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A member registered Aug 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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laughed out loud several times. a really excellent work.


This is incredible. Great concept and could easily see how you'd expand it by adding more cards/different types of enemies. Really excellent.

This is incredible. Great concept and could easily see how you'd expand it by adding more cards/different types of enemies. Really excellent.

This is a really smart concept, and it's executed beautifully.

Very aesthetically pleasing take on the one button control scheme.

This is a known issue. We'll patch after the jam. Thank you sincerely for playing.

A compelling addition to the soulslike genre. Desperately punishing, but profoundly rewarding.

This is really fun. Could definitely be a full game.

The mouse control mechanic should be so frustrating, but you've tuned it perfectly, so that you feel like you have just enough control to do something.

Genius concept, and delightful to play.

Beautiful concept.

Cool Concept!

This was a really original and fun concept.

This was a really original and fun concept.

Cool look/feel. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to move or shoot, but would love to play this again properly some time.

Great idea and a lot of fun. I like that the map is consistent, but there could be scope here with shuffling the order of different rooms to give the feeling of being lost.

Thanks for playing! Music by Check out his stuff!

For what it's worth, I found the stairs at the end of each level a bit confusing, since I hadn't needed to use the jump mechanic before. I'd say go 100% 2d if you want to keep the top down style and use metaphors that work in two dimensions. 


What a delightful game. Brilliantly simple concept, and you've executed it so nicely.

Music is absolutely banging. Great concept too. Sometimes though I found that picking up more gold would occasionally make me go faster. Really hope you keep working on this, it's a great idea.

Hey, thanks so much for both your comment and your video, seeing someone play and talk through something I made had made me so happy.

After the alarming installation UX written in chinese, this was an interesting game. Maybe you could include more mechanics around collecting different things, or giving a player feedback each time they collect something.

This is absolutely terrific. So difficult to maneuver but so satisfying when you do. Music and visual cues make it. Thanks for making this

I'm usually more interested in a good mechanics driven narrative than i am in gameplay so am probably the wrong person to ask.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! Haha that's something I should probably add in in a later version. Thanks for the suggestion!

Fun story, and the sound effects were very well made, (if a bit repetitive)>

I'm a sucker for any game that uses light as part of a mechanic. Love the aesthetic. Would love to see something like this with more of a structure/win condition.

Absolutely brilliant. Innovative mechanic, stellar interpretation of the theme prompt. You guys did really excellently. Well done.

Physics are a little confusing, but the concept and graphic elements are fun!

top down view adds a nice challenge. Really like the use of light to set the mood.

Similar to Houkime's comment, maybe you could experiment with adding a random chance of a ghost spawning even if you hit an enemy. Great idea for a game, Hope you build more out of it.

For something so simple, I spent a surprising amount of time just zoning out and swinging around. Great stuff.

Love it! Bow games are fairly well worn ground, but you made something fresh and interesting here. Well done!

Haha love the interpretation of the theme. Love making coffee. Great game.

Very addictive and a brilliant mechanic/concept. Outcome is possibly influenced a little too heavily by rng but that's a minor complaint.