Ope that’s on me, i didn’t check
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I enjoyed the art, and I think that the game design is well thought out. I like that you are able to shoot around your light source but need to be careful with that because you will not be able to see without it. The atmosphere was nice and that background music never become to repetitive despite not having a lot of variations. I may just be bad, but there were times that I feel I was being asked to make impossible jumps. And there were times that a small piece would spawn just in the right spot off to the side of the bigger platform that the character would get stuck "falling" in between them and I would have to restart my run. I am not sure if that's what you were talking about with the bug with the colliders in an earlier comment. Overall I enjoyed my time playing, I could never get super far but I liked it.
Thank you for the kind words, and valuable feedback. I completely agree with everything that you said. Funny thing you mention about the packages restoring breath. I was planning on that, I had programmed it in, but I forgot to attach that code to those objects, and was scrambling on time that I didn't even realize I never finished doing that, haha.
I rated yours, here's mine Rate Mapocalypse by OneMannGames for Kenney Jam 2023 - itch.io
I really like the idea of it, gives me settlers of catan vibes, but honestly, I did not understand what was going on with the resources and how they made path tiles, or what the purpose of trading was, I also got a path all the way to go between the towns and nothing happened so I guess i won? I really like the idea and the feel of it but I just don't know what I am doing.
I had a good time running around and seeing the sights. I could not find the exit, but I think I found the majority of the picture opportunities. It might just be because I played in the web browser but it was having issues, it was lagging a lot at the beginning and the camera would always look unlook and then look again every time I would press down right click. I enjoyed my time though.
I enjoyed my time playing. I will be completely honest, I like the idea of the theme implementation, however, at least for me I feel that it did hamper the enjoyment of the game. It was difficult for me to do what I wanted and felt sluggish. Maybe I am just bad at the game, either way I did still have a good time. I liked the vastness of the leveling system and feel that the art was nice. Overall I think it is a good game!
I recognize this asset pack, its a good one. I liked the visuals and had a good time playing. The movement felt nice for the most part. I was a little confused for the purpose of the other dimension. It might have been a bit more interesting if it was like a maze or had some sort of dangers or something, with how it was I just felt like unengaging. I found it to be an overall enjoyable experience though. Good game!
I like the art. Honestly, I had no idea what was going on at the beginning, I thought that I was supposed to be able to jump on platforms but then couldn't figure it out. Eventually I did realize what I was supposed to be doing and I found it to be quite an enjoyable game. I like the leveling mechanic. I only got to level 4 but I had a fun time. Good game.