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Pierrot Tournier

A member registered Jan 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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thanks a lot ! We're glad you enjoyed playing it, it means a lot to us ! We want to improve the game as much as we can, so we'll probably add a tutorial sometime in a near future (as soon as we can). We do hope that'll make the game more accessible and fun for new players, as well as ones who already played it, as we intend to refine combat system and add new content :)

Thank you ! We intend on adding more sounds, effects, etc. to make the game feel more 'alive', we'll try to continue this game for as long as we can, as we got quite the good feedbacks, and think that it deserves to be polished and fixed the way it should be at term. We'll try to post an update right after the voting phase ends, so stay tuned if you're still interested then !

And yes, we used 2D lightning to create the effects, with the Universal Render Pipeline. :)

Really fun game, the mechanics feel nice, and you truly have a sensation of raw power once you managed to get enough recruits. There's some balancing issues of course (like being able to lead the greatest army ever seen, on its way to one shot a poor Boss in a corner of a room), but it's Jam-related issues, so really no notable defaults in the game ! I do think that the enemy attack range is a bit unpredictable, and that the 'solo' gameplay is really difficult, but once you managed to get 2/3 knights, you're on a roll, with Nothing, and i emphasize on that word, being able to stop you.

Really fun to play, actually tested it on day one, and had a looot of fun, but only remembered now that i didn't rated it yet :/

Well, all done now i guess, I sure do hope you'll look into continuing the game, as the concept has a lot of potential, and is well implemented in the rogue lite genre !

Thanks for playing ! Yeah, we had some trouble with animation sync' with movements, we'll look into that to get a more fluid/content oriented version soon, and yes, Lumi is indeed kinda cute :)

I meant either full random, or at least random with minimal control, but not replacing acting on the turn. Like, increase the possible results of having a high discontent (rebellion = loss of territory only, famine = loss of men, ..., like 1 axis of the game impacted, instead of 2/3 at once, it would diversify things), but also maybe rewards for having a low one ? You could make players start with initial 30% discontent, a player getting to 0% would get buff in fights for example, his happy units being more willing to sacrifice themselves for a country they love ? These are just suggestions of course, but I'm sur there's potential in this kind of game, having it small scale could fit mobile really well as well !

sorry to hear that :/ We'll try to post a WebGL version after the votes, if you're still interested then

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Neat suggestion ! We'll be sure to look into that, seems like a good fit. Thank you :)

Thanks for your feedback ! It's a bit awkward to say, but we did use 2D lights in the game, but I guess the way they get on top of another, multiplying their intensity in the process, is what made you think that. But you raised a perfectly valid point, and we'll add that to our 'to-do list' for the version we plan to release once the voting has ended. We look forward to your feedback on that version as well, and sure hope you'll enjoy it even more !

Thank you very much for your comment, we appreciate it a lot ! As for the tutorial issue, we indeed noticed that most players missed parts of the controls without one, or were a bit confused about what to do. As we had to cut parts of the production, due to time management, we couldn't implement a tutorial for the initial release, but rest assured we will repost a new updated version once the voting end, adding stuff we initially wanted to add, but couldn't because of time, as well as stuff that the community suggested, and that matched perfectly with our global view of the game. I sur hope you will try it once we release, as we thrive on feedback to improve ! :)

the mechanic is quite interesting, the different types of zombies create neat situations, overall quite a good job, even if i have some trouble getting around the way the camera works

oh, and very nice job on the AI, they felt like real players facing me ;)

hey, nice job on the fighting system, very similar to board games like 'risk', i truly enjoyed playing it. In terms of feedbacks and things to improve i'd guess there is two major ones : 

first of all, the discontent system is, in my opinion, useless to the player, i'd rather invade someone else to keep them from getting stronger all the while, i'm expanding my territory, and so my manpower. It's interesting to get those events where there's a rebellion happening, but i'd rather make it fully random, or at least give a better control to the player over it, cause i'm enclined to just ignore that part and try to rush the conquest.

following up, i think you lack something reaaaally important for those kind of games, and that is territory characteristic. Controlling a small area deep inside enemy territory must feel like you're surrounded, weak, and vice versa. it would be interesting to focus more on the combat system, as i found it very satisfying, and a bit strategic, which is already a great achievement for such a small time of work.

Nice job, maybe a bit ambitious for a jam, but keep going, and be proud of what you achieved, and that is a pretty fun strategy game, which is one of the most complicated things to create in my opinion :)

Tank you very much for your feedback, we're currently looking into ways to make this game on a bigger scale, so support like yours is always deeply appreciated !

Super LD pour les puzzles, j'ai perdu beaucoup plus de temps que j'aimerai l'admettre sur certain d'entre eux, les transitions de niveau sont très sympas, et le jeu fluide dans sa globalité. 2 remarques mineures : l'écran de GameOver n'est pas si utile sur ce genre de jeu, honnetement un simple restart automatique garderai le gameflow pour le joueur, qui parfois va oublier quels déplacements il aurait du mieux faire dans l'espace de cette courte interruption. La deuxieme est un petit 'bug' report, si le joueur deplace son cube trop vite sur un orange, la fusion ne se fait pas (mais si on s'éloigne puis revient, tout fonctionne comme prévu, donc le bug me parait bizarre mais peu punitif)
Super projet pour une jam, c'est simple, efficace, et le joueur peut y passer beaucoup de temps !

Thank you for reporting those, we're currently working on fixing them in order to publish a fine tuned version at the end of the vote. Glad you have enjoyed it tho, it means a lot to us !

Thank you very much for your comment ! You can count on the fact we'll AT LEAST publish a more polished version of the game once the voting ends (possibly with a Boss at the end of the level, to finish in with a big fight), but we're looking into ways to make it into a more or less 'proper' game eventually, and the puzzle mechanics involving Lumi is one of the ideas we're looking into actually, so thanks once again for that contribution :)

The visuals of the game are just great, you are immediately drawn into the game, and the sounds serve it nicely. My only remark would be that the shooting, and particularily the aiming part of it, lacks in intuitiveness, as it's really tough to rotate well in order to shoot enemies quickly. Once that's fixed tho, the game has great potential, and leads to really comic situtations, as you are yelling to your partner to fuse in hurry to defend the fire :)

Overall, great submission, and fun cooperative game !

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Super Juicy game, great job on the game feel, you truly apprehend the idea of a mass swarming over people ! I guess it gets a bit repetitive at a time, but that could easily be fixed by adding different enemies, types of zombies, etc. Great job overall, really fun game for a week of work ! (special mention to the Brackeys Statue in the center of the map ^^)

greqt job, love the art, the mechanic of recruits feels really nice ! Keep it up !

Love the graphics, but have some trouble getting past the giant spider :/ global ambiance is really nice tho, you get some limbo feeling, love it !

The combat mechanic is incredibly creative, i just love the way you can make combos with the purple dices. Only Downsize is of course the balance of the game, as i juste could'nt get pass floor 15 in roughly 3hours of play (yes i was really hooked up on your game). Besides that, once i discovered some of the unique characteristics dices can have when you find them, a whole new side of combos opened up for me, and i just love the replayability this game can have.

With some little tweaks and improvments, perhaps a boss mechanic, and especially balancing for that green healing moth (which i managed to beat twice late game, but is completely unbeatable at the 10th first floors), I truly think this game has the potential to be a hit !

Please keep it up, i'm eager to see where this game's going !

the audio is fantastic, fitting the visuals well, all while adding that extra touch that just keeps you hooked, trying again and again. Talking about that, the levels are incredible, exploiting the mechanic super well, and really challenging you to cross that last gap where you're always failing, but are not blaming the game for it, only your own skills. 

Overall, this game can be sooo frustrating but in the right way, keeping you trying and trying, until you finally finish it, and can just mess around in that last credit room (very cool thought btw) 10/10!!! 

The only thing I can think of that was a bit confusing at first, was the fact that death does not reset the position of the orbs, which is exploited in some levels to the player advantage, but in other (like the one where you need to climb all the way to the top) can mess up the level design, forcing the player to exit and re-enter the room to set it back to normal. I don't know if that mechanic was intentionnal, but i can't help but feel like the flow of the game is based on how quickly the player can try again on a challenge, and how can he act to ace a level perfectly. Collecting orbs by throwing yourself on spikes kinda defeat that purpose, but also creates some interesting strategies, so i have mixed feelings about it.

Please keep it up, I would love to see that game going somewhere, and i think it would be interesting to add a timer at the end, as it would insentivise people to speedrun it, the same way as games like super meat boy do.

Great mechanics, Great art, Great Audio, Intersting take on the theme (nice wordplay on the title btw), all in all, one of the best submissions i have tested so far :)

En effet, en raison de la contrainte de temps, nous n'avons pas pu 'finir' le jeu, aussi la dernière salle à gauche, remplie de fantôme, sert actuellement de placeholder pour le potentiel ajout futur d'une mécanique de Boss, que nous avons du mettre de côté pour le bien du rendu en temps limité. Merci beaucoup pour votre retour !

The aesthetic of the game fits perfectly, the sounds are amazing, but I can't help but feel like the platformer segment of the game is a placeholder, as it does not really challenges the player, or add anything to the rythm part. My guess is that you could have focused more on the rythm game part of it, as it works really well, and is a lot of fun to play. Hope you keep it up !

Thank you very much ! We'll look into that bug, did you try per chance to call it back (F/LB) ?

Only downside of this project is the performance issues (not that bad tho, juste some small lags here and there), but besides that, really well designed relaxing game, the mechanics are well implemented, and the game overall has a really smooth touch to it

Only downside of this project is the performance issues (not that bad tho, juste some small lags here and there), but besides that, really well designed relaxing game, the mechanics are well implemented, and the game overall has a really smooth touch to it

Only downside of this project is the performance issues (not that bad tho, juste some small lags here and there), but besides that, really well designed relaxing game, the mechanics are well implemented, and the game overall has a really smooth touch to it

Really well designed concept for a puzzle game, i spent a little too much time on the 4th level than i care to admit, but really trickery levels, well designed overall. Keep it up !  

Great concept, had a lot of fun playing it, and would definitely want to get a polished copy of it on mobile, if you were thinking about continuing developpment ! Keep it up :)

great puzzle game ! lacks a bit in readability and visual understanding of the scene, but overall great job ! hope you keep it up that way

Incredible job man ! The game works so well as intended, noticed that sometimes the friend won't spawn tho, but overall, best one i've seen so far

Great puzzle game, very interesting mechanics, could use a little bit of polish in the controls, but overall fantastic job !!

Great game ! I was puzzled by the difficulty at first, but once i managed to reach level 2 (after a few more tries than i'm proud to admit), I really got what the game has to offer. I HIGHLY encourage everyone to try it out for themselves, as it has great potential for a tower defense game :)

Hey ! Just hoping for some feedbacks, hope you will like it :)