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A jam submission

Sneak. A Game in DarkView game page

Shadows are your Allies.
Submitted by Ram G (@OpenWorldEra) — 2 days, 5 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Artistic Style#8933.5003.500

Ranked from 2 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • Controls are pretty unpolished. Movement feels unpleasant and the flashlight sometimes gets stuck in a particular angle, depending on where it was at the time the bug happens. Barely playable due to the unforgiving nature of the game. The idea caught my eye, but with the execution as is, not a lot more to judge there. Also: does not fit the alchemy part in any way shape or form at least not in the early bit of the game.
  • The game was fine, but using control to turn the flashlight on and off wasn't a very good choice for web. I bookmarked the game, saved the page to desktop, and closed the window, just trying to run and turn the flashlight on and off. The game made no attempts at alchemy for the theme. The rest of it was fine and I know you know it's a decent game. You should be proud of your accomplishment with it.

Did you include your Game Design Document as a Google Drive link?

Seriously... did you include your Game Design Document?

Is your game set to Public so we can see it?
Yup, Definitely.

Tell us about your game!
Sneak is a 2D game in which you have to explore and escape an organization. Be light on your feet, look for clues and sneak past the guards.

Explore various rooms, looks for clues and find your way. It's gonna be dark. Learn to use the darkness to your advantage.

Most importantly, Don't Get Caught !!!

Extra Notes
I will be developing this game into a well polished complete game with an engaging story and elements. And soon will have a steam page setup.

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This is a fun concept and I like the presentation. It is stressful when you get spotted! I feel that right now it is a little bit too harsh. If any guards are anywhere close to the screen, they get instantly alerted if your flashlight comes on at all. And most of the time guards seem to be nearby. Sometimes there are 2, or even 3 nearby. So I ended up trying to not use the flashlight at all, which was pretty hard!


Thank you for the feedback.

> Yes, based on several feedbacks, I will be relaxing the guards to make it more playable. 

Thank you for checking out the game.

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

For the love of god, I love this game! The way the game looks so aesthetically pleasing and calm makes me feel like I'm actually playing a stealth game with lots of shadows. The flashlight was a bit difficult to control with the mouse when I was playing it with a browser, but it's not a huge issue. Anyway, this game has some amazing background story to it, along with a tutorial popup at the very beginning explaining the controls in the game. The sound effects and music were also amazing and really fit the themes of shadow and alchemy really well. The enemy detection could use some work though because I would always seem to get spotted as soon as I enter a different area, even if the enemy is nowhere near me and the flashlight not looking right at me. And somehow the enemy doesn't spot me at times even if he has a clear view of me with his flashlight. And of course how could I forget about the presentation, it's magnificent. This is definitely in contention to be one of the top games in this jam, very amazing work here!


It makes me sooo happy and fulfilling to read this. I'm glad that you love this game. Thank you for a detailed review. As for the bugs, I am definitely gonna work on them. Especially, the guards spotting, and adding more features to them. I will be releasing a full version with a completely polished story and more levels integrated. Thank You so much for playing this game !!!!!



Cool presentation! I love the aesthetic you got going.  Like others I also got caught when it felt like I shouldn't but i'm sure this is something you can refine later. :)


Glad you like it.

> Yeah, the guards needs some more work. And some more features as well.

Thanks for the input !!!


Like others have said, It was a bit hard to control the view because of the mouse going off screen, but this may just a browser issue. However the game itself seemed excellent. The art style was executed flawlessly, and the general stealth mechanics seemed to work. I actually found it quite difficult myself. 

I do feel like there could be a bit more polish on the detection, since it felt a bit inconsistent when the enemies actually found me or not. They would sometimes lose me in the light, and then sometimes find me in the dark.

A lot of potential here in this game, and I encourage you to continue to work on it in the future, great job!


Thanks for for that feedback.

> For the the detection, there's a lot more to add. Some bugs to be fixed as well. And might make it a bit more relaxed.

> Yes, the mouse going off screen is a browser issue. The windows version seems to be working fine.

> And yes, I intend to work on it to actually make a fully polished game.

Thanks again for giving it a try and for the feedback.


From the moment I turn on the flash light I was impressed with the eerie atmosphere, unfortunately I couldn't play a lot because the mouse keeps going off screen, I'll try to turn off my other monitors later and give it a fair try. But from what I could see, it's a really nice stealth game concept, I like it! I would advise to work more on the guards mechanics like an awareness meter and range in which you're caught, other than that, nice work!


Thanks for playing it. Thanks !!

> Yes, the guard awareness is something that needs to be worked on. I need to add  range within which only they will see you.

Thanks for your input..


Great game. I thought it was a little difficult to control the flashlight, my mouse kept going off screen at some point, but overall really solid!


Thanks for taking time to try my game.

> Gonna check the mouse control for sure!!


This was a cool stealth game! Loved the vibe and the immediate intrigue. I definitely found it a bit difficult at some points, mostly when I was in complete darkness but if I clicked on the flashlight I was seen. I think if I had a map (even if it didn't show where I was) that could help or being able to tell like immediate vicinity stuff, like if I was running into a wall. Still, I will probably come back to try and beat it later :)


Glad you love it!! 

> A map is a good idea. But one without revealing too much details. Thanks for the idea.


Very cool idea, I liked the visuals of the game and the staticy shader thing over the game. 

The game is a bit too unforgiving though, if I used the flashlight while no guards were on screen they would still notice. It was impossible to use the flashlight without alerting them so I had to just run in the dark. Maybe their detection could be relaxed a little?  


Huge thanks for the feedback.

> As for the guards, I will make them detect only if they are nearby player.  That  might make it a bit relaxed.