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A member registered Mar 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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Appreciate you trying it out! Hopefully the measures required were not excessively heroic... ; - )

Check the credits for links, but basically Incompetech and OpenGameArt. I trimmed "Gary"'s gun handling noises down to get that nice solid "click", but didn't have to do anything else to it. It worked perfectly! (In my opinion.)

Liked the combination of 3D with text adventure. One suggestion -- if parser only has a few choices for me, go ahead and make the appropriate choice, i.e. shouldn't have to do "go[space]ki[tab]", but "g[o ]k[itchen]". You already know what the valid choices are, so don't make user jump through hoops...

Oh hey, no problem at all, was just confused. I thought you might have meant that I had too much logging turned on but when I checked that didn't seem to be it. My goal with this game jam is to come back with something that you can actually play. Maybe next time!

Um, sorry "great logs" (WRT "Square Meal")? What problem are you describing? Thanks!

Well, funny beats dire! Thanks for trying it!

Hi! Thanks for taking a look! Someday I will find the perfect isometric control mapping. Until then, we must all suffer! ; - ) Right now, the reason it stops when you get to a height of 10 is leftover from testing. Unfortunately, the scoring/level clear detection code broke when I did my last push and I can't fix for the contest.

I think everybody's doing it these days... Unfortunately for very good reason. Good luck!

Wasn't able to find anything but the initial rocks, but really like the idea! I'm currently working with undersea sensors and it's amazing what they can do with them.

Definitely an interesting idea! Note that it's falling prey to that FireFox thing where there has to be a user gesture before you can make sounds (I had to deal with the same thing).

Nice to see another go at a VN. I hope you have the chance to finish it as you plan!

Hi! Glad you enjoyed it. Controls: well, that's part of the gameplay, right? ; - ) Objective: If you manage to fill the plate (or layer if higher), you should see the filled layer disappear with a cool particle effect (so, like a certain other sort of block falling game). However, this wasn't fully tested, so you can try it out for fun with the "b" key ("blow away" layer).

Thanks! I wondered about that.

Patent-expired children's toy block frenzy...

Finally got to try it on Windows... Very nice and repeat the call for more levels!

(1 edit)

Hi! Tried the hotfix (both to be sure), no go. Will see if I can dig up a Windows machine...

(1 edit)

Hi! Thanks for trying it and I'm unhappy it's not cooperating with you. So, if you have a few moments to check, would you be willing to turn on your browser console (usually [ctrl]-[shift]-[i], then start the game from the page? Specifically, look for warnings in red or yellow like this: 

If you see any of those and you can copy and paste them as a reply here, I might be able to tell you what's going on. 

Another thing to try is to go to the three.js home page -- -- and click on one of the examples (this one shows a lot of the stuff I'm using: and see if those work (that indicates that I'm doing something wrong...).

Unfortunately using the 3D engine in the browser is a security and configuration nightmare. Three.js smooths a lot of that out, but it can't cover everything -- like if your video card is too old for the browser to use for acceleration. Hopefully the messages in the console will indicate what's going on if that's it.

Also, apparently on some browsers, you explicitly have to turn it on. This topic might be helpful?

Hope you're able to try it out!

(3 edits)

Thanks for checking it out! The "hit box" is just a distance function for one unit -- 

(> 1 (avatar.mesh.position.distanceTo item.mesh.position))

 I thought about doing a proper one, but I felt it added to the "contemplative" nature of the game because you had to hit the NKI juuuuust right... 

And yeah, totally ran out of time before I could get animations fully working on Robot.

Racket is famously a "language to create languages", so Urlang is leveraging that capability inside Racket. It isn't Racket (or Scheme, even). The author calls it "JavaScript with a sane syntax", but it's a lot more than just a direct translation -- you can have macros and the Racket editor understands the syntax appropriately and does checking at compile time. Taking advantage of the macros, it also offers rich loop constructs and other conveniences. Number one advantage for me is I can use standard JavaScript libraries like three or mithril.js.

(1 edit)

I've been with Racket for a while, but made the switch to Urlang so that I could guarantee that more people could easily play my game (and also I don't have a compile farm to run out for each arch). I'm interested in the Guile Hoot thing, but no browser I use currently supports it, so will have to wait a bit. Nice list!

Was able to run using alternative server. Thanks! Responsive with nice animation. If you develop it further, you might put the word "ice" in the name somehow because it is that smooth!

Same issue on FireFox 119.0 (64-bit) on Linux. Will try on Windows when I get a chance...

Very glad you enjoyed it! Yes, I think you're correct on the probability. I was taking into account all objects, when in reality only [redacted] matter. I used the "contemplative" music because, according to, "robotfindskitten is in fact a Zen simulation" and I figured that was the better music for Zenning out... Of course you're free to switch them around! I'll write up something soon on running it locally from the source (spoiler, it's kind of a pain thanks to browser security restrictions).

I probably could have made it a lot more compact if I had had any idea of what I was going to do when I started! Thanks for giving it a look!

I'm glad! It's cold out there... Also, I just realized that there's a terrible bug that gives you a 90% chance of finding Kitten first try if you know what to look for. Maybe I'll fix it in source. Thanks for trying it!

Hi! Just to let you know, on Pop! OS (

Linux popcorn 6.5.4-76060504-generic #202309191142~1695998943~22.04~070916d SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri S x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux) got a freeze from both Ubuntu packages.

Last log messages:

 ==> Performing warm boot.
   -> Runtime directory is /home/josh/Downloads/chrono-labyrinth/bin/
   -> Resource directory is /home/josh/Downloads/chrono-labyrinth/bin/
 ==> Running boot hooks.
 ==> Reloading foreign libraries.
   -> Loading foreign library #<LIBRARY LIBMIXED>.
   -> Loading foreign library #<LIBRARY LIBSDL2-TTF>.
   -> Loading foreign library #<LIBRARY LIBFFI>.
   -> Loading foreign library #<LIBRARY LIBSDL2-IMAGE>.
   -> Loading foreign library #<LIBRARY OPENGL>.
   -> Loading foreign library #<LIBRARY LIBSDL2>.
 ==> Launching application.
[Harmony] Will use ORG.SHIRAKUMO.FRAF.MIXED.PULSE:DRAIN for output (2xFLOAT @ 44100kHz)
./ line 7: 79403 Killed                  ./ChronoLabyrinth
Will try compiling later. Thanks!

Please just imagine those nice graphics for the title and finish screen as well! ; - ) Hope you enjoyed it.

For what it's worth, I tried to write something up every day of the jam:

Thanks for the hint about the ECS, @Jummit. I wound up doing something sort of like it and was very pleased with the results!

A nice easy-to-learn mechanic with logical complications. Also, really enjoyed the music while playing!

Like the sketchy art style -- and a pretty big world sketched with it!

Bah! Windows emulator doesn't exist ( ). Thanks very much for providing the video walkthrough!

It's the "Dinosaur Comics" of video games...! I did appreciate that there were subtle changes in the maps throughout the different meta-levels. Very interesting conceit and I like how you closed the loop at the end.

I've never played Pokemon, but now I've conquered the Mushroom Kingdom! Very nice work!

The world needs more HyperCard! I don't know how familiar you are with it, but Decker is a credible web-based reimplementation (with all the limitations of the original, for the most part). Also the Internet Archive is hosting HyperCard stacks (along with a Mac emulator to run them on) now, so you can try it "for real" if you never got the chance.

Kevin Macleod at is a great source for music. I pulled down a bunch of his stuff and listened to them on repeat while developing -- I thought the pieces included went well with the "mood" of the game and I'm glad you agree! Thanks for taking a look!

Hi! The thing with 3D is that thanks to hardware implementations, the capabilities have become pretty standardized, so basic use in Lisp is not that different from other languages. So there are a wealth of resources to draw on if you want to explore it. I didn't go too much beyond generic library calls, but I think Lisp could really offer some advantages (using macros, etc) for /composing/ 3D scenes -- maybe I'll get a chance to explore those next time. Thanks for trying it and welcome to the jam!

Hi! I hate to say it, but the hitbox is all my fault -- it's just based on the B'girl's bounding box and since she's in T-pose (no time to rig and pose her) then it's pretty wide. If you hit the "d" key, you can see the bounding boxes and collision detection which might make it more clear what's going on. Thanks for trying it out!

Thanks for taking it for a spin! Since I wanted to do my own assets _during_ the jam (like an idiot), low-poly was kind of foreordained, but I'm pretty happy with the results.

Glad you enjoyed it! I've taken several stabs at it in the past (previous jams), but as simplistic as this game's semantics are, it's the first time I've gotten 3D, sound and interaction all working at the same time.

Thanks for trying it out! I wish I'd had time for more assets -- if you check the source docs, you'll see that I had _plans_...