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A member registered Jun 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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apart from trying to cut every corner i didnt found anything special in 12.

I did miss something in 10, i'm down to 14 s 4, might still be missing something

wow nice times.

I should change the timer system as it doesn't reset from level restart. a leaderborad would also be nice buuuut ...

I'll let you find the strat for level 9 but i didn't find anuthing special in level 12.

haha nice x), GG for finishing the game. there's currently a fierce speedrun battle on the ludum dare website. if you want to compare:

Thanks for the feedback ! 

The problem i saw while testing bigger wave was that you would have to go to the more efficient way to get rid of the attackers. With only a few, you can do what you want because you have time for it, you can toy with them by wipping the floor with them, you can launch them anywhere, you can enjoy the evisceration animation. It's not the most fun, but hey :)

My reasoning for the limitation is the following: It's not specified what will fail inevitably. Here we have to opposing actions, the tentacle demon trying to open the portal & the attackers trying to close it. For one of them, failure is inevitable. I mean you can't get any dumber than trying to close a doorway between world by hitting it with your sword. So, here, the limitation also comes with "success is inevitable", and the player is not on the losing side x)

The combination of the art & the music create a fantastic atmosphere. It leaves you the question: what will i find next ?

Great entry.

Thanks for playing and for the nice comment ! 

I'm glad you enjoyed the artistic side of the game, i gave it my all this time.

Thanks for the feedback !

There is some visual instruction on the main menu if you click on the arrow, but maybe it wasn't enough. I like to let people find out what to do by themselves but it's a difficult thing to balance.

thanks for the kind words. :) 

I didn't expect such comments

Thanks for playing!

wouldn't you try to attack with your trusty sword a portal that opened in your basement , with tentacles going through trying to murder you in order to create a sacrifice ?  ... no ?

But yeah you can completely ignore a few of them, they reduce your progress once every 2 second, IF they manage to get in range. It's not easy as i screwed up their movement script, they and up going slower and slower the closer they are.

Thanks for playing my game !

There's nothing more to do other than filling the blood bassins and launching people onto spikes. Those sacrifices fuel the opening of the portal. There's a delay between each possible sacrifices at the blood bassins, that's why the content disappear after a few seconds.

Wow thanks, I didn't expect such feedback for my game.

Sorry for the lack of gameplay ... I'm more of a develloper than an artist, so everyhing related to the art part (animation, pixel art , ...) took me wayyy longer than i thought it would.

Thanks for the feedback !

I totally agree with you, the game need more content x). I thought of other thinks like drawing pentagrams with the blood by dipping the tentacles in the bassins (instead of the blood magically disappearing), but didn't have the time to do anything else.

(1 edit)

i had the same problem on my game. Here's the fix:


you have to disable the compression option. (& re-export)

(1 edit)

I SWEAR, your game made me want to throw everything through the window. Nice game though, it's fun to launch chicken at evrything and watch them explode.

Maybe consider an audio manager to avoid restarting the music every single death. Other than that, great entry :)

oh, and add a jump.

The best entry in the jam for me so far. I really don't know how you manage to do all of that in 3 days. I managed to go to 170 product delivered where i was asked for 40 glass & 60 metal, with 4 production site destroyed during the previous 2 turns XD.

Music is perfect for the game. Pixel art is nice. If i wanted to be picky i could say that a pixelated interface would suit the game better.

Great job!

Nice game. It's fun to play, even with some lag spikes. Everything works well together: music, graphics, zombie death sfx, blood splatter.

Great job.

Good job. fun but quickly very repetitive. Maybe consider auto-click as you'll end up destroying your mouse anyway. Music & sfx really help.

nice entry.

I think a bit more dynamism wouldn't hurt x) , something like faster attack could do the trick. Nice job for the power up system.

congrats for your entry.

I couldn't manage to get a single crate to the docks though i tried to follow them. Why are they sooooo slippery ? 

The crate spawn seems to rely on time since startup , not ellapse time, i alt-tabbed for 2 min, 100 crates were awainting my return x)

Still, congrats. There's always a first time :)

Awesome! it's fun to play, difficulty isn't too high. I really like the music. In 8-10 hours oO


The tentacle indeed uses IK targets. For the visual, i used a 2 camera setup: The secondary camera records everything except UI (lighting, sprites) onto a render texture. I then use a shader to sample the final color with this render texture, the final result is displayed by the main camera.

I tried to improve a bit on the visual aspect for once so the actual game content is "a bit" lacking.

Ennemi attacks do have an effect: they reduce your progress, but they cant make you loose.

Thanks for the feedback !

To be honest, it was 3am (2 hours before deadline) when all systems were completed and all that was left to do (except export) was balancing. That was our worst mistake as trying to tweak something like 30 variables (spawn rate, spawn progression, max hp, hp per hit, coal usage, pressure inc rate, ...) takes a long time and is very difficult when you're half dead inside. XD

It seems the hit sound slipped away. Totally forgot about it.