Wheely cool controls, it works surprisingly wheel by using two hands for one wheel and just popping wheelies to the finish ( couldn’t do it, got skill gapped by a random pothole ). Wheel done!
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The timer might be wrong, it was kind of a late minute addition :)
The letters should conform to your fingers on the keyboard ( QWEF for the left hand, JIOP for the right hand ), and correspond to 8 tentacles, one every 30 degrees in a 240 degree arc pointed down, the right letters are "Right below you" and the green ones are to the sides and up, at maximum coverage. The entire system is very clunky, and should have worked differently, but that's all i got in 3 hours :)
Thank you! That one hit kill is a short term solution I came up with because of the time constraint, the original idea was to have a few hits, but the monsters kept getting stuck to the players and I had no idea how to fix it in the available time. I was aiming more towards horror, but I guess asteroids does have it's DNA in this game :)
:) - Wow, the controller is snappy, the light around the player is just enough, and the levels have been carefully honed to catch the most common mistakes players make, which is impressive, given the time constraint. Really well made in a subtle and enjoyable way!
:( - Me want more >:(
P.S. - Disregard the line above, your game is just so great! ( 120 seconds to complete )
:) - Wow I love the graphics and the way your movement works, great atmosphere, and the retro vibe of collecting keys to progress.
:( - Maybe I missed some info, but the game seems to have a lot more going on that what is visible, interesting mechanics but I don't really see how they mesh together.
P.S. - I am definitively missing the point here, but it would be great to have a glimpse into what the original idea was.
Thank you for your time and dedication :)
Yeah, I really wanted the player to feel powerless as they would progressively shoot out the lights that kept the monsters alive and dormant, and try to survive their feral state.
The one hit K.O. is just a stopgap measure, as the enemies would sometimes stick to the player and be really frustrating to deal with, so that is definitively up for improvement.
Thank you for your feedback, and you are right, the instructions are not clear as they could be.
I wanted to make an illustrated tutorial, but had no time to make it as I wanted it to :(
In this game, you are supposed to deprive the enemies of light, which also includes your flashlight ( controlled by your mouse ).
P.S. your gun is only useful to shoot the lights out
Thank you for your reply, and yeah, I agree, more info should be given to the player when the entities are in the chase state, as it is almost impossible to tell when and where they will eventually attack from. Originally, it was supposed to be a horror game in which you dread the fact that you have to not look at the threat and shoot out you lifeline ( the lights ) yourself.
I need way more time to polish this, originally the monsters showed a direction indicator when they would start charging, and the player could deflect their charge path by shooting at them. Also, the stunlock mechanic was not presented / included in gameplay either :(
No time for audio unfortunately ;(
Funnily enough, the blobs are only influenced by the player, and after upgrade level 15, the boss arena ( not implemented correctly, so not really ). After upgrade level 6 the blobs have a chance to be spawned as spiky, and because of an oversight in the code, the "spiky" blobs run away from the player instead of seeking them. The blobs cannot influence each other, unfortunately. The flee behavior was meant so that you could herd more of them together for a bigger payout, but the consecutive rage intake didn't make the cut, so nothing changes :(
Originally, I wanted the blobs to spawn at a rate that would not allow you to keep the rage, and that you would have to herd them and space them in a way to "connect" groups so that you could make yourself a racetrack to keep the rage up, but such elegant and chaotic systems are hard to pin down, and had no time for that.
Barely made it with coding in the first place, so I'm glad I got this out of the gate in the first place.
Thanks for the comment <3