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A member registered Jul 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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Good job!

Really hard! I liked it, nice graphics, nice audio.

Really nice game! I enjoyed playing it very much, the graphics and the audio is excellent! I'm missing Linux version, although it worked well under Wine. Also, I would appreciate a progress saving system. The camera seems a bit weird to me. Very nice job!

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. The thing he is eating was an atempt to draw a hotdog (I'm really bad in graphics).

Nice idea, but there is nothing to do in the game (except of building). Good music, good graphics, no sound effects when jumping, mining, and placing blocks. But still really good job!


Wow, your game is fantastic!

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I think there should be some health system, some items to collect, score counting. I don't know if it's just me, but I wasn't able to climb up, those blocks always overhelmed me. Nice idea!

Great game, interesting ending. Maybe a bit too short. Good job!

Thanks, I spend a lot time implementing the trail!

Thanks! You're right, those animations would be good.

Nice game, but the controls are not the best. Good job!

Nice game, I really enjoyed plaing it!

Nice game!

Amazing, I really liked the idea. The music is perfect and the sound effects are really good. Good job!

Thanks, I know the control is not the best. I hope it was funny experience.

Funny game, very simple. Fantastic music, great graphics, but a bit too short.

Absolutely amazing game! Sometimes a bit frustrating, but that's ok.

Nice game, but not sure if it's not just my computer, there is no sound.

Awesome game!

Really good! I like the music, I like the graphics, but the jumping was a bit weird in my opinion. Also, the game was a bit too short. Very fun experience, I got all the carrots!

Wow, thanks for the amazing experience, it was really funny!

The perspective is interesting, gameplay impressive. I would appreciate a small map!

Oh, thanks, this is my first game I created some graphics for.

Hi guys, final progress report:

  • added 4 difficulties
  • fixed some bugs
  • improved How to play
  • added secrets (memes)

The game is now released! Please give it a try!

Today's progress report:

  • small bugfixes
  • updated credits

The game now contains all 9 levels and is playable, however I want to fix some bugs before releasing and maybe also create an endless mode.

Another small progress:

  • created Level 3 part 2
  • created Level3 part 3
(1 edit)

Small progress today:

  • creted Level 2 part 2
  • created Level 2 part 3
  • finished How to play screen

The game now consists of 7 levels (9 planned).

(1 edit)

Ok, so here is my next progress report:

  • created level The Wastecanals part 2
  • created level The Wastecanals part 3
  • added new enemy - flying bell
  • started creating How to play screen instead of Controls scene
  • changed menu music
  • changed intro music
  • changed credits music

The game will contain 9 levels, 5 of them are now finished! Maybe I'll also create an endless mode.

Yet another progress report:

  • made Level 1 longer
  • fixed problem with particles
  • changed font
  • small bugfixes

Particles now look like this:

Another progress in creating the game:

  • Fixed issue with floating trail
  • Made Level 3 longer
  • Made better intro
  • Made better outro

The trail now looks like this:

I made some progress in creating this game:

  • fixed some bugs in level 1

  • created level 2

  • created level 3

  • created intro
  • created end animation

This game will contain only 3 levels, but I am also going to create an endless mode. Also, I didn't mention what tools am I using:

  1. Godot Engine
  2. LibreSprite

I'm using music and sound effects mostly from The horrible graphics you can see in those gifs is made by me.

I'm creating a small platformer game for this jam. It's called Jumping Sh*t and I will write it's small devlog here. So far I created the first level and menu, credits, death, and level completed screens. Screenshot from first level:

I know I can't create good pixel art sprites, so this game is just a piece of sh*t.