The idea of a store conveyor for the limitation is a fun usage of the limitation, and the presentation is super well done. The gameplay is overall fun, very fast paced and hectic, but it does get a bit frustrating when items are going so fast they're hard to pick up, and spinning is a bit slow at times. But when it does work, it works very well. Also, the very polished menu and game page were super nice touches.
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I like the concept, hunting around a level for an enemy to kill, but I think the game's biggest issue is the camera: it makes trying to go left at all very frustrating, and my projectiles seemed to not go where I was actually aiming (though this may not have been a camera issue). But that's relatively easy to fix, and I think you really could take the concept pretty far with a larger stage to play around it.
The ability to switch gravity on both axes is super unique and fun to play with, and it's such a cool feeling when you do cool maneuvers with it, like in the spiral level. My only complaints about the level design are that some levels are too strict in their timing requirements, and I felt like I didn't have as great of an understanding of the switching as I needed earlier on. But in most cases, once you gain an understanding of the gravity switching, the obstacles are extremely fun to learn and blast through. And I really liked the nice touch that the music was more laid back after you died versus when you were playing. Great job!
I think the WarioWare style flurry of mini games is a really creative use of the limitation, and the games themselves all do a good job of following it as well. I really like the simple controls, though I admit there were a number of games I didn't really understand how to play, "Enclose!" being the biggest one. The presentation is really well done, I especially love the sound effects and the elevator door animation in between games, and how the colors change the further you get. Of the ones I did understand, my favorite was probably "Drive!", timing my button presses to not fly off the track was super fun.
You really nailed the sense of speed, and dodging obstacles feels really good. And every time I died, I always had the thought "nah, I can do better" and played again. I just had to keep trying over and over to top my best. I like how all the obstacles are designed so they can be told apart from a good distance, so you never really get into a situation where you only find out how you have to move after it's too late. And the presentation is just spectacular, I absolutely love the wireframe look, and the effects are all really well done. The only thing I didn't really like was that shoot on Left Shift felt kinda awkward to me, but it wasn't so bad that I couldn't get used to it. Overall, I really enjoyed playing this!
The dithering pattern on them I think made them blend in with the background too much and thus made them feel like a background element. The shape also felt more shield like to me, which would feel like proper background decor in this setting. However, the room where you go on the left side to make the medallion on the right fall served as an excellent tutorial for them, so they can still be figured out in that regard.
I really like the autoscrolling idea, making a run n' gun platformer a lot more shooter like, and the grenades are really cool. The powerups I was able to find were fun to use, but the limited ammo stifled that a bit. While the graphics were overall good, the orange parts of the ground often hide bullets because enemy bullets are almost the same color as it with very little contrast, so I would often get hit by bullets I didn't even see coming. The brightness also kept making me think it was solid, so I would sometimes walk into it thinking I'd be stopped but just fall off instead. However, the actual control is great, and I never felt like I was struggling just to move around or platform. The music is also a great addition, and I love the little blip that plays when you die.
The graphics are very cute, the different layouts show how visually distinct the game can be, and the full character artwork is a very nice touch. The music was quite good as well. I can see there's definitely a foundation here, that just wasn't quite realized in time for the jam. I imagine this is something you already know, but if you plan to make a full version, I think the jump needs a bit more work for proper platforming challenges.
First things first, the music in the game is awesome. The graphics weren't super groundbreaking, but besides the medallions (which I initially thought were just set dressing) everything was easy to understand. The overall controls were fine, the main issue is that it feels hard to control your momentum, and particularly on the trampolines I kept overadjusting myself constantly and lost a number of lives because of it. This is my only major complaint with the gameplay itself though, besides that snag it was fun to play and move around.
Super cute graphics already make it great, but the puzzles are very well designed. Since the mechanics are very simple, it's pretty easy to look at a room at get a feel for what you're supposed to do at least roughly, and I always got a great feeling of satisfaction when clearing a room. The mechanic of using bots to hold down switches and as platforms is awesome, but I particularly like having to put one on top of a spring, and then jumping on top of it. Very happy I sat down and finished it.
This game just got its hooks in me and never let go. There isn't much else to say. Super fun, super addictive. My main issue is that because the screen is so zoomed in (though maybe that improves with upgrades) and you often have to destroy your own paths back to your base, navigation can be really difficult. Overall, great job.