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A member registered Jun 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the positive comment and for playing!

Very happy that you enjoyed our concept!

Thank you for the positive feedback!

Wiiiild idea that I can see the monsters in the reflection! Love it from both a horror and technical standpoint. One of my favorite and most creative ideas (imo) to come out of this game jam. Really well done! The reflection is also very well executed and the animations on the monsters adds to the horror.

Excellent potential as a little indie horror game. With some more story and game mechanics being polished, this could be a real gem! Very memorable game!

Really like the aesthetic for this one, one of my favourites to come out of this game jam. Also very well polished for a 7-day project! Moreover, fun trivia for a gamer like me! (although I am embarrassed to admit I missed a bunch of them)

Nitpicking here but I do wish there were more elements to add to the intensity of the game (perhaps more audio or visual cues on certain triggers like getting the wrong answer).

Personally, I’m a huge fan of 2D elements within 3D space. So it’s really nice to see the shooter work. It reminds me of Wolfenstein 3D and Doom (the really old ones, showing my age here Q_Q).

I can see the ideas you have in mind with the shooter and the monster sneaking up. Would love to see it more fleshed out after the jam as 7 days are clearly not enough to finish this. Keep it up!

I personally love platformers, so it’s really nice to see this entry in the game jame. Neat platformer with tons of little mechanics worked in. Level design is intriguing and I like the sprite work!

I did have a hard time telling foreground elements apart from the background elements due to the color palette being used. For the longest time, I kept trying to dodge the little spikes on the ground.

Very cool idea. Reminiscent of Little Nightmares which is an all-time favourite for us. The sneaking around and platforming parts are very intense, and the limited camera angle adds to the horror. The sound design adds to the intensity!

I did run into some bugs such as my controls being flipped(?) and having trouble getting out of the vents, which is very understandable for a 7-day project.

Look forward to playing the next patch :)

You got me spooped! I love-hate the sound design so much. Your entry scared me the most in this game jam. Would love to see your complete game idea someday!

Also a huge fan of the PS1 aesthetics. The TV mechanics work quite well! Keep it up!

I could not get past the intro. It said I needed to hide under the bed but wouldn’t let me.

Apart from that, love the concept. I really dig close encounter-related horrors and I would love to come back to play a more polished product soon.

Cool concept! Sadly I couldn’t get past much because I got motion sick. Love the 3D design and the sound design! Would love to explore more of this world someday!

Cool prototype. I can see this being an addictive experience with more gamification. Love that you can change the cameras and the intuitive controls on-screen!

My soul left my body when the AI clipped through the table and got me. Really dope concept that kept me on my feet. Would love to see it fully fleshed out.

Do it, please!

Fantastic art design and animation! I can’t believe you got it done in a week. As someone who animates in their free time, I understand the intricacies of sprite animation and I’m in awe. Also a sucker for games that utilize 2D elements in a 3D environment. Even though it’s short and limited (understandable for a week’s worth of dev time), the art direction of this one will definitely stick with me.

I would love to see more to the game and where the story and minigames go. Keep it up!

Thank you for playing and we’re glad you enjoyed it! :)

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing and for reporting the bug! Appreciate your thorough feedback as well!

oooo that’s clever! I have to do another playthrough

Thank you, thank you <3

Enjoyed it a whole lot and kept coming back to it! Love the 3D buttons within the game world. Free anxiety spike for me, keep it up!

Cool concept! It seems that I got stuck after collecting the statue. Nothing happened and I could just walk around endlessly.

Fun concept! Love that you made use of the storyboards. And you made this in a day?! Would love to see what you can do with more time!

Quite fun to play and got me spooped! The enemy clips through the door and it scared me >.< Has replayability and can be expanded into a fun little indie title. Keep it up!

Very interesting entry to play. Love the atmosphere building and the playstation aesthetic! Would love to see more spoops!

(2 edits)

Hilarious! Hecking love it dude this is one of my favorite games to come out of this jam. Really, thoroughly enjoyed it, played it several times, showed it to several friends. Please keep it up!

The little details to the NPCs patrolling and saying little voice lines, the TV that chases, their walk cycles, the dialogue from the Nerd Team employee. Everything hits the mark with its playability and humor. Also love that the visual cues like lights tell you where to go.

The jumpscare that got me was the Nerd Team employee; he beat me up :( I had to make sure I clicked the remote on the TV when he was closer to the exit on my 3rd playthrough. An added game mechanic which was fun to figure out.

Very cool idea! It’s so fun to see an onscreen remote as controls for the game. The music was banger and the setting was spoopy. Would love to play the finished product someday.

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing and the good feedback!

Our process was 1 day of planning and scoping, then splitting everything into smaller tasks. A huge focus was on using available resources (such as the first person controller from Unity, modular asset packs from the store) and common elements across the whole game.

Modular assets were a huge help in creating our environments. The woods level was kept simple with 1 asset that I modelled (tree), assets for the cabin from the store and terrain for the snow. Other maps were made using apartment and warehouse modular packs that we had from the Asset store. We did this to minimize additional work besides programming and writing, as we were not very experienced in 3D asset generation.

Lastly, the technical systems I designed and coded over the course of the jam were also reusable. For example, a system I implemented was for the objects of interest. Certain items the player looks at can be interacted with, and either trigger an event within the level or allow the player to carry it. Apart from the AI, no systems were implemented that were unique to a single level.

Moreover, I currently don’t have a real world job to focus on so I spent my entire week on this. Plenty of all nighters as well Q_Q

I hope that answers your question. I wrote a detailed post here to sum up my end of the work if you’re interested in reading more: https://nashmia-riaz.github.io/portfolio/pages/Project.html?project=PressPlay

You understood our idea perfectly, which actually makes us really happy! Your post is a very good elaboration of our initial concept with the 2 horror levels.

You raise a very good question. This is my second game jam as a programmer. In my first one, I aimed for a hyper-casual game. I usually want a complete presentable project that I can take away for my portfolio, so scoping was extremely important and we spent a whole day on planning. Our idea spawned off of the V/H/S movies, which we also watched in our downtime to get a better understanding of the different horror elements. Personally, for me, I go for smaller ideas and a possibility to combine them because it’s easier to program; write modular code then reuse it.

This was also our writer/designer’s first time writing for a game. So short, self-contained ideas also gave them room to explore the elements better. We had a very good understanding of each other’s work where the writers gave me room for technical development and vice versa. Considering this, we would likely have come up with the same outcome but perhaps with a more polished product (less bugs, better graphics and QOL changes). It was a conscious decision to make smaller tapes to keep within the game jam’s time frame which worked out as a happy accident in a way. We did have more ideas that we never got to, which we will be adding in later on. Therefore, at the end of the day, things would be slightly different if we scoped this with a better time frame, but not vastly.

I hope this answers your question well. I’d love to connect and talk about this in depth if you like. The horror elements and game mechanics you used within your game were very memorable for me and I’d love to know your process as well.

(1 edit)

Duly noted, will increase the player speed after the rating week is over. Thank you for playing and enjoying our little game! We do plan on adding at least 3 more tapes in the future.

Thank you for playing. Very happy that you enjoyed it and can relate to the development side of it as well. It was indeed very fun to come up with and code in the AI. ^_^

Thank you for playing! And for the bug finds. We definitely want to flesh this out in the future so really appreciate you pointing out the errors. Glad you liked the feel of it!

I actually keep coming back to your game. When I say it’s addictive, I mean it. Had a ton of fun with it!

My co-participant and I keep saying ‘cookie’ to each other. It stuck with us😊

If you ever add to it, I would love to play some more.

Very cool concept. Love how the game looks 10/10. Really like the game mechanics set up with the die roll and audience engagement, and different tools to hinder the opponent. Could even be a fun and unsettling multiplayer turn-based game.

I couldn’t progress past chopping my own finger off, so I imagine it’s not finished yet but I hope you can complete it some day!

The atmosphere building was amazing! I didn’t realize it’s incomplete and was too scared to leave the trailer and explore for the longest time. Kept thinking something would jump out of the woods and get me. Hoping you can finish it soon, would love to come back and play the rest some day!

The floating ghost head spooped me!

Love the art and game progression. Really got me hooked! I’m also a huge sucker for mannequins/Weeping Angel mechanics in horror games so that was very fun to see. The shift in tone after you play Pixson and the music was truly unsetting. Great job!

Very well written story and love the merging of 2D with 3D (huge fan of billboards like the cat on the couch). Plus the cat is so cute so extra points! Fantastic art as well!

The horror turn caught me off guard and was unsettling. Also can’t believe you got dialogue trees in there! I can see that some stuff got left out because 7 days are definitely not enough for a game like this, so I hope you keep working on it and finish it some day. Amazing job!

Was that a…Pierce the Veil pun?

Very enjoyable game. It was interesting to see how the puzzles progressed and the top down angle reminded me of Hotline Miami. The art style is excellent. It left me wanting more! Perhaps you can add to the puzzle and game progression in the future. Keep it up!