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A member registered Feb 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'll look into it, thank you! And yeah, small world in Mini Jam!

How did you make the online leaderboard work? I'm interested in doing something similar with one of my games and I'm curious how you pulled it off

I did, but the issue wasn't that I wasn't jumping high enough, it was that sometimes I wasn't jumping at all for no apparent reason, which seemed to happen regardless of my inputs.

Super cute graphics already make it great, but the puzzles are very well designed. Since the mechanics are very simple, it's pretty easy to look at a room at get a feel for what you're supposed to do at least roughly, and I always got a great feeling of satisfaction when clearing a room. The mechanic of using bots to hold down switches and as platforms is awesome, but I particularly like having to put one on top of a spring, and then jumping on top of it. Very happy I sat down and finished it.

This game just got its hooks in me and never let go. There isn't much else to say. Super fun, super addictive. My main issue is that because the screen is so zoomed in (though maybe that improves with upgrades) and you often have to destroy your own paths back to your base, navigation can be really difficult. Overall, great job.

Very fun game, very fun idea, but it seems at some point my left mouse button just stopped working within the game. I also really love the art.

Although I really like the game idea, the jump just sometimes doesn't happen for me, even though I hear the sound effect. And it feels random, like there's no particular reason for it to not work. The art and sound is very nice, though.

Very interesting concept, and it's executed well. Simple, but fun.

Super fun, and I love the slow build of the upgrades, you can feel the slow increase in power. I was skeptical of the mouse control at first, but it actually works very well. Did run into an issue though: when i clicked New Game+, nothing happened besides the buttons disappearing.

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I figured the Mega Man influence wasn't going to go unnoticed. Thank you for the kind words.

The controls are a fair bit janky, but it's so ridiculously fun to just throw things in directions and just flip gravity around and see what happens. There was always something in each stage that made me smile.

The idea for this game is amazing, and it's executed super well. There's not much more for me to say: it's just great to play.

I super love the concept, and I do think the game is a lot of fun (even if I wasn't able to beat it). I do want to highlight an issue though: because the camera can have elements just off screen, there's times where I don't have any idea what action I'm supposed to do to proceed. Great work.

If you press the escape key, then go to "options", you can reconfigure the controls.

The game is very nicely presented, and it has a really interesting take on the limitation. It's fun to hit and kill enemies, though I felt there was too much of a delay between attacks when hitting enemies.

This is a really unique concept, and the combination of the rocket controls and gravity makes it a lot of fun to mess around in. It's quite a challenge to actually complete the game due to the controls, but I still had a ton of fun doing so, also due to the controls.

The concept for this game is amazing. But not only that, all of the puzzles are very well executed and introduce the mechanics very well. The difficulty felt just right and I never felt like I was totally lost on how to solve something. Overall, very well done.