That's actually the point. Once they start rotating, their positions change. Glad you enjoyed !!!1
Ram G
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hello there, I am looking to collaborate with someone on my 2D top down project. The project is under active development and is expected to have a demo by next month. I need someone who can populate the scene with assets. You can find an early prototype of the project in .
Looking for someone who can create assets in top down pixel art style.
If you are interested in collaborating, do contact me. Payment model will be revenue share.
email -
discord - ramg_2000
The level is almost designed but missing assets to populate the scene. Your role is to create assets in order to populate the scene.
The game as a whole feels really nice and cozy. The mechanics seems to working really good. Maybe add some more sound effects, if possible. As for the scaling, I would suggest leaving default resolution as it is while building. And while uploading to itch, just leave it as click to open full screen. I think it may fix it. I used to face the same. Good luck on your game.
Great job on your first game. Don't feel ashamed to submit your game. We have all been there. Just keep on making !!!!
As for this game,
> It was a bit confusing to start, but once I got the hang of it, it was fine.
> Some sound effects would be great.
> Too much to read in the beginning. Maybe keep the tutorials along with the gameplay.
Great work on the mechanics. Good Luck buddy !!!!
As your first game, it's a great start. Some pointers,
> The scene looks pretty empty. Maybe add some more assets.
> Add some sound effects, like when you shoot or when takes damage.
> Consider adding a minimap. It was kind of confusing as to where to go.
Besides this, the mechanics were working really good. This is really great start. Good luck on your future games !!!
It makes me sooo happy and fulfilling to read this. I'm glad that you love this game. Thank you for a detailed review. As for the bugs, I am definitely gonna work on them. Especially, the guards spotting, and adding more features to them. I will be releasing a full version with a completely polished story and more levels integrated. Thank You so much for playing this game !!!!!