat protein and broccoli!

fun game!

the art for this game is stunning! It took me a while to figure out the card game, it could do with a little more explanation, even just in the description text on the page.

I didn’t get very far beyond the first pillar, I jumped down on to a platform and got launched off the geometry to my doom!

Nice game, didn’t realise I was shrinking until it was way too late!

Sweet game! I love the art style. I only wish you could punch up and down as well as left and right!

Well that was fantastic! Congrats on an awesome game to you all

I love the way you took those 2d assets and made a fully fleshed out 3d game!

I put the controls in in the description for keyboard. We used controllers while developing and I ran out of time before I could get the display for kbm controls working!

those cutscenes were adorable! I love the art on show here

I think after four days of game jamming my brain is too cooked for a smart game like this! I had to check some of the answers in the spoiler tag 😓

Very cute! the art is great, and it fits with the theme

Congratulations on getting your game in, just in time!

A way that you could keep the memorisation aspect but remove the "unfair" aspect of having to try the portals up to three times each, would be to have the solution at the start but fixed in place. That way you can beat it first try if you memorize well.

An end (divorce) is a new beginning (date)!

The art for this game is absolutely stunning! Well done!

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Congratulations on finishing the Jam! Unfortunately the main aspect of this game - the memorizing of paths and the 2/3s chance of having your progress reset each time you reach a new portal - is more frustrating than fun, to me.  It would have been nice to have some sort of indicator to show the right way. Still, a nice effort that you should be proud of!

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Unfortunately we ran out of time to add alternate endings. You do give different lines depending on how well you do (if you miss the first QTE Duncan forgets his own name!) but the final result is the same. Thanks for playing though, glad you enjoyed it!

Nice game and a neat concept! When the player gains enemy abilities it would be nice if the cooldowns were shorter. It makes sense for enemies to have long breaks between their attacks so you can move around them, but when you are spending longer doing nothing than you are shooting it feels a bit bad!

Great effort! I enjoyed the character art. The jumping felt a bit floaty, and the camera was a bit too close to the action to let the player see what's coming, but other than that it's a solid game!

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A very enjoyable game! I did have an issue where I had 2 player cubes at once and the level went haywire, but I enjoyed my time up until that point. Bugs are to be expected in these jams! If I were to change one thing, it would be to add sounds for jumping, reaching the checkpoints, and hitting spikes.

the mechanic for this game was great! very satisfying swinging about.

It works! Shame it's got no enemy AI, though I appreciate that would have been a huge task for a game like this.

Worked fine for me! The jump is very floaty, it feels like you're playing as an astronaut more than a swordsman. 

creepy stuff! It did a great job of building an atmosphere. 

great take on the theme, and so pretty! Well, as pretty as exploding zombies can be anyway...

Stunning art, and intense gameplay. Are there any Iframes after you get hit? it felt like i lost health extremely quickly.

Cute art! I think TestLevel might be a bit broken though!

The jumps with roof hits were frustrating, but other than that it was a well put together game!

The point of coyote time in a platformer is to make jumps more forgiving - making it so that the only way to make the jump is to be all the way off the platform before you hit the button defeats the object somewhat!

What a pleasant surprise this game was! I still haven't figured out exactly how the different building types interact, but slotting buildings together was very pleasing. Is there a way to turn the camera?

You really nailed the feel of a classic handheld game!

The art is beautifully charming, but unfortunately the slow speed of everything lets it down. Congratulations on getting a project finished though!

You noticed the winning suits! Thanks so much for playing!