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A member registered Dec 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah, that was my intention but I forgot about it and didn't want to recompile just for that. Thanks for the review

Flush is sometimes wrong because of my bad handling of edge cases. Too tired to fix at the moment. Let me know if there's any other bugs


They just run around for now

The left/right will make sense with graphics because there will be a rope with a hook. It's also intentional that you can only jump when you're perfectly on a tile, but I might change that later.  Thanks for testing

Thanks, there's effectively no gameplay yet, it's mostly here so people can look back at where it started

Great UI sound design and the UI animations are sexy as hell

Music and earthbound backgrounds are stellar

Some of the dialog is awkward, like when talking to the chief and describing the bat murder, it sounded more like trying to list exposition than natural dialog

The following are nitpicks:

I don't like how the blue rhombus that indicates interactable 

object looks, it feels unnecessary

You should add custom dialog at the train station shop if you didn't buy anything

I liked this game a lot. Both fun and soulful. Played for around an hour till I reached the king. I'll probably play more later and try to beat his second phase, which I couldn't. 

Thanks for playing.  The orange plants spread to a green enough block that touches air and the little red bros just run around. I haven't yet added the interactions between the water, plants, and entities. When the settings menu comes I'm going to have toggleable max FPS. The game logic updates 30 times a second but right now the program runs ~1000 fps, which you're correct that it's excessive

(1 edit)

Just saw GDesecrate's (thank you if you see this) stream VOD, recompiled and it theoretically works now

Nice I had fun.  Being able to menu with the keyboard would add a lot.

It's alright. I'll be interested when there's more gameplay. The potions fell through the floor the first time I played but didn't after I rebooted.

CONTROLS: Right click, left click, "2",  wasd, and space

The font is unreadable, If I'm just tabbing in every once in a while I'm not going to fullscreen (where the font is fine). An executable would also be nice. Seems fine in general but not the kind of game I like

(1 edit)

Difficult but a lot of fun. I hated having to look at emojis and It would be nice if you could click twice instead of dragging

Could not connect to server. Would be nice if I could paste in the text box

Below spawn there's a point where the waves break apart and you can see the sand color. At one point I had two cards during the after-battle card win phase both have the card text "Summon crab Vanish." Cards where Cattamari and Cattack, both with 2 cost. If you trigger an enemy in the overworld and go back within their circle of influence, they wait until they get to the center to come after you. Sometimes if they're going back to their position, and you enter their circle on influence, they won't get triggered at all and you can walk right next to them without them coming after you. Walking animation has a weird snapping thing with the animation frames. Blood storm displays the wrong number in the attack preview graphic.

I got to 866, let me know if I didn't unlock every ship because if I didn't I'll play it some more. The visual improvements since last time are great across the board and do a lot to bring everything together. Sound effects are mediocre and sound like bfxr, but the mixing and music are both good. I don't know why I was bitching last time about the movement, it felt natural this time. The aerial bombardment ship can fuck you up  if you happen to be right next to it when it spawns it's crosshair, not sure if that's intentional or not. Nice job man.

Thanks for playing, I'll have the json get fixed by next time. I should probably mess around with the functions so it's not binary. After I bugfix I'm going to start adding the main story of the game.

Bugs. I didn't test multiple racers at a time until the last day because I assumed if one racer was working perfect multiple would. Thanks for playing.

It's possible to open multiple books at once.  Other than that nice game.

Happiness is mispelled in the market info section. This is a promising one.

>did this happen in every fight

No, I don't think so. It was probably that enemy.

-I like the bg of the intro screen a lot. The song is good too.

-Overworld feels very nice to walk around in.

-UI is fantastic, conveys the information very nicely.

-Art is enjoyable even if the highly defined crotch of the main character made me uncomfortable.

-The extra reward picture took me a bit to notice and made me laugh.

-The first impact I seem to cast in battle costs 2 impact cards, is this intentional?

-When the victory screen was up, I was still able to see mouseover text

-There's a missing tile below the first beach crystal

-Ignore the next two if space movement is just a debug option:

-If you do the space movement option, you can get stuck outside of a loading zone, but you can escape it by using the option again

-I also did this to the right at the beginning of the beach and got trapped out of bounds until I reloaded my save

Great game, this is my favorite I've played this jam

Thanks for letting me know.

Well shit, I must have broken those couple lines of code that change the color for the player's character. The runners stats are based on the player's runner's stats with a random number added/subtracted, so that the races for the prototype are interesting. Thanks for playing, I'll see if I can put up a build tonight with the color fixed.

Yes, you're meant to be passive. Stamina has been fixed, the code wasn't changing from the default value. Exhausted runners can now also reach the goal. Collision detection is at the top of my list to do for the next version, followed by improving the runner's state machine. I'm still brainstorming ways to fix the exit, but maybe I'll just have runners that go over die. I might have some limited way of effecting the races but not extensively. The stat picker is completely temporary and not going to be around long, a big part of the game will be in the eugenics subsystem. A level preview will be in the finished game.

Thanks for the in depth reply. I've upload a build with the bug fixes.

Something about how the acceleration and rotation work in this feels off to me. Decent little minigame but it feels like some more mechanics/obstacles should be added.

Neat. Would be nice if I could use WASD or the arrow keys instead of mouse to rotate the planet.

Very difficult, made me feel stupid. Also fun, and pretty.

It's good.  I agree with Donpommelo that it gets less fun when the box is filled. It would be interesting to me if your party got cleared except for one or two creatures, but that might not be where you want to go with the game. Good work man.

Thanks! I'll have fixed the movement speeds by next demo day.

I'm not going for either of those styles specifically, but you're right that I need to decide on a style for sure. Thanks for the critique man.

Gave up on what I think was the last level. The whip controls felt janky at first but felt pretty good after I got used to them. Most levels can be cheesed by firing the whip straight down, which gives you a big boost straight up.

I had a lot of fun with this. It seems polished, and I didn't notice any issues.

Thanks. I'll add a modifier button that slows down the player.  Could you elaborate on what you mean on graphics being worse or better?

Initializing gui.

Compiling shader : shader/rect_c.vert

Compiling shader : shader/rect_c.frag

No tesselation shader

No geometry shader

Linking program

Compiling shader : shader/text.vert

Compiling shader : shader/text.frag

No tesselation shader

No geometry shader

Linking program

Compiling shader : shader/texture.vert

Compiling shader : shader/texture.frag

No tesselation shader

No geometry shader

Linking program

Compiling shader : shader/line.vert

Compiling shader : shader/line.frag

No tesselation shader

No geometry shader

Linking program

Loading font.

Loading texture.

And then it crashes.

Spacebar begins conversation, and a mouse click progresses it. His glowing is actually just debug in the overworld, the num 0 to open a menu begins once you enter combat. I've updated the text on the game page to be more clear.

As for the resolution, in the games current state the visuals break when the game scales, this includes fullscreen mode. This will be changed by next demo day. The only UI Appears in the button remapping screen, and the testing arena, so the main portion of the game should be playable. 

Thanks for the comments, man.